
Load and write data from/to an SQLite database file


The sqlite driver expects to be provided a path to an SQLite database file.

By default this driver announces support for parsing to three data types:

  • SQLite.DB
  • DataFrame
  • Any

Any valid constructor that can be applied to the results of DBInterface.execute will work.

Required packages

  • SQLite


Loader and Writer

  • table: The table to act on, data by default.

Loader only

  • columns: columns to select, * by default.
  • query: an SQLite query to run. When provided this overrides the table and columns parameters.

Writer only

  • ifnotexists: see the documentation for SQLite.load!.
  • analyze: see the documentation for SQLite.load!.

Usage examples

driver = "sqlite"
columns = ["sepal_length", "species"]