
In DataToolkit, the Data.toml can be linted to identify and resolve potential issues. This is done by generating LintReport​s and LintItem​s.


A collection of LintItems that apply to a particular DataCollection.

Depending on the constructor called, the report may be for the entire collection or just a single DataSet.


LintReport(collection::DataCollection) -> LintReport
LintReport(dataset::DataSet) -> LintReport

Representation of a lint item.


LintItem(source, severity::Union{Int, Symbol}, id::Symbol, message::String,
         fixer::Union{Function, Nothing}=nothing, autoapply::Bool=false)

source is the object that the lint applies to.

severity should be one of the following values:

  • 0 or :debug, for messages that may assist with debugging problems that may be associated with particular configuration.
  • 1 or :info, for informational messages understandable to end-users.
  • 2 or :warning, for potentially harmful situations.
  • 3 or :error, for severe issues that will prevent normal functioning.

id is a symbol representing the type of lint (e.g. :unknown_driver)

message is a message, intelligible to the end-user, describing the particular nature of the issue with respect to source. It should be as specific as possible.

fixer can be set to a function which modifies source to resolve the issue. If autoapply is set to true then fixer will be called spontaneously. The function should return true or false to indicate whether it was able to successfully fix the issue.

As a general rule, fixers that do or might require user input should not be run automatically, and fixers that can run without any user input and always "do the right thing" should be run automatically.




struct LintItem{S}
    source    ::S
    severity  ::UInt8
    id        ::Symbol
    message   ::String
    fixer     ::Union{Function, Nothing}
    autoapply ::Bool

Additional lint rules can be created by implementing new lint methods.


Call all of the relevant linter functions on obj. More specifically, the method table is searched for lint(obj::T, ::Val{:linter_id}) methods (where :linter_id is a stand-in for the actual IDs used), and each specific lint function is invoked and the results combined.


Each specific linter function should return a vector of relevant LintItems, i.e.

lint(obj::T, ::Val{:linter_id}) -> Union{Vector{LintItem{T}}, LintItem{T}, Nothing}

See the documentation on LintItem for more information on how it should be constructed.
