Quick Reference Guide

This gives the bare essentials, as the relevant Data REPL command (enter the Data REPL with }) and Julia function when sensible.

Data REPL help

Look at the REPL help docs, accessible within the Data REPL.

(demo) data> help help

Accessing a dataset

In the default form

Using the Data REPL.

(demo) data> show <identifier>

Within a program.


As a particular type

Either add ::<type> to the identifier string, or if using read provide the type as the second argument, i.e.

read(dataset("<identifier>"), TYPE)

Creating a new dataset

Using the Data REPL.

(demo) data> add <name> <source>

Within a program.

DataToolkit.Base.add(DataSet, "<name>", Dict{String, Any}(), "<source>"; ...)

Loading a data collection

Using the Data REPL

(⋅) data> stack load <path>

Within a program.


Creating a data collection

Using the Data REPL.

(⋅) data> init <name>

Within a program.

DataToolkit.create!(DataCollection, "<name>", "<path>")

Using a package within a julia loader script

Use @require SomePkg instead of import SomePkg (and don't use using).

Registering a package for use with @require

Call DataToolkit.@addpkgs A B C..., or to make all direct dependencies of the current module available: DataToolkit.@addpkgs *.

Using the Data REPL within code

The cmd macro data...`` allows for Data REPL commands to be easily inserted within a program.

This also makes it relatively simple to invoke Data REPL functions from the shell.

~$ julia -e 'using DataToolkit; data`stuff...`'