
In this tutorial you will be guided through some of the main usage patterns involving DataToolkit. After doing the first step (Initialising a Data Collection), all other sections can be treated as self-contained exercises.

Initialising a Data Collection

First, we will create a new environment to run through the tutorial in, and load the DataToolkit package.

julia> using Pkg

julia> expanduser("~/Documents/datatoolkit_tutorial") |> mkpath |> cd

julia> Pkg.activate(".")
  Activating new project at `~/Documents/datatoolkit_tutorial`

julia> Pkg.add("DataToolkit")
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `~/Documents/datatoolkit_tutorial/Project.toml`
  [dc83c90b] + DataToolkit
Precompiling project...

julia> using DataToolkit

Notice that by typing } at an empty julia> prompt, the REPL prompt will change to (⋅) data> (in the same way that typing ] enters the pkg> REPL). This is the "Data REPL", and the (⋅) prefix indicates the current project. When there is no current project, the dot is shown.

In the data REPL, we can see a list of all the available commands by typing help or ?, which will pull up a command list like so:

(⋅) data> help
 Command  Action
 <cmd>    <brief description of what cmd does>
 ...      ...
 help     Display help text for commands and transformers

Get more information on a particular command with help <cmd>, you can even get more information on what help does with help help 😉.

We will initialise a new data collection with the init command.


We can use the full command (init), or any substring that uniquely identifies the command (e.g. it).

(⋅) data> init
 Create Data.toml for current project? [Y/n]: y
 Name: tutorial
 Use checksums by default? [Y/n]: n
 ✓ Created new data collection 'tutorial' at /home/tec/Documents/datatoolkit_tutorial/Data.toml

There are a few other ways init can be used, see the full docs with help init.

If we look at the ~/Documents/datatoolkit_tutorial folder, we should now see three files.

shell> tree
├── Data.toml
├── Manifest.toml
└── Project.toml

Looking inside the Data.toml, we can see what a data collection with no data sets looks like:

data_config_version = 0
uuid = "f20a77d0-0dc9-41bb-875b-ad0bf42c90bd"
name = "tutorial"
plugins = ["store", "defaults", "memorise"]

The plugins store, defaults, and memorise are the default set of plugins, which is why we see them here. A minimal Data.toml would have plugins = [].

At this point, we have created a new data collection, and seen what is created. If we close the Julia session and re-open a REPL in the datatoolkit_test project, loading DataToolkit will automatically cause the data collection we just created to be loaded as well, as seen in the prompt prefix.

julia> using DataToolkit

(tutorial) data> # after typing '}'

Adding and loading the Iris data set

Now we have a data collection, we can add data sets too it. Fisher's Iris data set is part of the scikit-learn repository, which makes it fairly easy to find a link to it: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/1.0/sklearn/datasets/data/iris.csv

We can easily add this as a DataSet using the add Data REPL command,

(tutorial) data> add iris https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/1.0/sklearn/datasets/data/iris.csv
 Description: Fisher's famous Iris flower measurements
 ✓ Created 'iris' (3f3d7714-22aa-4555-a950-78f43b74b81c)
 DataSet tutorial:iris
  Storage: web(IO, Vector{UInt8}, String, FilePath)
  Loaders: csv(DataFrame, Matrix, File)

Say halfway through we decide we don't want to proceed with this Data REPL command, at any point we can interrupt it with ^C (Control + C) and abort the action. This works with other Data REPL commands in the same way.

(tutorial) data> add iris https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/1.0/sklearn/datasets/data/iris.csv
 Description:  ! Aborted

The add command tries to be a bit clever and guess how the data should be acquired and loaded. In this case it (correctly) guessed that this file should be downloaded from the web, and loaded as a CSV. It is worth noting that downloading will occur when iris is first accessed or the store fetch Data REPL command is run.

The DataSet tutorial:iris and Storage:​/​Loaders: lines are how all DataSet​s are displayed. Using the dataset function we can obtain any data set easily by name, and so dataset("iris") will show the same information.

julia> dataset("iris")
DataSet tutorial:iris
  Storage: web(IO, Vector{UInt8}, String, FilePath)
  Loaders: csv(DataFrame, Matrix, File)

We can see from the Storage: web(IO, Vector{UInt8}, String, FilePath) line that the web storage driver is being used, and it can make the content available as an IO, Vector{UInt8}, String, or FilePath (a string wrapper type provided by DataToolkitBase for dispatch purposes). Similarly, the Loaders: csv(DataFrame, Matrix, File) tells us that the csv loader is being used, and it can provide a DataFrame, Matrix, or CSV.File.

If we look at the Data.toml again, we can see how the iris data set is represented:

uuid = "3f3d7714-22aa-4555-a950-78f43b74b81c"
description = "Fisher's famous Iris flower measurements"

    driver = "web"
    url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/1.0/sklearn/datasets/data/iris.csv"

    driver = "csv"

To obtain a particular loaded form of the data set, we can use the read function. For instance, read(dataset("iris"), DataFrame) or read(dataset("iris"), Matrix). We can also omit the second argument, in which case the first form that can be loaded will be (e.g. in this case since DataFrames is not loaded, iris can not be loaded as a DataFrame, but it can be loaded as a Matrix, and so it will be).

julia> read(dataset("iris"))
[ Info: Lazy-loading KangarooTwelve [2a5dabf5-6a39-42aa-818d-ce8a58d1b312]
 │ Package KangarooTwelve not found, but a package named KangarooTwelve is available from a registry.
 │ Install package?
 │   (dt_test) pkg> add KangarooTwelve
 └ (y/n/o) [y]: y
    Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General.toml`
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `/tmp/dt_test/Project.toml`
  [2a5dabf5] + KangarooTwelve v1.0.0
    Updating `/tmp/dt_test/Manifest.toml`
[ Info: Lazy-loading KangarooTwelve [2a5dabf5-6a39-42aa-818d-ce8a58d1b312]
[ Info: Lazy-loading CSV [336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b]
 │ Package CSV not found, but a package named CSV is available from a registry.
 │ Install package?
 │   (dt_test) pkg> add CSV
 └ (y/n/o) [y]:
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `/tmp/dt_test/Project.toml`
  [336ed68f] + CSV v0.10.11
    Updating `/tmp/dt_test/Manifest.toml`
[ Info: Lazy-loading CSV [336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b]
150×5 Matrix{Float64}:
 5.1  3.5  1.4  0.2  0.0
 4.9  3.0  1.4  0.2  0.0
 4.7  3.2  1.3  0.2  0.0
 6.5  3.0  5.2  2.0  2.0
 6.2  3.4  5.4  2.3  2.0
 5.9  3.0  5.1  1.8  2.0

We haven't installed the KangarooTwelve (a cryptographic hash) or CSV packages, but thanks to the lazy-loading system we are presented with the option to install them on-the-fly. The KangarooTwelve package is only used when hashing new data, or verifying the hash of downloaded data. Should you want to avoid lazy-loading, you can always just load the CSV package yourself before trying to access information that uses the csv loader.

Because read(dataset("iris")) is a fairly common pattern, for convenience there is a d"" "data set in loaded form" macro. d"iris" is equivalent to read(dataset("iris")).

Having the iris data as a Matrix is fine, but it would be nicer to have it as a DataFrame. Since that is the first format listed, if we just install DataFrames and ask for iris again (but this time using the d"" macro).

julia> using DataFrames
 │ Package DataFrames not found, but a package named DataFrames is available from a registry.
 │ Install package?
 │   (datatoolkit_tutorial) pkg> add DataFrames
 └ (y/n/o) [y]:
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `~/Documents/datatoolkit_tutorial/Project.toml`
  [a93c6f00] + DataFrames v1.6.1
  1 dependency successfully precompiled in 25 seconds. 41 already precompiled.

julia> d"iris"
150×5 DataFrame
 Row │ 150      4        setosa   versicolor  virginica
     │ Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64     Int64
   1 │     5.1      3.5      1.4         0.2          0
   2 │     4.9      3.0      1.4         0.2          0
   3 │     4.7      3.2      1.3         0.2          0
  ⋮  │    ⋮        ⋮        ⋮         ⋮           ⋮
 149 │     6.2      3.4      5.4         2.3          2
 150 │     5.9      3.0      5.1         1.8          2

That's nicer, but wait, those column names aren't right! The first line appears to be describing the size of the data (150×4) and the three category names, when the columns should be:

  • sepal_length,
  • sepal_width,
  • petal_length,
  • petal_width, and
  • species_class

Perhaps there's a way we can specify the correct column names? We could check the online docs for the CSV loader, but we can also look at them with the help Data REPL command.

(tutorial) data> help :csv
  Parse and serialize CSV data



    •  args: keyword arguments to be provided to CSV.File, see

  As a quick-reference, some arguments of particular interest are:

    •  header: Either,
       • the row number to parse for column names
       • the list of column names


Perfect! Looks like we can just set the args.header parameter of the csv loader, and we'll get the right column names. To easily do so, we can make use of the edit Data REPL command, which opens up a TOML file with just a single data set in $JULIA_EDITOR (which defaults to $VISUAL​/​$EDITOR) and records the changes upon exit.

(tutorial) data> edit iris

Setting args.header is as simple as editing the iris loader to the following value (adding one line):

driver = "csv"
args.header = ["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width", "species_class"]

After saving and exiting, you'll be presented with a summary of the changes and a prompt to accept them.

(tutorial) data> edit iris
 ~ Modified loader:
   ~ Modified [1]:
     + Added args
 Does this look correct? [y/N]: y
 ✓ Edited 'iris' (3f3d7714-22aa-4555-a950-78f43b74b81c)

Now if we ask for the iris data set again, we should see the correct headers.

julia> d"iris"
151×5 DataFrame
 Row │ sepal_length  sepal_width  petal_length  petal_width  species_class
     │ Float64       Float64      String7       String15     String15
   1 │        150.0          4.0  setosa        versicolor   virginica
   2 │          5.1          3.5  1.4           0.2          0
   3 │          4.9          3.0  1.4           0.2          0
  ⋮  │      ⋮             ⋮            ⋮             ⋮             ⋮
 150 │          6.2          3.4  5.4           2.3          2
 151 │          5.9          3.0  5.1           1.8          2

The headers are correct, but now the first line is counted as part of the data. This can be fixed by editing iris again and setting args.skipto to 2 in the csv loader settings.

The final iris entry in the Data.toml should look like so:

uuid = "3f3d7714-22aa-4555-a950-78f43b74b81c"
description = "Fisher's famous Iris flower measurements"

    driver = "web"
    checksum = "k12:cfb9a6a302f58e5a9b0c815bb7e8efb4"
    url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/1.0/sklearn/datasets/data/iris.csv"

    driver = "csv"

        header = ["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width", "species_class"]
        skipto = 2

Now, you have a Project.toml, Manifest.toml, and Data.toml that can be relocated to other systems and d"iris" will consistently produce the exact same DataFrame.

On ensuring the integrity of the downloaded data

One of the three plugins used by default is the store plugin. It is responsible for caching IO data and checking data validity. For a more complete description of what it does, see the web docs or the Data REPL (sub)command plugin info store.

There are two immediate impacts of this plugin we can easily observe. The first is that we can load the iris data set offline in a fresh Julia session, and in fact if we copy the iris specification into a separate data set it will re-use the same downloaded data.

The second, is that by setting iris's web storage driver's checksum property to "auto" (as is done by default), the next time we load iris a checksum will be generated and saved. If in future the web storage driver produces different data, this will now be caught and raised. This can be done automatically by setting the default value to "auto", which we were prompted to do during initialisation.

Multi-step analysis with the Boston Housing data set

Loading the data

The Boston Housing data set is part of the RDatasets package, and we can obtain a link to the raw data file in the repository: https://github.com/JuliaStats/RDatasets.jl/raw/v0.7.0/data/MASS/Boston.csv.gz

As with the Iris data, we will use the add Data REPL command to conveniently create a new data set.

(tutorial) data> add boston https://github.com/JuliaStats/RDatasets.jl/raw/v0.7.0/data/MASS/Boston.csv.gz
 Description: The Boston Housing data set. This contains information collected by the U.S Census Service concerning housing in the area of Boston Mass.
 ✓ Created 'boston' (02968c42-828e-4f22-86b8-ec67ac629a03)
 DataSet tutorial:boston
  Storage: web(IO, Vector{UInt8}, String, FilePath)
  Loaders: chain(DataFrame, Matrix, File)

This example is a bit more complicated because we have a gzipped CSV. There is a gzip-decompressing loader, and a CSV loader, but no single loader that does both. Thankfully, there is a special loader called chain that allows for multiple loaders to be chained together. We can see it's automatically been used here, and if we inspect the Data.toml we an see the following generated representation of the boston housing data, in which the gzip and csv loaders are both used.

uuid = "02968c42-828e-4f22-86b8-ec67ac629a03"
description = "The Boston Housing data set. This contains information collected by the U.S Census Service concerning housing in the area of Boston Mass."

    driver = "web"
    url = "https://github.com/JuliaStats/RDatasets.jl/raw/v0.7.0/data/MASS/Boston.csv.gz"

    driver = "chain"
    loaders = ["gzip", "csv"]
    type = ["DataFrame", "Matrix", "CSV.File"]

We can see the loaders chain passes the data through are given by loaders = ["gzip", "csv"]. For more information on the chain loader see help :chain in the Data REPL or the online documentation.

Thanks to this cleverness, obtaining the Boston Housing data as a nice DataFrame is as simple as d"boston" (when DataFrames is loaded).

julia> d"boston"
506×14 DataFrame
 Row │ Crim     Zn       Indus    Chas   NOx      Rm       Age      Dis      Rad   ⋯
     │ Float64  Float64  Float64  Int64  Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64  Int64 ⋯
   1 │ 0.00632     18.0     2.31      0    0.538    6.575     65.2   4.09        1 ⋯
   2 │ 0.02731      0.0     7.07      0    0.469    6.421     78.9   4.9671      2
   3 │ 0.02729      0.0     7.07      0    0.469    7.185     61.1   4.9671      2
  ⋮  │    ⋮        ⋮        ⋮       ⋮       ⋮        ⋮        ⋮        ⋮       ⋮   ⋱
 504 │ 0.06076      0.0    11.93      0    0.573    6.976     91.0   2.1675      1
 505 │ 0.10959      0.0    11.93      0    0.573    6.794     89.3   2.3889      1
 506 │ 0.04741      0.0    11.93      0    0.573    6.03      80.8   2.505       1 ⋯

Cleaning the data

Say the data needs some massaging, such as imputation, outlier removal, or restructuring. We can cleanly handle this by creating a second dataset that uses the value of the initial dataset. Say we consider this initial data unclean, and that to "clean" this dataset we filter out the entries where the we only keep entries where the MedV value is within the 90% quantile. We can easily do this with the make Data REPL command.

For this, we'll want to use the StatsBase package, so we'll add it and then make it available to use with DataToolkit.@addpkgs.

(datatoolkit_tutorial) pkg> add StatsBase

julia> DataToolkit.@addpkgs StatsBase

The DataToolkit.@addpkgs StatsBase line will need to be executed in every fresh Julia session, when creating a data package it makes sense to put this within the __init__ function.

Now we can create the boston (clean) dataset with the make command.

(tutorial) data> make boston (clean)

(data) julia> @require StatsBase

(data) julia> proportion = 0.8

(data) julia> column = "MedV"

(data) julia> vals = d"boston"[!, column]
506-element Vector{Float64}:

(data) julia> minval, maxval = StatsBase.quantile(vals, [0.5 - proportion/2, 0.5 + proportion/2])
2-element Vector{Float64}:

(data) julia> mask = minval .<= vals .<= maxval
506-element BitVector:

(data) julia> d"boston"[mask, :]
456×14 DataFrame...


 Would you like to edit the final script? [Y/n]: n
 What is the type of the returned value? DataFrame
 Description: Cleaned Boston Housing data
 Should the script be inserted inline (i), or as a file (f)? i
 ✓ Created 'boston (clean)' (5162814a-120f-4cdc-9958-620189295330)

(tutorial) data>

We can look inside the Data.toml to see the new entry.

[["boston (clean)"]]
uuid = "5162814a-120f-4cdc-9958-620189295330"
description = "Cleaned Boston Housing data"

    [["boston (clean)".loader]]
    driver = "julia"
    function = '''
function (; var"data#boston")
    @require StatsBase
    proportion = 0.8
    column = "MedV"
    vals = var"data#boston"[!, column]
    (minval, maxval) = StatsBase.quantile(vals, [0.5 - proportion / 2, 0.5 + proportion / 2])
    mask = minval .<= vals .<= maxval
    var"data#boston"[mask, :]
    type = "DataFrame"

        ["boston (clean)".loader.arguments]
        "data#boston" = "📇DATASET<<boston::DataFrame>>"

Fitting a linear model

Now let's say we want to fit a linear model for the relationship between MedV and Rm. We could do this in a script … or create another derived dataset.

Let's do this with GLM, so first run ] add GLM, then DataToolkit.@addpkgs GLM. Now we'll create another derived data set with make.

(tutorial) data> make boston Rm ~ MedV

(data) julia> @require GLM

(data) julia> GLM.lm(GLM.@formula(Rm ~ MedV), d"boston (clean)")


 Would you like to edit the final script? [Y/n]: n
 What is the type of the returned value? Any
 Description: A linear model for the relation between Rm and MedV
 Should the script be inserted inline (i), or as a file (f)? i
 ✓ Created 'boston Rm ~ MedV' (e720acb2-5ed1-417f-bfd0-668c21134c87)

(tutorial) data>

For now, manually specify Any as the return type instead of the default StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{GLM.LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Array{Float64,1}},GLM.DensePredChol{Float64,LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64,Array{Float64,2},Array{Int64,1}}}},Array{Float64,2}}. It's currently difficult for DataToolkitBase to represent types that rely on nested modules, which occurs here.

Obtaining the linear regression result is as easy as fetching any other dataset.

julia> d"boston Rm ~ MedV"
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}

Rm ~ 1 + MedV

                 Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  4.95241     0.0753342  65.74    <1e-99  4.80436    5.10045
MedV         0.0588453   0.0033047  17.81    <1e-53  0.0523509  0.0653397

A more easily tunable cleaner

In the current implementation of boston (clean), we hardcoded a proportion value of 0.8, and set the column to "MedV". It could be nice if we made those more easily tunable. We can do this by turning them into keyword arguments of the function.

To make this change, we will use the edit Data REPL command.

(tutorial) data> edit boston (clean)

This will open up a temporary TOML file containing the boston (clean) dataset in your text editor of choice. In this file, change the function to:

function (; var"data#boston", proportion, column)
    @require StatsBase
    vals = var"data#boston"[!, column]
    (minval, maxval) = StatsBase.quantile(vals, [0.5 - proportion / 2, 0.5 + proportion / 2])
    mask = minval .<= vals .<= maxval
    var"data#boston"[mask, :]

We will then move the proportion = 0.8 and column = "MedV" lines to the arguments table.

["boston (clean)".loader.arguments]
"data#boston" = "📇DATASET<<boston::DataFrame>>"
proportion = 0.8
column = "MedV"

Aftre making these changes and closing the file, we'll be asked if we want to make this change (we do).

(tutorial) data> edit boston (clean)
 ~ Modified loader:
   ~ Modified [1]:
     ~ Modified arguments:
       + Added column
       + Added proportion
     ~ Modified function:
       "function (; var\"data#boston\")\n    @require StatsBase\n    proportion = 0.9\n    column = \"MedV\"\n    vals = var\"data#boston\"[!, column]\n    (minval, maxval) = StatsBase.quantile(vals, [0.5 - proportion / 2, 0.5 + proportion / 2])\n    mask = minval .<= vals .<= maxval\n    var\"data#boston\"[mask, :]\nend\n" ~> "function (; var\"data#boston\", proportion, column)\n    @require StatsBase\n    vals = var\"data#boston\"[!, column]\n    (minval, maxval) = StatsBase.quantile(vals, [0.5 - proportion / 2, 0.5 + proportion / 2])\n    mask = minval .<= vals .<= maxval\n    var\"data#boston\"[mask, :]\nend\n"
 Does this look correct? [y/N]: y
 ✓ Edited 'boston (clean)' (5162814a-120f-4cdc-9958-620189295330)

Propagating changes

With our new parameterisation of the cleaning step, we can now easily tune the cleaning step. We can see the results of this propagating through in the boston Rm ~ MedV dataset.

First, see that the d"boston Rm ~ MedV" result is the same as it was before.

julia> d"boston Rm ~ MedV"
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}

Rm ~ 1 + MedV

                 Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  4.98609     0.0978742  50.94    <1e-99  4.79369    5.1785
MedV         0.0563562   0.0044222  12.74    <1e-30  0.0476627  0.0650497

Now, edit the boston (clean) dataset again and change the proportion to 0.95.

(tutorial) data> edit boston (clean)
 ~ Modified loader:
   ~ Modified [1]:
     ~ Modified arguments:
       ~ Modified proportion:
         0.8 ~> 0.95
 Does this look correct? [y/N]: y
 ✓ Edited 'boston (clean)' (5162814a-120f-4cdc-9958-620189295330)

Since boston (clean) is an input of boston Rm ~ MedV, and all inputs are recursively hashed (like in a Merkle tree), we can immediately see the (small) change simply by fetching it again — it is automatically recomputed.

julia> d"boston Rm ~ MedV"
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}

Rm ~ 1 + MedV

                 Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  5.05849    0.0618848   81.74    <1e-99   4.9369    5.18008
MedV         0.0541727  0.00251511  21.54    <1e-72   0.049231  0.0591144

The final Data.toml

At the end of this tutorial (or should you wish to just poke at the results), you should end up with a Data.toml that looks like this:

data_config_version = 0
uuid = "f20a77d0-0dc9-41bb-875b-ad0bf42c90bd"
name = "tutorial"
plugins = ["defaults", "store"]

checksum = "auto"

uuid = "02968c42-828e-4f22-86b8-ec67ac629a03"
description = "The Boston Housing data set. This contains information collected by the U.S Census Service concerning housing in the area of Boston Mass."

    driver = "web"
    checksum = "k12:663371e9040b883267104b32d8ac28e6"
    url = "https://github.com/JuliaStats/RDatasets.jl/raw/v0.7.0/data/MASS/Boston.csv.gz"

    driver = "chain"
    loaders = ["gzip", "csv"]

[["boston (clean)"]]
uuid = "5162814a-120f-4cdc-9958-620189295330"
description = "Cleaned Boston Housing data"

    [["boston (clean)".loader]]
    driver = "julia"
    function = '''
function (; var"data#boston", proportion, column)
    @require StatsBase
    vals = var"data#boston"[!, column]
    (minval, maxval) = StatsBase.quantile(vals, [0.5 - proportion / 2, 0.5 + proportion / 2])
    mask = minval .<= vals .<= maxval
    var"data#boston"[mask, :]
    type = "DataFrame"

        ["boston (clean)".loader.arguments]
        column = "MedV"
        "data#boston" = "📇DATASET<<boston::DataFrame>>"
        proportion = 0.95

[["boston Rm ~ MedV"]]
uuid = "e720acb2-5ed1-417f-bfd0-668c21134c87"
description = "A linear model for the relation between Rm and MedV"

    [["boston Rm ~ MedV".loader]]
    driver = "julia"
    function = """
function (; var\"data#boston (clean)\")
    @require GLM
    GLM.lm(GLM.@formula(Rm ~ MedV), var\"data#boston (clean)\")

        ["boston Rm ~ MedV".loader.arguments]
        "data#boston (clean)" = "📇DATASET<<boston (clean)::DataFrame>>"

uuid = "3f3d7714-22aa-4555-a950-78f43b74b81c"
description = "Fisher's famous Iris flower measurements"

    driver = "web"
    checksum = "k12:cfb9a6a302f58e5a9b0c815bb7e8efb4"
    url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/1.0/sklearn/datasets/data/iris.csv"

    driver = "csv"

        header = ["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width", "species_class"]
        skipto = 2