The Inventory

The store needs a way of keeping track of which data sources are actively being used, and which are orphaned. To do this, we need to keep track of two things:

  1. The data sources being stored
  2. The data collections using those data sources

Essentially we need a "stock list" for our data sources, or a "data inventory", and this is what the Inventory.toml file functions as.

Format of the Inventory file

The inventory file needs to contain three categories of information:

  • Configuration (e.g. how long data should "expire" after): config
  • Known data collections: collections
  • Stored entries: store and cache

Configuration is stored in a simple TOML table, and currently recognises the following attributes:

  • auto_gc
  • max_age
  • max_size
  • recency_beta
  • store_dir
  • cache_dir

Known collections are also stored in a TOML table, using the collection UUIDs as keys. The name, collection source path, and a timestamp of the last access are recorded under the keys name, path, and seen respectively.

Entries of the inventory are recorded in two arrays of tables: store and cache. These tables share three common attributes:

  • recipie, a (fairly stable) hash of the inputs and parameters that lead to the object being stored
  • accessed, a time stamp of the last access time
  • references, a list of collections that reference the object, by UUID

The store tables extend the common trio with an optional checksum attribute, as well as an optional file extension attribute.

The cache tables extend the common trio with a list of the types involved, typehashes of their structure, and packages involved.

Example Inventory file

inventory_version = 1

max_age = 30
# ...

name = "known-collection"
path = "/absolute/path/to/Data.toml"
seen = 2023-08-12T17:34:56.816Z
# ...

recipe = "15edb3448b1460c8"
accessed = 2023-08-12T17:34:56.816Z
references = ["d0c50be9-f198-43c6-9411-63aaecb83ed0"]
checksum = "k12:d8e04889edd692e1f36dfac9cc7e73b0"
extension = "csv"
# ...

recipe = "e41acbb05ac155d1"
accessed = 2024-06-04T19:35:57.074Z
references = ["d0c50be9-f198-43c6-9411-63aaecb83ed0"]
types = ["Array{Any,2}", "InlineStrings.String15"]
typehashes = ["5420e006bc4fe707", "ad994c6b8c7e2324"]

    name = "InlineStrings"
    uuid = "842dd82b-1e85-43dc-bf29-5d0ee9dffc48"
# ...