This package tries to minimise the use of generic errors, and maximise the helpfulness of error messages. To that end, a number of new error types are defined.
Identifier exceptions
— TypeUnresolveableIdentifier{T}(identifier::Union{String, UUID}, [collection::DataCollection])
No T
(optionally from collection
) could be found that matches identifier
Example occurrences
julia> d"iirs"
ERROR: UnresolveableIdentifier: "iirs" does not match any available data sets
Did you perhaps mean to refer to one of these data sets?
■:iris (75% match)
Stacktrace: [...]
julia> d"iris::Int"
ERROR: UnresolveableIdentifier: "iris::Int" does not match any available data sets
Without the type restriction, however, the following data sets match:
dataset:iris, which is available as a DataFrame, Matrix, CSV.File
Stacktrace: [...]
— TypeAmbiguousIdentifier(identifier::Union{String, UUID}, matches::Vector, [collection])
Searching for identifier
(optionally within collection
), found multiple matches (provided as matches
Example occurrence
julia> d"multimatch"
ERROR: AmbiguousIdentifier: "multimatch" matches multiple data sets
■:multimatch [45685f5f-e6ff-4418-aaf6-084b847236a8]
■:multimatch [92be4bda-55e9-4317-aff4-8d52ee6a5f2c]
Stacktrace: [...]
Package exceptions
— TypeUnregisteredPackage(pkg::Symbol, mod::Module)
The package pkg
was asked for within mod
, but has not been registered by mod
, and so cannot be loaded.
Example occurrence
julia> @require Foo
ERROR: UnregisteredPackage: Foo has not been registered by Main, see @addpkg for more information
Stacktrace: [...]
— TypeMissingPackage(pkg::Base.PkgId)
The package pkg
was asked for, but does not seem to be available in the current environment.
Example occurrence
julia> @addpkg Bar "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Bar [00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000]
julia> @require Bar
[ Info: Lazy-loading Bar [00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001]
ERROR: MissingPackage: Bar [00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001] has been required, but does not seem to be installed.
Stacktrace: [...]
Data Operation exceptions
— TypeCollectionVersionMismatch(version::Int)
The version
of the collection currently being acted on is not supported by the current version of DataToolkitCore.
Example occurrence
julia> fromspec(DataCollection, Dict{String, Any}("data_config_version" => -1))
ERROR: CollectionVersionMismatch: -1 (specified) ≠ 0 (current)
The data collection specification uses the v-1 data collection format, however
the installed DataToolkitCore version expects the v0 version of the format.
In the future, conversion facilities may be implemented, for now though you
will need to manually upgrade the file to the v0 format.
Stacktrace: [...]
— TypeEmptyStackError()
An attempt was made to perform an operation on a collection within the data stack, but the data stack is empty.
Example occurrence
julia> getlayer(nothing) # with an empty STACK
ERROR: EmptyStackError: The data collection stack is empty
Stacktrace: [...]
— TypeReadonlyCollection(collection::DataCollection)
Modification of collection
is not viable, as it is read-only.
Example Occurrence
julia> lockedcollection = DataCollection(Dict{String, Any}("uuid" => Base.UUID(rand(UInt128)), "config" => Dict{String, Any}("locked" => true)))
julia> write(lockedcollection)
ERROR: ReadonlyCollection: The data collection unnamed#298 is locked
Stacktrace: [...]
— TypeTransformerError(msg::String)
A catch-all for issues involving data transformers, with details given in msg
Example occurrence
julia> emptydata = DataSet(DataCollection(), "empty", Dict{String, Any}("uuid" => Base.UUID(rand(UInt128))))
DataSet empty
julia> read(emptydata)
ERROR: TransformerError: Data set "empty" could not be loaded in any form.
Stacktrace: [...]
— TypeUnsatisfyableTransformer{T}(dataset::DataSet, types::Vector{QualifiedType})
A transformer (of type T
) that could provide any of types
was asked for, but there is no transformer that satisfies this restriction.
Example occurrence
julia> emptydata = DataSet(DataCollection(), "empty", Dict{String, Any}("uuid" => Base.UUID(rand(UInt128))))
DataSet empty
julia> read(emptydata, String)
ERROR: UnsatisfyableTransformer: There are no loaders for "empty" that can provide a String. The defined loaders are as follows:
Stacktrace: [...]
— TypeOrphanDataSet(dataset::DataSet)
The data set (dataset
) is no longer a child of its parent collection.
This error should not occur, and is intended as a sanity check should something go quite wrong.