
Load and write data via custom Julia scripts

The julia driver enables the parsing and serialisation of arbitrary data to arbitrary information formats and vice versa via custom Julia functions run within the scope of the parent module.


The julia driver either accepts /no/ direct input, or accepts input from storage backends of the type specified by the input keyword. Thus, the provided functions must take one of the following forms:

function (input; kwargs...)
    # Direct input form.
function (kwargs...)
    # No direct input form.

In both cases, additional information can be provided via the arguments keyword, which supplies additional keyword arguments to the Julia function invoked. It is worth remembering the special treatment of DataSet strings which are dynamically resolved (see the examples).

Writer functions take two arguments, the destination (a handle to the storage backend, usually IO) and the information to be serialised.

function (destination, info)
    # Write `info` to `destination`, and return
    # not-nothing if the operation succeeds.


  • input: (loading only) The data type required for direct input.
  • path: A local file path, relative to pathroot if provided or the directory of the data TOML file.
  • pathroot: The root path to expand path against, relative to the directory of the data TOML file.
  • function: The function as a string, inline in the data TOML file.
  • arguments: Arguments to be provided to the called function.

Usage examples

driver = "julia"
input = "Number"
function = "n -> n+1"
driver = "julia"
path = "scripts/mergedata.jl"

foo = "📇DATASET<<foo::DataFrame>>"
bar = "📇DATASET<<bar::DataFrame>>"
baz = "📇DATASET<<baz::DataFrame>>"
driver = "julia"
input = "Integer"
function = "(n::Integer; data::DataFrame) -> repeat(data, n)"
arguments = { data = "📇DATASET<<iris::DataFrame>>" }