;;; config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020-2024 tecosaur <contact@tecosaur.net> ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ;; Generated at 2024-06-26T06:40:38+0000 from the literate configuration. (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.config/doom/subconf/") ;;:------------------------ ;;; Confpkg timings ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `confpkg-timings-report', `confpkg-with-record', ;; `confpkg-finish-record', `confpkg-start-record', ;; `confpkg-create-record', `confpkg-record-num', ;; `confpkg-record-branch', and `confpkg-load-time-tree'. (defvar confpkg-load-time-tree (list (list 'root))) (defvar confpkg-record-branch (list 'root)) (defvar confpkg-record-num 0) (defun confpkg-create-record (name elapsed &optional parent enclosing) (let ((parent (assoc (or parent (car confpkg-record-branch)) confpkg-load-time-tree)) (record (cons name (list (list 'self :name (format "%s" name) :num (cl-incf confpkg-record-num) :elapsed elapsed :enclosing enclosing))))) (push record confpkg-load-time-tree) (push record (cdr parent)) record)) (defun confpkg-start-record (name &optional parent) (let ((record (confpkg-create-record name 0.0e+NaN parent t))) (plist-put (cdadr record) :start (float-time)) (push name confpkg-record-branch) record)) (defun confpkg-finish-record (name) (let ((self-record (cdar (last (cdr (assoc name confpkg-load-time-tree)))))) (plist-put self-record :elapsed (- (float-time) (plist-get self-record :start) 0.0)) (unless (equal (car confpkg-record-branch) name) (message "Warning: Confpkg timing record expected to finish %S, instead found %S. %S" name (car confpkg-record-branch) confpkg-record-branch)) (setq confpkg-record-branch (cdr confpkg-record-branch)))) (defmacro confpkg-with-record (name &rest body) "Create a time record around BODY. The record must have a NAME." (declare (indent 1)) (let ((name-val (make-symbol "name-val")) (record-spec (make-symbol "record-spec"))) `(let* ((,name-val ,name) (,record-spec (if (consp ,name-val) ,name-val (list ,name-val)))) (apply #'confpkg-start-record ,record-spec) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (confpkg-finish-record (car ,record-spec)))))) (defadvice! +require--log-timing-a (orig-fn feature &optional filename noerror) :around #'require (if (or (featurep feature) (eq feature 'cus-start) ; HACK Why!?! (assoc (format "require: %s" feature) confpkg-load-time-tree)) (funcall orig-fn feature filename noerror) (confpkg-with-record (list (format "require: %s" feature) (and (eq (car confpkg-record-branch) 'root) 'requires)) (funcall orig-fn feature filename noerror)))) (defun confpkg-timings-report (&optional sort-p node) "Display a report on load-time information. Supply SORT-P (or the universal argument) to sort the results. NODE defaults to the root node." (interactive (list (and current-prefix-arg t))) (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*Confpkg Load Time Report*")) (depth 0) num-pad name-pad max-time max-total-time max-depth) (cl-labels ((sort-records-by-time (record) (let ((self (assoc 'self record))) (append (list self) (sort (nreverse (remove self (cdr record))) (lambda (a b) (> (or (plist-get (alist-get 'self a) :total) 0.0) (or (plist-get (alist-get 'self b) :total) 0.0))))))) (print-record (record) (cond ((eq (car record) 'self) (insert (propertize (string-pad (number-to-string (plist-get (cdr record) :num)) num-pad) 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face) " " (propertize (apply #'concat (make-list (1- depth) "• ")) 'face 'font-lock-comment-face) (string-pad (format "%s" (plist-get (cdr record) :name)) name-pad) (make-string (* (- max-depth depth) 2) ?\s) (propertize (format "%.4fs" (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed)) 'face (list :foreground (doom-blend 'orange 'green (/ (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed) max-time)))) (if (= (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed) (plist-get (cdr record) :total)) "" (concat " (Σ=" (propertize (format "%.3fs" (plist-get (cdr record) :total)) 'face (list :foreground (doom-blend 'orange 'green (/ (plist-get (cdr record) :total) max-total-time)))) ")")) "\n")) (t (cl-incf depth) (mapc #'print-record (if sort-p (sort-records-by-time record) (reverse (cdr record)))) (cl-decf depth)))) (flatten-records (records) (if (eq (car records) 'self) (list records) (mapcan #'flatten-records (reverse (cdr records))))) (tree-depth (records &optional depth) (if (eq (car records) 'self) (or depth 0) (1+ (cl-reduce #'max (cdr records) :key #'tree-depth)))) (mapreduceprop (list map reduce prop) (cl-reduce reduce list :key (lambda (p) (funcall map (plist-get (cdr p) prop))))) (elaborate-timings (record) (if (eq (car record) 'self) (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed) (let ((total (cl-reduce #'+ (cdr record) :key #'elaborate-timings)) (self (cdr (assoc 'self record)))) (if (plist-get self :enclosing) (prog1 (plist-get self :elapsed) (plist-put self :total (plist-get self :elapsed)) (plist-put self :elapsed (- (* 2 (plist-get self :elapsed)) total))) (plist-put self :total total) total)))) (elaborated-timings (record) (let ((record (copy-tree record))) (elaborate-timings record) record))) (let* ((tree (elaborated-timings (append '(root) (copy-tree (alist-get (or node 'root) confpkg-load-time-tree nil nil #'equal)) '((self :num 0 :elapsed 0))))) (flat-records (cl-remove-if (lambda (rec) (= (plist-get (cdr rec) :num) 0)) (flatten-records tree)))) (setq max-time (mapreduceprop flat-records #'identity #'max :elapsed) max-total-time (mapreduceprop flat-records #'identity #'max :total) name-pad (mapreduceprop flat-records #'length #'max :name) num-pad (mapreduceprop flat-records (lambda (n) (length (number-to-string n))) #'max :num) max-depth (tree-depth tree)) (with-current-buffer buf (erase-buffer) (setq-local outline-regexp "[0-9]+ *\\(?:• \\)*") (outline-minor-mode 1) (use-local-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (local-set-key "TAB" #'outline-toggle-children) (local-set-key "\t" #'outline-toggle-children) (local-set-key (kbd "<backtab>") #'outline-show-subtree) (local-set-key (kbd "C-<iso-lefttab>") (eval `(cmd! (if current-prefix-arg (outline-show-all) (outline-hide-sublevels (+ ,num-pad 2)))))) (insert (propertize (concat (string-pad "#" num-pad) " " (string-pad "Confpkg" (+ name-pad (* 2 max-depth) -3)) (format " Load Time (Σ=%.3fs)\n" (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'self tree)) :total))) 'face '(:inherit (tab-bar-tab bold) :extend t :underline t))) (dolist (record (if sort-p (sort-records-by-time tree) (reverse (cdr tree)))) (unless (eq (car record) 'self) (print-record record))) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (goto-char (point-min))) (pop-to-buffer buf))))) (provide 'config-confpkg-timings) (confpkg-create-record 'doom-pre-config (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) before-init-time))) (confpkg-start-record 'config) (confpkg-create-record 'config-defered 0.0 'config) (confpkg-create-record 'set-hooks 0.0 'config-defered) (confpkg-create-record 'load-hooks 0.0 'config-defered) (confpkg-create-record 'requires 0.0 'root) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Personal Information ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: personal-information" config) (setq user-full-name "TEC" user-mail-address "contact@tecosaur.net") (setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg") auth-source-cache-expiry nil) ; default is 7200 (2h) (provide 'config-personal-information)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Better defaults ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: better-defaults" config) (setq-default delete-by-moving-to-trash t ; Delete files to trash window-combination-resize t ; take new window space from all other windows (not just current) x-stretch-cursor t) ; Stretch cursor to the glyph width (setq undo-limit 80000000 ; Raise undo-limit to 80Mb evil-want-fine-undo t ; By default while in insert all changes are one big blob. Be more granular auto-save-default t ; Nobody likes to loose work, I certainly don't truncate-string-ellipsis "…" ; Unicode ellispis are nicer than "...", and also save /precious/ space password-cache-expiry nil ; I can trust my computers ... can't I? ;; scroll-preserve-screen-position 'always ; Don't have `point' jump around scroll-margin 2 ; It's nice to maintain a little margin display-time-default-load-average nil) ; I don't think I've ever found this useful (display-time-mode 1) ; Enable time in the mode-line (global-subword-mode 1) ; Iterate through CamelCase words (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(height . 24)) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(width . 80)) (setq-default custom-file (expand-file-name ".custom.el" doom-user-dir)) (when (file-exists-p custom-file) (load custom-file)) (setq evil-vsplit-window-right t evil-split-window-below t) (defadvice! prompt-for-buffer (&rest _) :after '(evil-window-split evil-window-vsplit) (consult-buffer)) (map! :map evil-window-map "SPC" #'rotate-layout ;; Navigation "<left>" #'evil-window-left "<down>" #'evil-window-down "<up>" #'evil-window-up "<right>" #'evil-window-right ;; Swapping windows "C-<left>" #'+evil/window-move-left "C-<down>" #'+evil/window-move-down "C-<up>" #'+evil/window-move-up "C-<right>" #'+evil/window-move-right) (global-set-key [remap dabbrev-expand] #'hippie-expand) (setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list '(try-expand-list try-expand-dabbrev-visible try-expand-dabbrev try-expand-all-abbrevs try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers try-complete-file-name-partially try-complete-file-name try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill try-expand-whole-kill try-expand-line try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially try-complete-lisp-symbol)) ;; (setq-default major-mode 'org-mode) (provide 'config-better-defaults)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Doom ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+emoji-rx' and `+emoji-set-font'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: doom" config) (setq doom-font (font-spec :family "JetBrains Mono" :size 24) doom-big-font (font-spec :family "JetBrains Mono" :size 36) doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Overpass" :size 26) doom-symbol-font (font-spec :family "JuliaMono") doom-emoji-font (font-spec :family "Twitter Color Emoji") ; Just used by me doom-serif-font (font-spec :family "IBM Plex Mono" :size 22 :weight 'light)) (dolist (char '(?⏩ ?⏪ ?❓)) (set-char-table-range char-script-table char 'symbol)) (add-hook! 'after-setting-font-hook (defun +emoji-set-font () (set-fontset-font t 'emoji doom-emoji-font nil 'prepend))) (defvar +emoji-rx (let (emojis) (map-char-table (lambda (char set) (when (eq set 'emoji) (push (copy-tree char) emojis))) char-script-table) (rx-to-string `(any ,@emojis))) "A regexp to find all emoji-script characters.") (setq emoji-alternate-names '(("🙂" ":)") ("😄" ":D") ("😉" ";)") ("🙁" ":(") ("😆" "laughing face" "xD") ("🤣" "ROFL face") ("😢" ":'(") ("🥲" ":')") ("😮" ":o") ("😑" ":|") ("😎" "cool face") ("🤪" "goofy face") ("🤥" "pinnochio face" "liar face") ("😠" ">:(") ("😡" "angry+ face") ("🤬" "swearing face") ("🤢" "sick face") ("😈" "smiling imp") ("👿" "frowning imp") ("❤️" "<3") ("🫡" "o7") ("👍" "+1") ("👎" "-1") ("👈" "left") ("👉" "right") ("👆" "up") ("💯" "100") ("💸" "flying money"))) (when (>= emacs-major-version 29) (map! :leader (:prefix ("e" . "Emoji") :desc "Search" "s" #'emoji-search :desc "Recent" "r" #'emoji-recent :desc "List" "l" #'emoji-list :desc "Describe" "d" #'emoji-describe :desc "Insert" "i" #'emoji-insert :desc "Insert" "e" #'emoji-insert))) (unless noninteractive (add-hook! 'doom-init-ui-hook (run-at-time nil nil (lambda nil (let (required-fonts available-fonts missing-fonts) (setq required-fonts '("JetBrains ?Mono.*" "Overpass" "JuliaMono" "IBM Plex Mono" "Merriweather" "Alegreya" "Twitter Color Emoji")) (setq available-fonts (delete-dups (or (font-family-list) (and (executable-find "fc-list") (with-temp-buffer (call-process "fc-list" nil t nil ":" "family") (split-string (buffer-string) "[,\n]")))))) (setq missing-fonts (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (font) (unless (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (f) (string-match-p (format "^%s$" font) f)) available-fonts)) font)) required-fonts))) (message "%s missing the following fonts: %s" (propertize "Warning!" 'face '(bold warning)) (mapconcat (lambda (font) (propertize font 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)) '("JetBrains ?Mono.*" "Overpass" "JuliaMono" "IBM Plex Mono" "Merriweather" "Alegreya" "Twitter Color Emoji") ", "))) (sleep-for 0.5))))) (setq doom-theme (if (getenv "DOOM_THEME") (intern (getenv "DOOM_THEME")) 'doom-vibrant)) (delq! t custom-theme-load-path) (remove-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom-init-theme-h) (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'doom-init-theme-h 'append) (setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative) (evil-define-command +evil-buffer-org-new (_count file) "Creates a new ORG buffer replacing the current window, optionally editing a certain FILE" :repeat nil (interactive "P<f>") (if file (evil-edit file) (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer "*new org*"))) (set-window-buffer nil buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (org-mode) (setq-local doom-real-buffer-p t))))) (map! :leader (:prefix "b" :desc "New empty Org buffer" "o" #'+evil-buffer-org-new)) (provide 'config-doom)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Dashboard ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+doom-dashboard-tweak', ;; `+doom-dashboard-benchmark-line', ;; `+doom-dashboard-setup-modified-keymap', and ;; `doom-dashboard-draw-ascii-emacs-banner-fn'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: dashboard" config) (defun doom-dashboard-draw-ascii-emacs-banner-fn () (let* ((banner '(",---.,-.-.,---.,---.,---." "|---'| | |,---|| `---." "`---'` ' '`---^`---'`---'")) (longest-line (apply #'max (mapcar #'length banner)))) (put-text-property (point) (dolist (line banner (point)) (insert (+doom-dashboard--center +doom-dashboard--width (concat line (make-string (max 0 (- longest-line (length line))) 32))) "\n")) 'face 'doom-dashboard-banner))) (unless (display-graphic-p) ; for some reason this messes up the graphical splash screen atm (setq +doom-dashboard-ascii-banner-fn #'doom-dashboard-draw-ascii-emacs-banner-fn)) (defun +doom-dashboard-setup-modified-keymap () (setq +doom-dashboard-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (map! :map +doom-dashboard-mode-map :desc "Find file" :ng "f" #'find-file :desc "Recent files" :ng "r" #'consult-recent-file :desc "Config dir" :ng "C" #'doom/open-private-config :desc "Open config.org" :ng "c" (cmd! (find-file (expand-file-name "config.org" doom-user-dir))) :desc "Open org-mode root" :ng "O" (cmd! (find-file (expand-file-name "lisp/org/" doom-user-dir))) :desc "Open dotfile" :ng "." (cmd! (doom-project-find-file "~/.config/")) :desc "Notes (roam)" :ng "n" #'org-roam-node-find :desc "Switch buffer" :ng "b" #'+vertico/switch-workspace-buffer :desc "Switch buffers (all)" :ng "B" #'consult-buffer :desc "IBuffer" :ng "i" #'ibuffer :desc "Previous buffer" :ng "p" #'previous-buffer :desc "Set theme" :ng "t" #'consult-theme :desc "Quit" :ng "Q" #'save-buffers-kill-terminal :desc "Show keybindings" :ng "h" (cmd! (which-key-show-keymap '+doom-dashboard-mode-map)))) (add-transient-hook! #'+doom-dashboard-mode (+doom-dashboard-setup-modified-keymap)) (add-transient-hook! #'+doom-dashboard-mode :append (+doom-dashboard-setup-modified-keymap)) (add-hook! 'doom-init-ui-hook :append (+doom-dashboard-setup-modified-keymap)) (map! :leader :desc "Dashboard" "d" #'+doom-dashboard/open) (defun +doom-dashboard-benchmark-line () "Insert the load time line." (when doom-init-time (insert "\n\n" (propertize (+doom-dashboard--center +doom-dashboard--width (doom-display-benchmark-h 'return)) 'face 'doom-dashboard-loaded)))) (remove-hook 'doom-after-init-hook #'doom-display-benchmark-h) (setq +doom-dashboard-functions (list #'doom-dashboard-widget-banner #'+doom-dashboard-benchmark-line #'splash-phrase-dashboard-insert)) (defun +doom-dashboard-tweak (&optional _) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer +doom-dashboard-name) (setq-local line-spacing 0.2 mode-line-format nil mode-name "" evil-normal-state-cursor (list nil)))) (add-hook '+doom-dashboard-mode-hook #'+doom-dashboard-tweak) (add-hook 'doom-after-init-hook #'+doom-dashboard-tweak 1) (setq +doom-dashboard-name "► Doom" doom-fallback-buffer-name +doom-dashboard-name) (add-hook 'window-size-change-functions #'fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image) (add-hook 'doom-load-theme-hook #'fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image) (provide 'config-dashboard)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; fancy-splash ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image', ;; `fancy-splash-get-appropriate-size', ;; `fancy-splash-switch-template', `fancy-splash-clear-cache', ;; `fancy-splash-ensure-theme-images-exist', ;; `fancy-splash-generate-all-images', `fancy-splash-generate-image', ;; `fancy-splash-filename', `fancy-splash-sizes', ;; `fancy-splash-cache-dir', `fancy-splash-check-buffer', ;; `fancy-splash-template-colours', `fancy-splash-image-template', and ;; `fancy-splash-image-directory'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: fancy-splash" config) (defvar fancy-splash-image-directory (expand-file-name "misc/splash-images/" doom-user-dir) "Directory in which to look for splash image templates.") (defvar fancy-splash-image-template (expand-file-name "emacs-e-template.svg" fancy-splash-image-directory) "Default template svg used for the splash image. Colours are substituted as per `fancy-splash-template-colours'.") (defvar fancy-splash-template-colours '(("#111112" :face default :attr :foreground) ("#8b8c8d" :face shadow) ("#eeeeef" :face default :attr :background) ("#e66100" :face highlight :attr :background) ("#1c71d8" :face font-lock-keyword-face) ("#f5c211" :face font-lock-type-face) ("#813d9c" :face font-lock-constant-face) ("#865e3c" :face font-lock-function-name-face) ("#2ec27e" :face font-lock-string-face) ("#c01c28" :face error) ("#000001" :face ansi-color-black) ("#ff0000" :face ansi-color-red) ("#ff00ff" :face ansi-color-magenta) ("#00ff00" :face ansi-color-green) ("#ffff00" :face ansi-color-yellow) ("#0000ff" :face ansi-color-blue) ("#00ffff" :face ansi-color-cyan) ("#fffffe" :face ansi-color-white)) "Alist of colour-replacement plists. Each plist is of the form (\"$placeholder\" :doom-color 'key :face 'face). If the current theme is a doom theme :doom-color will be used, otherwise the colour will be face foreground.") (defun fancy-splash-check-buffer () "Check the current SVG buffer for bad colours." (interactive) (when (eq major-mode 'image-mode) (xml-mode)) (when (and (featurep 'rainbow-mode) (not (bound-and-true-p rainbow-mode))) (rainbow-mode 1)) (let* ((colours (mapcar #'car fancy-splash-template-colours)) (colourise-hex (lambda (hex) (propertize hex 'face `((:foreground ,(if (< 0.5 (cl-destructuring-bind (r g b) (x-color-values hex) ;; Values taken from `rainbow-color-luminance' (/ (+ (* .2126 r) (* .7152 g) (* .0722 b)) (* 256 255 1.0)))) "white" "black") (:background ,hex)))))) (cn 96) (colour-menu-entries (mapcar (lambda (colour) (cl-incf cn) (cons cn (cons (substring-no-properties colour) (format " (%s) %s %s" (propertize (char-to-string cn) 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face) (funcall colourise-hex colour) (propertize (symbol-name (plist-get (cdr (assoc colour fancy-splash-template-colours)) :face)) 'face 'shadow))))) colours)) (colour-menu-template (format "Colour %%s is unexpected! Should this be one of the following?\n %s %s to ignore %s to quit" (mapconcat #'cddr colour-menu-entries "\n") (propertize "SPC" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face) (propertize "ESC" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))) (colour-menu-choice-keys (append (mapcar #'car colour-menu-entries) (list ?\s))) (buf (get-buffer-create "*fancy-splash-lint-colours-popup*")) (good-colour-p (lambda (colour) (or (assoc colour fancy-splash-template-colours) ;; Check if greyscale (or (and (= (length colour) 4) (= (aref colour 1) ; r (aref colour 2) ; g (aref colour 3))) ; b (and (= (length colour) 7) (string= (substring colour 1 3) ; rr = (substring colour 3 5)) ; gg (string= (substring colour 3 5) ; gg = (substring colour 5 7))))))) ; bb (prompt-to-replace (lambda (target) (with-current-buffer buf (erase-buffer) (insert (format colour-menu-template (funcall colourise-hex target))) (setq-local cursor-type nil) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (goto-char (point-min))) (save-window-excursion (pop-to-buffer buf) (fit-window-to-buffer (get-buffer-window buf)) (car (alist-get (read-char-choice (format "Select replacement, %s-%s or SPC: " (char-to-string (caar colour-menu-entries)) (char-to-string (caar (last colour-menu-entries)))) colour-menu-choice-keys) colour-menu-entries)))))) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "#[0-9A-Fa-f]\\{6\\}\\|#[0-9A-Fa-f]\\{3\\}" nil t) (recenter) (let* ((colour (match-string 0)) (replacement (and (not (funcall good-colour-p colour)) (funcall prompt-to-replace colour)))) (when replacement (replace-match replacement t t)))) (message "Done")))) (defvar fancy-splash-cache-dir (expand-file-name "theme-splashes/" doom-cache-dir)) (defvar fancy-splash-sizes `((:height 300 :min-height 50 :padding (0 . 2)) (:height 250 :min-height 42 :padding (2 . 4)) (:height 200 :min-height 35 :padding (3 . 3)) (:height 150 :min-height 28 :padding (3 . 3)) (:height 100 :min-height 20 :padding (2 . 2)) (:height 75 :min-height 15 :padding (2 . 1)) (:height 50 :min-height 10 :padding (1 . 0)) (:height 1 :min-height 0 :padding (0 . 0))) "List of plists specifying image sizing states. Each plist should have the following properties: - :height, the height of the image - :min-height, the minimum `frame-height' for image - :padding, a `+doom-dashboard-banner-padding' (top . bottom) padding specification to apply Optionally, each plist may set the following two properties: - :template, a non-default template file - :file, a file to use instead of template") (defun fancy-splash-filename (theme template height) "Get the file name for the splash image with THEME and of HEIGHT." (expand-file-name (format "%s-%s-%d.svg" theme (file-name-base template) height) fancy-splash-cache-dir)) (defun fancy-splash-generate-image (template height) "Create a themed image from TEMPLATE of HEIGHT. The theming is performed using `fancy-splash-template-colours' and the current theme." (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents template) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward "$height" nil t) (replace-match (number-to-string height) t t) (if (re-search-forward "height=\"100\\(?:\\.0[0-9]*\\)?\"" nil t) (progn (replace-match (format "height=\"%s\"" height) t t) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\([ \t\n]\\)width=\"[\\.0-9]+\"[ \t\n]*" nil t) (replace-match "\\1"))) (warn "Warning! fancy splash template: neither $height nor height=100 not found in %s" template))) (dolist (substitution fancy-splash-template-colours) (goto-char (point-min)) (let* ((replacement-colour (face-attribute (plist-get (cdr substitution) :face) (or (plist-get (cdr substitution) :attr) :foreground) nil 'default)) (replacement-hex (if (string-prefix-p "#" replacement-colour) replacement-colour (apply 'format "#%02x%02x%02x" (mapcar (lambda (c) (ash c -8)) (color-values replacement-colour)))))) (while (search-forward (car substitution) nil t) (replace-match replacement-hex nil nil)))) (unless (file-exists-p fancy-splash-cache-dir) (make-directory fancy-splash-cache-dir t)) (let ((inhibit-message t)) (write-region nil nil (fancy-splash-filename (car custom-enabled-themes) template height))))) (defun fancy-splash-generate-all-images () "Perform `fancy-splash-generate-image' in bulk." (dolist (size fancy-splash-sizes) (unless (plist-get size :file) (fancy-splash-generate-image (or (plist-get size :template) fancy-splash-image-template) (plist-get size :height))))) (defun fancy-splash-ensure-theme-images-exist (&optional height) "Ensure that the relevant images exist. Use the image of HEIGHT to check, defaulting to the height of the first specification in `fancy-splash-sizes'. If that file does not exist for the current theme, `fancy-splash-generate-all-images' is called. " (unless (file-exists-p (fancy-splash-filename (car custom-enabled-themes) fancy-splash-image-template (or height (plist-get (car fancy-splash-sizes) :height)))) (fancy-splash-generate-all-images))) (defun fancy-splash-clear-cache (&optional delete-files) "Clear all cached fancy splash images. Optionally delete all cache files and regenerate the currently relevant set." (interactive (list t)) (dolist (size fancy-splash-sizes) (unless (plist-get size :file) (let ((image-file (fancy-splash-filename (car custom-enabled-themes) (or (plist-get size :template) fancy-splash-image-template) (plist-get size :height)))) (image-flush (create-image image-file) t)))) (message "Fancy splash image cache cleared!") (when delete-files (delete-directory fancy-splash-cache-dir t) (fancy-splash-generate-all-images) (message "Fancy splash images cache deleted!"))) (defun fancy-splash-switch-template () "Switch the template used for the fancy splash image." (interactive) (let ((new (completing-read "Splash template: " (mapcar (lambda (template) (replace-regexp-in-string "-template\\.svg$" "" template)) (directory-files fancy-splash-image-directory nil "-template\\.svg\\'")) nil t))) (setq fancy-splash-image-template (expand-file-name (concat new "-template.svg") fancy-splash-image-directory)) (fancy-splash-clear-cache) (message "") ; Clear message from `fancy-splash-clear-cache'. (setq fancy-splash--last-size nil) (fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image))) (defun fancy-splash-get-appropriate-size () "Find the firt `fancy-splash-sizes' with min-height of at least frame height." (let ((height (frame-height))) (cl-some (lambda (size) (when (>= height (plist-get size :min-height)) size)) fancy-splash-sizes))) (setq fancy-splash--last-size nil) (setq fancy-splash--last-theme nil) (defun fancy-splash-apply-appropriate-image (&rest _) "Ensure the appropriate splash image is applied to the dashboard. This function's signature is \"&rest _\" to allow it to be used in hooks that call functions with arguments." (let ((appropriate-size (fancy-splash-get-appropriate-size))) (unless (and (equal appropriate-size fancy-splash--last-size) (equal (car custom-enabled-themes) fancy-splash--last-theme)) (unless (plist-get appropriate-size :file) (fancy-splash-ensure-theme-images-exist (plist-get appropriate-size :height))) (setq fancy-splash-image (or (plist-get appropriate-size :file) (fancy-splash-filename (car custom-enabled-themes) fancy-splash-image-template (plist-get appropriate-size :height))) +doom-dashboard-banner-padding (plist-get appropriate-size :padding) fancy-splash--last-size appropriate-size fancy-splash--last-theme (car custom-enabled-themes)) (+doom-dashboard-reload)))) (provide 'fancy-splash)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; splash-phrases ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `splash-phrase-dashboard-insert', ;; `splash-phrase-dashboard-formatted', `splash-phrase', ;; `splash-phrase-get-from-file', `splash-phrase--cached-lines', ;; `splash-phrase-select-set', `splash-phrase-set-random-set', ;; `splash-phrase-set', `splash-phrase-sources', and ;; `splash-phrase-source-folder'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: splash-phrases" config) (defvar splash-phrase-source-folder (expand-file-name "misc/splash-phrases" doom-user-dir) "A folder of text files with a fun phrase on each line.") (defvar splash-phrase-sources (let* ((files (directory-files splash-phrase-source-folder nil "\\.txt\\'")) (sets (delete-dups (mapcar (lambda (file) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(?:-[0-9]+-\\w+\\)?\\.txt" "" file)) files)))) (mapcar (lambda (sset) (cons sset (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (file) (when (string-match-p (regexp-quote sset) file) file)) files)))) sets)) "A list of cons giving the phrase set name, and a list of files which contain phrase components.") (defvar splash-phrase-set (nth (random (length splash-phrase-sources)) (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources)) "The default phrase set. See `splash-phrase-sources'.") (defun splash-phrase-set-random-set () "Set a new random splash phrase set." (interactive) (setq splash-phrase-set (nth (random (1- (length splash-phrase-sources))) (cl-set-difference (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources) (list splash-phrase-set)))) (+doom-dashboard-reload t)) (defun splash-phrase-select-set () "Select a specific splash phrase set." (interactive) (setq splash-phrase-set (completing-read "Phrase set: " (mapcar #'car splash-phrase-sources))) (+doom-dashboard-reload t)) (defvar splash-phrase--cached-lines nil) (defun splash-phrase-get-from-file (file) "Fetch a random line from FILE." (let ((lines (or (cdr (assoc file splash-phrase--cached-lines)) (cdar (push (cons file (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name file splash-phrase-source-folder)) (split-string (string-trim (buffer-string)) "\n"))) splash-phrase--cached-lines))))) (nth (random (length lines)) lines))) (defun splash-phrase (&optional set) "Construct a splash phrase from SET. See `splash-phrase-sources'." (mapconcat #'splash-phrase-get-from-file (cdr (assoc (or set splash-phrase-set) splash-phrase-sources)) " ")) (defun splash-phrase-dashboard-formatted () "Get a splash phrase, flow it over multiple lines as needed, and fontify it." (mapconcat (lambda (line) (+doom-dashboard--center +doom-dashboard--width (with-temp-buffer (insert-text-button line 'action (lambda (_) (+doom-dashboard-reload t)) 'face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title 'mouse-face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title 'help-echo "Random phrase" 'follow-link t) (buffer-string)))) (split-string (with-temp-buffer (insert (splash-phrase)) (setq fill-column (min 70 (/ (* 2 (window-width)) 3))) (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)) (buffer-string)) "\n") "\n")) (defun splash-phrase-dashboard-insert () "Insert the splash phrase surrounded by newlines." (insert "\n" (splash-phrase-dashboard-formatted) "\n")) (provide 'splash-phrases)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Better jumper mouse ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: better-jumper-mouse" config) (map! :n [mouse-8] #'better-jumper-jump-backward :n [mouse-9] #'better-jumper-jump-forward) (provide 'config-better-jumper-mouse)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Frame title ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: frame-title" config) (setq frame-title-format '("" (:eval (if (string-match-p (regexp-quote (or (bound-and-true-p org-roam-directory) "\u0000")) (or buffer-file-name "")) (replace-regexp-in-string ".*/[0-9]*-?" "☰ " (subst-char-in-string ?_ ?\s buffer-file-name)) "%b")) (:eval (when-let ((project-name (and (featurep 'projectile) (projectile-project-name)))) (unless (string= "-" project-name) (format (if (buffer-modified-p) " ◉ %s" " ● %s") project-name)))))) (provide 'config-frame-title)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Emacs daemon setup ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `greedily-do-daemon-setup'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: emacs-daemon-setup" config) (defun greedily-do-daemon-setup () (require 'org) (when (require 'mu4e nil t) (setq mu4e-confirm-quit t) (setq +mu4e-lock-greedy t) (setq +mu4e-lock-relaxed t) (when (+mu4e-lock-available t) (mu4e--start))) (when (require 'elfeed nil t) (run-at-time nil (* 8 60 60) #'elfeed-update))) (when (daemonp) (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'greedily-do-daemon-setup) (add-hook! 'server-after-make-frame-hook (unless (string-match-p "\\*draft\\|\\*stdin\\|emacs-everywhere" (buffer-name)) (switch-to-buffer +doom-dashboard-name)))) (provide 'config-emacs-daemon-setup)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Setup script prompt ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+config-run-setup'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: setup-script-prompt" config) (unless noninteractive (defun +config-run-setup nil (when-let ((setup-file (expand-file-name "setup.sh" doom-user-dir)) ((file-exists-p setup-file)) (setup-content (string-trim (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents setup-file) (buffer-string)) "#!/usr/bin/env bash")) ((not (string-empty-p setup-content))) ((yes-or-no-p (format "%s The setup script has content. Check and run the script?" (propertize "Warning!" 'face '(bold warning)))))) (find-file setup-file) (when (yes-or-no-p "Would you like to run this script?") (async-shell-command "./setup.sh")))) (add-hook! 'doom-init-ui-hook (run-at-time nil nil #'+config-run-setup))) (provide 'config-setup-script-prompt)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg avy ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-avy" config) ;; Avy: Colemak layout not detected (ErgoDox not mentioned in dmesg). (provide 'config--pkg-avy)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg emacs-everywhere ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `emacs-everywhere-raise-frame-1'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-emacs-everywhere" config) (use-package! emacs-everywhere :if (daemonp) :config (require 'spell-fu) (setq emacs-everywhere-major-mode-function #'org-mode emacs-everywhere-frame-name-format "Edit ∷ %s — %s") (defadvice! emacs-everywhere-raise-frame () :after #'emacs-everywhere-set-frame-name (setq emacs-everywhere-frame-name (format emacs-everywhere-frame-name-format (emacs-everywhere-app-class emacs-everywhere-current-app) (truncate-string-to-width (emacs-everywhere-app-title emacs-everywhere-current-app) 45 nil nil "…"))) ;; need to wait till frame refresh happen before really set (run-with-timer 0.1 nil #'emacs-everywhere-raise-frame-1)) (defun emacs-everywhere-raise-frame-1 () (call-process "wmctrl" nil nil nil "-a" emacs-everywhere-frame-name))) (provide 'config--pkg-emacs-everywhere)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg which-key ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-which-key" config) (setq which-key-idle-delay 0.5) ;; I need the help, I really do (setq which-key-allow-multiple-replacements t) (after! which-key (pushnew! which-key-replacement-alist '(("" . "\\`+?evil[-:]?\\(?:a-\\)?\\(.*\\)") . (nil . "◂\\1")) '(("\\`g s" . "\\`evilem--?motion-\\(.*\\)") . (nil . "◃\\1")) )) (provide 'config--pkg-which-key)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Abbrev ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: abbrev" config) (setq-default abbrev-mode t) (setq abbrev-file-name (expand-file-name "abbrev.el" doom-user-dir)) (setq save-abbrevs nil) (provide 'config-abbrev)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg VLF ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+vlf-isearch-wrap', `+vlf-last-chunk-or-end', ;; `+vlf-next-chunk-or-start', `+vlf-update-linum', and ;; `vlf-application'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-vlf" config) (use-package! vlf-setup :defer-incrementally vlf-tune vlf-base vlf-write vlf-search vlf-occur vlf-follow vlf-ediff vlf :commands vlf vlf-mode :init (defvar vlf-application 'ask) ; Avoid load-order issues (defadvice! +files--ask-about-large-file-vlf (size op-type filename offer-raw) "Like `files--ask-user-about-large-file', but with support for `vlf'." :override #'files--ask-user-about-large-file (if (eq vlf-application 'dont-ask) (progn (vlf filename) (error "")) (let ((prompt (format "File %s is large (%s), really %s?" (file-name-nondirectory filename) (funcall byte-count-to-string-function size) op-type))) (if (not offer-raw) (if (y-or-n-p prompt) nil 'abort) (let ((choice (car (read-multiple-choice prompt '((?y "yes") (?n "no") (?l "literally") (?v "vlf")) (files--ask-user-about-large-file-help-text op-type (funcall byte-count-to-string-function size)))))) (cond ((eq choice ?y) nil) ((eq choice ?l) 'raw) ((eq choice ?v) (vlf filename) (error "")) (t 'abort))))))) :config (advice-remove 'abort-if-file-too-large #'ad-Advice-abort-if-file-too-large) (defvar-local +vlf-cumulative-linenum '((0 . 0)) "An alist keeping track of the cumulative line number.") (defun +vlf-update-linum () "Update the line number offset." (let ((linenum-offset (alist-get vlf-start-pos +vlf-cumulative-linenum))) (setq display-line-numbers-offset (or linenum-offset 0)) (when (and linenum-offset (not (assq vlf-end-pos +vlf-cumulative-linenum))) (push (cons vlf-end-pos (+ linenum-offset (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))) +vlf-cumulative-linenum)))) (add-hook 'vlf-after-chunk-update-hook #'+vlf-update-linum) ;; Since this only works with absolute line numbers, let's make sure we use them. (add-hook! 'vlf-mode-hook (setq-local display-line-numbers t)) (defun +vlf-next-chunk-or-start () (if (= vlf-file-size vlf-end-pos) (vlf-jump-to-chunk 1) (vlf-next-batch 1)) (goto-char (point-min))) (defun +vlf-last-chunk-or-end () (if (= 0 vlf-start-pos) (vlf-end-of-file) (vlf-prev-batch 1)) (goto-char (point-max))) (defun +vlf-isearch-wrap () (if isearch-forward (+vlf-next-chunk-or-start) (+vlf-last-chunk-or-end))) (add-hook! 'vlf-mode-hook (setq-local isearch-wrap-function #'+vlf-isearch-wrap))) (provide 'config--pkg-vlf)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Eros ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-eros" config) (setq eros-eval-result-prefix "⟹ ") ; default => (provide 'config--pkg-eros)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg evil ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-evil" config) (after! evil (setq evil-ex-substitute-global t ; I like my s/../.. to by global by default evil-move-cursor-back nil ; Don't move the block cursor when toggling insert mode evil-kill-on-visual-paste nil)) ; Don't put overwritten text in the kill ring (provide 'config--pkg-evil)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg gptel ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-gptel" config) (use-package! gptel :commands gptel gptel-menu gptel-mode gptel-send gptel-set-tpic :config (let (ollama-models) (when (executable-find "ollama") (with-temp-buffer (call-process "ollama" nil t nil "list") (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (while (and (not (eobp)) (looking-at "[^ \t]+")) (push (match-string 0) ollama-models) (forward-line 1)))) (setq-default gptel-model "nous-hermes2:latest" gptel-backend (gptel-make-ollama "Ollama" :models ollama-models :stream t))) (setq gptel-default-mode #'org-mode)) (provide 'config--pkg-gptel)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Consult ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-consult" config) (after! consult (set-face-attribute 'consult-file nil :inherit 'consult-buffer) (setf (plist-get (alist-get 'perl consult-async-split-styles-alist) :initial) ";")) (provide 'config--pkg-consult)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Magit ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+org-commit-message-template', ;; `+magit-fill-in-commit-template', `+magit-default-forge-remote', ;; and `+magit-project-commit-templates-alist'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-magit" config) (defvar +magit-project-commit-templates-alist nil "Alist of toplevel dirs and template hf strings/functions.") (after! magit (defvar +magit-default-forge-remote "git@code.tecosaur.net:tec/%s.git" "Format string that fills out to a remote from the repo name. Set to nil to disable this functionality.") (defadvice! +magit-remote-add--streamline-forge-a (args) "Prompt to setup a remote using `+magit-default-forge-remote'." :filter-args #'magit-remote-add (interactive (let ((default-name (subst-char-in-string ?\s ?- (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name (or (doom-project-root) default-directory)))))) (or (and +magit-default-forge-remote (not (magit-list-remotes)) (eq (read-char-choice (format "Setup %s remote? [y/n]: " (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\(?:[^@]+@\\|https://\\)\\([^:/]+\\)[:/].*\\'" "\\1" +magit-default-forge-remote)) '(?y ?n)) ?y) (let ((name (read-string "Name: " default-name))) (list "origin" (format +magit-default-forge-remote name) (transient-args 'magit-remote)))) (let ((origin (magit-get "remote.origin.url")) (remote (magit-read-string-ns "Remote name")) (gh-user (magit-get "github.user"))) (and (equal remote gh-user) (if origin (and (string-match "\\`https://github\\.com/\\([^/]+\\)/\\([^/]+\\)\\.git\\'" origin) (not (string= (match-string 1 origin) gh-user))) t) (setq origin (if origin (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`https://github\\.com/" "git@github.com:" origin) (format "git@github.com:%s/%s" gh-user (read-string "GitHub repo Name: " default-name))))) (list remote (magit-read-url "Remote url" (and origin (string-match "\\([^:/]+\\)/[^/]+\\(\\.git\\)?\\'" origin) (replace-match remote t t origin 1))) (transient-args 'magit-remote)))))) args) (defun +magit-fill-in-commit-template () "Insert template from `+magit-fill-in-commit-template' if applicable." (when-let ((template (and (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (string-match-p "\\`\\s-*$" (thing-at-point 'line))) (cdr (assoc (file-name-base (directory-file-name (magit-toplevel))) +magit-project-commit-templates-alist))))) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert (if (stringp template) template (funcall template))) (goto-char (point-min)) (end-of-line))) (add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook #'+magit-fill-in-commit-template 90) (defun +org-commit-message-template () "Create a skeleton for an Org commit message based on the staged diff." (let (change-data last-file file-changes temp-point) (with-temp-buffer (apply #'call-process magit-git-executable nil t nil (append magit-git-global-arguments (list "diff" "--cached"))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^@@\\|^\\+\\+\\+ b/" nil t) (if (looking-back "^\\+\\+\\+ b/" (line-beginning-position)) (progn (push (list last-file file-changes) change-data) (setq last-file (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-end-position)) file-changes nil)) (setq temp-point (line-beginning-position)) (re-search-forward "^\\+\\|^-" nil t) (end-of-line) (cond ((string-match-p "\\.el$" last-file) (when (re-search-backward "^\\(?:[+-]? *\\|@@[ +-\\d,]+@@ \\)(\\(?:cl-\\)?\\(?:defun\\|defvar\\|defmacro\\|defcustom\\)" temp-point t) (re-search-forward "\\(?:cl-\\)?\\(?:defun\\|defvar\\|defmacro\\|defcustom\\) \\([^[:space:]\n]+\\)" nil t) (push (match-string 1) file-changes))) ((string-match-p "\\.org$" last-file) (when (re-search-backward "^[+-]\\*+ \\|^@@[ +-\\d,]+@@ \\*+ " temp-point t) (re-search-forward "@@ \\*+ " nil t) (push (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-end-position)) file-changes))))))) (setq file-changes (delete-dups file-changes)) (push (list last-file file-changes) change-data) (setq change-data (delete '(nil nil) change-data)) (concat (if (= 1 (length change-data)) (replace-regexp-in-string "^.*/\\|.[a-z]+$" "" (caar change-data)) "?") ": \n\n" (mapconcat (lambda (file-changes) (if (cadr file-changes) (format "* %s (%s): " (car file-changes) (mapconcat #'identity (cadr file-changes) ", ")) (format "* %s: " (car file-changes)))) change-data "\n\n")))) (add-to-list '+magit-project-commit-templates-alist (cons "org" #'+org-commit-message-template))) (provide 'config--pkg-magit)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Smerge ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `smerge-repeatedly'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-smerge" config) (defun smerge-repeatedly () "Perform smerge actions again and again" (interactive) (smerge-mode 1) (smerge-transient)) (after! transient (transient-define-prefix smerge-transient () [["Move" ("n" "next" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-next)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("p" "previous" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-prev)) (smerge-repeatedly)))] ["Keep" ("b" "base" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-keep-base)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("u" "upper" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-keep-upper)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("l" "lower" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-keep-lower)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("a" "all" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-keep-all)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("RET" "current" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-keep-current)) (smerge-repeatedly)))] ["Diff" ("<" "upper/base" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-diff-base-upper)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("=" "upper/lower" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-diff-upper-lower)) (smerge-repeatedly))) (">" "base/lower" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-diff-base-lower)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("R" "refine" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-refine)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("E" "ediff" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-ediff)) (smerge-repeatedly)))] ["Other" ("c" "combine" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-combine-with-next)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("r" "resolve" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-resolve)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("k" "kill current" (lambda () (interactive) (ignore-errors (smerge-kill-current)) (smerge-repeatedly))) ("q" "quit" (lambda () (interactive) (smerge-auto-leave)))]])) (provide 'config--pkg-smerge)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Corfu ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("hook: pkg-corfu" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'corfu (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-corfu" load-hooks) (setq corfu-auto-delay 0.5) (provide 'config--pkg-corfu)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Projectile ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `projectile-ignored-project-function'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-projectile" config) (setq projectile-ignored-projects (list "~/" "/tmp" (expand-file-name "straight/repos" doom-local-dir))) (defun projectile-ignored-project-function (filepath) "Return t if FILEPATH is within any of `projectile-ignored-projects'" (or (mapcar (lambda (p) (s-starts-with-p p filepath)) projectile-ignored-projects))) (provide 'config--pkg-projectile)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Jinx ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: jinx" config) (use-package! jinx :defer t :init (add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'global-jinx-mode) :config ;; Use my custom dictionary (setq jinx-languages "en-custom") ;; Extra face(s) to ignore (push 'org-inline-src-block (alist-get 'org-mode jinx-exclude-faces)) ;; Take over the relevant bindings. (after! ispell (global-set-key [remap ispell-word] #'jinx-correct)) (after! evil-commands (global-set-key [remap evil-next-flyspell-error] #'jinx-next) (global-set-key [remap evil-prev-flyspell-error] #'jinx-previous)) ;; I prefer for `point' to end up at the start of the word, ;; not just after the end. (advice-add 'jinx-next :after (lambda (_) (left-word)))) (provide 'config-jinx)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Autocorrect ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `autocorrect-jinx-appropriate', ;; `autocorrect-jinx-check-spelling', and ;; `autocorrect-jinx-record-correction'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: autocorrect" config) (use-package! autocorrect :after jinx :config ;; Integrate with Jinx (defun autocorrect-jinx-record-correction (overlay corrected) "Record that Jinx corrected the text in OVERLAY to CORRECTED." (let ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties (overlay-start overlay) (overlay-end overlay)))) (autocorrect-record-correction text corrected))) (defun autocorrect-jinx-check-spelling (word) "Check if WORD is valid." ;; Mostly a copy of `jinx--word-valid-p', just without the buffer substring. ;; It would have been nice if `jinx--word-valid-p' implemented like this ;; with `jinx--this-word-valid-p' (or similar) as the at-point variant. (or (member word jinx--session-words) ;; Allow capitalized words (and (string-match-p "\\`[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+\\'" word) (cl-loop for w in jinx--session-words thereis (and (string-equal-ignore-case word w) (string-match-p "\\`[[:lower:]]+\\'" w)))) (cl-loop for dict in jinx--dicts thereis (jinx--mod-check dict word)))) (defun autocorrect-jinx-appropriate (pos) "Return non-nil if it is appropriate to spellcheck at POS according to jinx." (and (not (jinx--face-ignored-p pos)) (not (jinx--regexp-ignored-p pos)))) (setq autocorrect-check-spelling-function #'autocorrect-jinx-check-spelling) (add-to-list 'autocorrect-predicates #'autocorrect-jinx-appropriate) (advice-add 'jinx--correct-replace :before #'autocorrect-jinx-record-correction) ;; Run setup (run-with-idle-timer 0.5 nil #'autocorrect-setup) ;; Make work with evil-mode (evil-collection-set-readonly-bindings 'autocorrect-list-mode-map) (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'autocorrect-list-mode-map (kbd "a") #'autocorrect-create-correction (kbd "x") #'autocorrect-remove-correction (kbd "i") #'autocorrect-ignore-word)) (provide 'config-autocorrect)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; TRAMP ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: tramp" config) (after! tramp (setenv "SHELL" "/bin/bash") (setq tramp-shell-prompt-pattern "\\(?:^\\|\n\\|\x0d\\)[^]#$%>\n]*#?[]#$%>] *\\(\e\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\\)*")) ;; default + (after! tramp (appendq! tramp-remote-path '("~/.guix-profile/bin" "~/.guix-profile/sbin" "/run/current-system/profile/bin" "/run/current-system/profile/sbin"))) (provide 'config-tramp)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg AAS ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-aas" config) (use-package! aas :commands aas-mode) (provide 'config--pkg-aas)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Screenshot ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-screenshot" config) (use-package! screenshot :defer t :config (setq screenshot-upload-fn "upload %s 2>/dev/null")) (provide 'config--pkg-screenshot)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg etrace ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-etrace" config) (use-package! etrace :after elp) (provide 'config--pkg-etrace)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg YASnippet ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-yasnippet" config) (setq yas-triggers-in-field t) (provide 'config--pkg-yasnippet)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg String Inflection ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-string-inflection" config) (use-package! string-inflection :commands (string-inflection-all-cycle string-inflection-toggle string-inflection-camelcase string-inflection-lower-camelcase string-inflection-kebab-case string-inflection-underscore string-inflection-capital-underscore string-inflection-upcase) :init (map! :leader :prefix ("c~" . "naming convention") :desc "cycle" "~" #'string-inflection-all-cycle :desc "toggle" "t" #'string-inflection-toggle :desc "CamelCase" "c" #'string-inflection-camelcase :desc "downCase" "d" #'string-inflection-lower-camelcase :desc "kebab-case" "k" #'string-inflection-kebab-case :desc "under_score" "_" #'string-inflection-underscore :desc "Upper_Score" "u" #'string-inflection-capital-underscore :desc "UP_CASE" "U" #'string-inflection-upcase) (after! evil (evil-define-operator evil-operator-string-inflection (beg end _type) "Define a new evil operator that cycles symbol casing." :move-point nil (interactive "<R>") (string-inflection-all-cycle) (setq evil-repeat-info '([?g ?~]))) (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "g~") 'evil-operator-string-inflection))) (provide 'config--pkg-string-inflection)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg SmartParens ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-smartparens" config) (sp-local-pair '(org-mode) "<<" ">>" :actions '(insert)) (provide 'config--pkg-smartparens)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Info colors ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-info-colors" config) (use-package! info-colors :commands (info-colors-fontify-node)) (add-hook 'Info-selection-hook 'info-colors-fontify-node) (provide 'config--pkg-info-colors)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Theme magic ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-theme-magic" config) (use-package! theme-magic :commands theme-magic-from-emacs :config (defadvice! theme-magic--auto-extract-16-doom-colors () :override #'theme-magic--auto-extract-16-colors (list (face-attribute 'default :background) (doom-color 'error) (doom-color 'success) (doom-color 'type) (doom-color 'keywords) (doom-color 'constants) (doom-color 'functions) (face-attribute 'default :foreground) (face-attribute 'shadow :foreground) (doom-blend 'base8 'error 0.1) (doom-blend 'base8 'success 0.1) (doom-blend 'base8 'type 0.1) (doom-blend 'base8 'keywords 0.1) (doom-blend 'base8 'constants 0.1) (doom-blend 'base8 'functions 0.1) (face-attribute 'default :foreground)))) (provide 'config--pkg-theme-magic)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg simple-comment-markup ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-simple-comment-markup" config) (use-package! simple-comment-markup :hook (prog-mode . simple-comment-markup-mode) :config (setq simple-comment-markup-set '(org markdown-code))) (provide 'config--pkg-simple-comment-markup)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Doom modeline ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `doom-modeline-update-pdf-pages', ;; `+single-fullscreen-window-p', and ;; `doom-modeline-conditional-buffer-encoding'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: pkg-doom-modeline" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'doom-modeline (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-doom-modeline" load-hooks) (custom-set-faces! '(doom-modeline-buffer-modified :foreground "orange")) (setq doom-modeline-height 45) (defun doom-modeline-conditional-buffer-encoding () "We expect the encoding to be LF UTF-8, so only show the modeline when this is not the case" (setq-local doom-modeline-buffer-encoding (unless (and (memq (plist-get (coding-system-plist buffer-file-coding-system) :category) '(coding-category-undecided coding-category-utf-8)) (not (memq (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system) '(1 2)))) t))) (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom-modeline-conditional-buffer-encoding) (setq doom-modeline-time-clock-size 0.65) (use-package! doom-modeline-media-player :defer t :init (after! doom-modeline (add-to-list 'doom-modeline-fn-alist (cons 'media-player #'doom-modeline-segment--media-player))) :config (defun +single-fullscreen-window-p () (and (memq (frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen) '(fullscreen fullboth)) (not (consp (car (window-tree)))))) (setq doom-modeline-media-player #'+single-fullscreen-window-p doom-modeline-media-player-playback-indication 'dim)) (doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-name "Display the current buffer's name, without any other information." (concat (doom-modeline-spc) (doom-modeline--buffer-name))) (doom-modeline-def-segment pdf-icon "PDF icon from nerd-icons." (concat (doom-modeline-icon sucicon "nf-seti-pdf" nil nil (doom-modeline-spc) :face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'nerd-icons-red 'mode-line-inactive) :v-adjust 0.02))) (defun doom-modeline-update-pdf-pages () "Update PDF pages." (setq doom-modeline--pdf-pages (let ((current-page-str (number-to-string (eval `(pdf-view-current-page)))) (total-page-str (number-to-string (pdf-cache-number-of-pages)))) (concat (propertize (concat (make-string (- (length total-page-str) (length current-page-str)) ? ) " P" current-page-str) 'face 'mode-line) (propertize (concat "/" total-page-str) 'face 'doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode))))) (doom-modeline-def-segment pdf-pages "Display PDF pages." (if (doom-modeline--active) doom-modeline--pdf-pages (propertize doom-modeline--pdf-pages 'face 'mode-line-inactive))) (doom-modeline-def-modeline 'pdf '(bar window-number pdf-pages pdf-icon buffer-name) '(media-player misc-info matches major-mode process vcs)) (provide 'config--pkg-doom-modeline)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Keycast ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-keycast" config) (use-package! keycast :commands keycast-mode :config (define-minor-mode keycast-mode "Show current command and its key binding in the mode line." :global t (if keycast-mode (progn (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'keycast--update t) (add-to-list 'global-mode-string '("" mode-line-keycast " "))) (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'keycast--update) (setq global-mode-string (remove '("" mode-line-keycast " ") global-mode-string)))) (custom-set-faces! '(keycast-command :inherit doom-modeline-debug :height 0.9) '(keycast-key :inherit custom-modified :height 1.1 :weight bold))) (provide 'config--pkg-keycast)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Screencast ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `gif-screencast-write-colormap'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-screencast" config) (use-package! gif-screencast :commands gif-screencast-mode :config (map! :map gif-screencast-mode-map :g "<f8>" #'gif-screencast-toggle-pause :g "<f9>" #'gif-screencast-stop) (setq gif-screencast-program "maim" gif-screencast-args `("--quality" "3" "-i" ,(string-trim-right (shell-command-to-string "xdotool getactivewindow"))) gif-screencast-optimize-args '("--batch" "--optimize=3" "--usecolormap=/tmp/doom-color-theme")) (defun gif-screencast-write-colormap () (write-region (replace-regexp-in-string "\n+" "\n" (mapconcat (lambda (c) (if (listp (cdr c)) (cadr c))) doom-themes--colors "\n")) nil "/tmp/doom-color-theme")) (gif-screencast-write-colormap) (add-hook 'doom-load-theme-hook #'gif-screencast-write-colormap)) (provide 'config--pkg-screencast)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg mixed pitch ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `mixed-pitch-serif-mode', `init-mixed-pitch-h', ;; and `mixed-pitch-modes'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-mixed-pitch" config) (defvar mixed-pitch-modes '(org-mode LaTeX-mode markdown-mode gfm-mode Info-mode) "Modes that `mixed-pitch-mode' should be enabled in, but only after UI initialisation.") (defun init-mixed-pitch-h () "Hook `mixed-pitch-mode' into each mode in `mixed-pitch-modes'. Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." (when (memq major-mode mixed-pitch-modes) (mixed-pitch-mode 1)) (dolist (hook mixed-pitch-modes) (add-hook (intern (concat (symbol-name hook) "-hook")) #'mixed-pitch-mode))) (add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'init-mixed-pitch-h) (autoload #'mixed-pitch-serif-mode "mixed-pitch" "Change the default face of the current buffer to a serifed variable pitch, while keeping some faces fixed pitch." t) (setq! variable-pitch-serif-font (font-spec :family "Alegreya" :size 27)) (after! mixed-pitch (setq mixed-pitch-set-height t) (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch-serif nil :font variable-pitch-serif-font) (defun mixed-pitch-serif-mode (&optional arg) "Change the default face of the current buffer to a serifed variable pitch, while keeping some faces fixed pitch." (interactive) (let ((mixed-pitch-face 'variable-pitch-serif)) (mixed-pitch-mode (or arg 'toggle))))) (set-char-table-range composition-function-table ?f '(["\\(?:ff?[fijlt]\\)" 0 font-shape-gstring])) (set-char-table-range composition-function-table ?T '(["\\(?:Th\\)" 0 font-shape-gstring])) (provide 'config--pkg-mixed-pitch)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Variable pitch serif font ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `variable-pitch-serif-font' and ;; `variable-pitch-serif'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: variable-pitch-serif-font" config) (defface variable-pitch-serif '((t (:family "serif"))) "A variable-pitch face with serifs." :group 'basic-faces) (defcustom variable-pitch-serif-font (font-spec :family "serif") "The font face used for `variable-pitch-serif'." :group 'basic-faces :type '(restricted-sexp :tag "font-spec" :match-alternatives (fontp)) :set (lambda (symbol value) (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch-serif nil :font value) (set-default-toplevel-value symbol value))) (provide 'config-variable-pitch-serif-font)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Marginalia ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+marginalia-file-size-colorful' and ;; `+marginalia--time-colorful'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-marginalia" config) (after! marginalia (setq marginalia-censor-variables nil) (defadvice! +marginalia--anotate-local-file-colorful (cand) "Just a more colourful version of `marginalia--anotate-local-file'." :override #'marginalia--annotate-local-file (when-let (attrs (file-attributes (substitute-in-file-name (marginalia--full-candidate cand)) 'integer)) (marginalia--fields ((marginalia--file-owner attrs) :width 12 :face 'marginalia-file-owner) ((marginalia--file-modes attrs)) ((+marginalia-file-size-colorful (file-attribute-size attrs)) :width 7) ((+marginalia--time-colorful (file-attribute-modification-time attrs)) :width 12)))) (defun +marginalia--time-colorful (time) (let* ((seconds (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) time))) (color (doom-blend (face-attribute 'marginalia-date :foreground nil t) (face-attribute 'marginalia-documentation :foreground nil t) (/ 1.0 (log (+ 3 (/ (+ 1 seconds) 345600.0))))))) ;; 1 - log(3 + 1/(days + 1)) % grey (propertize (marginalia--time time) 'face (list :foreground color)))) (defun +marginalia-file-size-colorful (size) (let* ((size-index (/ (log (+ 1 size)) 7.0)) (color (if (< size-index 10000000) ; 10m (doom-blend 'orange 'green size-index) (doom-blend 'red 'orange (- size-index 1))))) (propertize (file-size-human-readable size) 'face (list :foreground color))))) (provide 'config--pkg-marginalia)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Centaur Tabs ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-centaur-tabs" config) (after! centaur-tabs (centaur-tabs-mode -1) (setq centaur-tabs-height 36 centaur-tabs-set-icons t centaur-tabs-modified-marker "o" centaur-tabs-close-button "×" centaur-tabs-set-bar 'above centaur-tabs-gray-out-icons 'buffer) (centaur-tabs-change-fonts "P22 Underground Book" 160)) ;; (setq x-underline-at-descent-line t) (provide 'config--pkg-centaur-tabs)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Nerd Icons ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-nerd-icons" config) (after! nerd-icons (setcdr (assoc "m" nerd-icons-extension-icon-alist) (cdr (assoc "matlab" nerd-icons-extension-icon-alist)))) (provide 'config--pkg-nerd-icons)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg page break lines ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-page-break-lines" config) (use-package! page-break-lines :commands page-break-lines-mode :init (autoload 'turn-on-page-break-lines-mode "page-break-lines") :config (setq page-break-lines-max-width fill-column) (map! :prefix "g" :desc "Prev page break" :nv "[" #'backward-page :desc "Next page break" :nv "]" #'forward-page)) (provide 'config--pkg-page-break-lines)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Writeroom ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+zen-nonprose-org-h', `+zen-prose-org-h', ;; `+zen-enable-mixed-pitch-mode-h', `+zen-org-starhide', and ;; `+zen-serif-p'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: writeroom" config) (setq +zen-text-scale 0.8) (defvar +zen-serif-p t "Whether to use a serifed font with `mixed-pitch-mode'.") (defvar +zen-org-starhide t "The value `org-modern-hide-stars' is set to.") (after! writeroom-mode (defvar-local +zen--original-org-indent-mode-p nil) (defvar-local +zen--original-mixed-pitch-mode-p nil) (defun +zen-enable-mixed-pitch-mode-h () "Enable `mixed-pitch-mode' when in `+zen-mixed-pitch-modes'." (when (apply #'derived-mode-p +zen-mixed-pitch-modes) (if writeroom-mode (progn (setq +zen--original-mixed-pitch-mode-p mixed-pitch-mode) (funcall (if +zen-serif-p #'mixed-pitch-serif-mode #'mixed-pitch-mode) 1)) (funcall #'mixed-pitch-mode (if +zen--original-mixed-pitch-mode-p 1 -1))))) (defun +zen-prose-org-h () "Reformat the current Org buffer appearance for prose." (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (setq display-line-numbers nil visual-fill-column-width 60 org-adapt-indentation nil) (when (featurep 'org-modern) (setq-local org-modern-star '("🙘" "🙙" "🙚" "🙛") ;; org-modern-star '("🙐" "🙑" "🙒" "🙓" "🙔" "🙕" "🙖" "🙗") org-modern-hide-stars +zen-org-starhide) (org-modern-mode -1) (org-modern-mode 1)) (setq +zen--original-org-indent-mode-p org-indent-mode) (org-indent-mode -1))) (defun +zen-nonprose-org-h () "Reverse the effect of `+zen-prose-org'." (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (when (bound-and-true-p org-modern-mode) (org-modern-mode -1) (org-modern-mode 1)) (when +zen--original-org-indent-mode-p (org-indent-mode 1)))) (pushnew! writeroom--local-variables 'display-line-numbers 'visual-fill-column-width 'org-adapt-indentation 'org-modern-mode 'org-modern-star 'org-modern-hide-stars) (add-hook 'writeroom-mode-enable-hook #'+zen-prose-org-h) (add-hook 'writeroom-mode-disable-hook #'+zen-nonprose-org-h)) (provide 'config-writeroom)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg treemacs ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `treemacs-ignore-filter', ;; `treemacs-file-ignore-generate-regexps', ;; `treemacs-file-ignore-regexps', `treemacs-file-ignore-globs', and ;; `treemacs-file-ignore-extensions'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-treemacs" config) (after! treemacs (defvar treemacs-file-ignore-extensions '() "File extension which `treemacs-ignore-filter' will ensure are ignored") (defvar treemacs-file-ignore-globs '() "Globs which will are transformed to `treemacs-file-ignore-regexps' which `treemacs-ignore-filter' will ensure are ignored") (defvar treemacs-file-ignore-regexps '() "RegExps to be tested to ignore files, generated from `treeemacs-file-ignore-globs'") (defun treemacs-file-ignore-generate-regexps () "Generate `treemacs-file-ignore-regexps' from `treemacs-file-ignore-globs'" (setq treemacs-file-ignore-regexps (mapcar 'dired-glob-regexp treemacs-file-ignore-globs))) (if (equal treemacs-file-ignore-globs '()) nil (treemacs-file-ignore-generate-regexps)) (defun treemacs-ignore-filter (file full-path) "Ignore files specified by `treemacs-file-ignore-extensions', and `treemacs-file-ignore-regexps'" (or (member (file-name-extension file) treemacs-file-ignore-extensions) (let ((ignore-file nil)) (dolist (regexp treemacs-file-ignore-regexps ignore-file) (setq ignore-file (or ignore-file (if (string-match-p regexp full-path) t nil))))))) (add-to-list 'treemacs-ignored-file-predicates #'treemacs-ignore-filter)) (setq treemacs-file-ignore-extensions '(;; LaTeX "aux" "ptc" "fdb_latexmk" "fls" "synctex.gz" "toc" ;; LaTeX - glossary "glg" "glo" "gls" "glsdefs" "ist" "acn" "acr" "alg" ;; LaTeX - pgfplots "mw" ;; LaTeX - pdfx "pdfa.xmpi" )) (setq treemacs-file-ignore-globs '(;; LaTeX "*/_minted-*" ;; AucTeX "*/.auctex-auto" "*/_region_.log" "*/_region_.tex")) (provide 'config--pkg-treemacs)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg visual-fill-column ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+visual-fill-column--set-margins--fixed' and ;; `+visual-fill-column--window-max-text-width--fixed'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: pkg-visual-fill-column" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'visual-fill-column (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-visual-fill-column" load-hooks) (defun +visual-fill-column--window-max-text-width--fixed (&optional window) "Return the maximum possible text width of WINDOW. The maximum possible text width is the width of the current text area plus the margins, but excluding the fringes, scroll bar, and right divider. WINDOW defaults to the selected window. The return value is scaled to account for `text-scale-mode-amount' and `text-scale-mode-step'." (or window (setq window (selected-window))) (let* ((margins (window-margins window)) (buffer (window-buffer window)) (scale (if (and visual-fill-column-adjust-for-text-scale (boundp 'text-scale-mode-step) (boundp 'text-scale-mode-amount)) (with-current-buffer buffer (expt text-scale-mode-step text-scale-mode-amount)) 1.0)) (remap-scale (if (>= emacs-major-version 29) (/ (window-width window 'remap) (float (window-width window))) 1.0))) (truncate (/ (+ (window-width window (and (>= emacs-major-version 29) 'remap)) (* (or (car margins) 0) remap-scale) (* (or (cdr margins) 0) remap-scale)) (float scale))))) (advice-add 'visual-fill-column--window-max-text-width :override #'+visual-fill-column--window-max-text-width--fixed) (defun +visual-fill-column--set-margins--fixed (window) "Set window margins for WINDOW." ;; Calculate left & right margins. (let* ((total-width (visual-fill-column--window-max-text-width window)) (remap-scale (if (>= emacs-major-version 29) (/ (window-width window 'remap) (float (window-width window))) 1.0)) (width (or visual-fill-column-width fill-column)) (margins (if (< (- total-width width) 0) ; margins must be >= 0 0 (round (/ (- total-width width) remap-scale)))) (left (if visual-fill-column-center-text (/ margins 2) 0)) (right (- margins left))) (if visual-fill-column-extra-text-width (let ((add-width (visual-fill-column--add-extra-width left right visual-fill-column-extra-text-width))) (setq left (car add-width) right (cdr add-width)))) ;; put an explicitly R2L buffer on the right side of the window (when (and (eq bidi-paragraph-direction 'right-to-left) (= left 0)) (setq left right) (setq right 0)) (set-window-margins window left right))) (advice-add 'visual-fill-column--set-margins :override #'+visual-fill-column--set-margins--fixed) (provide 'config--pkg-visual-fill-column)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; XKCD ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+xkcd-db-write', `+xkcd-db-list-to-plist', ;; `+xkcd-db-read-all', `+xkcd-db-read', `+xkcd-db-query', `+xkcd-db', ;; `+xkcd-db--init', `+xkcd-db--get-connection', `+xkcd-db--get', ;; `+xkcd-db--connection', `+xkcd-stored-info', `+xkcd-check-latest', ;; `+xkcd-latest-max-age', `+xkcd-find-and-view', `+xkcd-copy', ;; `+xkcd-find-and-copy', `+xkcd-fetch-info', `+xkcd-select-format', ;; and `+xkcd-select'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: xkcd" config) (use-package! xkcd :commands (xkcd-get-json xkcd-download xkcd-get ;; now for funcs from my extension of this pkg +xkcd-find-and-copy +xkcd-find-and-view +xkcd-fetch-info +xkcd-select) :config (setq xkcd-cache-dir (expand-file-name "xkcd/" doom-cache-dir) xkcd-cache-latest (concat xkcd-cache-dir "latest")) (unless (file-exists-p xkcd-cache-dir) (make-directory xkcd-cache-dir)) (after! evil-snipe (add-to-list 'evil-snipe-disabled-modes 'xkcd-mode)) :general (:states 'normal :keymaps 'xkcd-mode-map "<right>" #'xkcd-next "n" #'xkcd-next ; evil-ish "<left>" #'xkcd-prev "N" #'xkcd-prev ; evil-ish "r" #'xkcd-rand "a" #'xkcd-rand ; because image-rotate can interfere "t" #'xkcd-alt-text "q" #'xkcd-kill-buffer "o" #'xkcd-open-browser "e" #'xkcd-open-explanation-browser ;; extras "s" #'+xkcd-find-and-view "/" #'+xkcd-find-and-view "y" #'+xkcd-copy)) (after! xkcd (require 'emacsql-sqlite) (defun +xkcd-select () "Prompt the user for an xkcd using `completing-read' and `+xkcd-select-format'. Return the xkcd number or nil" (let* (prompt-lines (-dummy (maphash (lambda (key xkcd-info) (push (+xkcd-select-format xkcd-info) prompt-lines)) +xkcd-stored-info)) (num (completing-read (format "xkcd (%s): " xkcd-latest) prompt-lines))) (if (equal "" num) xkcd-latest (string-to-number (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([0-9]+\\).*" "\\1" num))))) (defun +xkcd-select-format (xkcd-info) "Creates each completing-read line from an xkcd info plist. Must start with the xkcd number" (format "%-4s %-30s %s" (propertize (number-to-string (plist-get xkcd-info :num)) 'face 'counsel-key-binding) (plist-get xkcd-info :title) (propertize (plist-get xkcd-info :alt) 'face '(variable-pitch font-lock-comment-face)))) (defun +xkcd-fetch-info (&optional num) "Fetch the parsed json info for comic NUM. Fetches latest when omitted or 0" (require 'xkcd) (when (or (not num) (= num 0)) (+xkcd-check-latest) (setq num xkcd-latest)) (let ((res (or (gethash num +xkcd-stored-info) (puthash num (+xkcd-db-read num) +xkcd-stored-info)))) (unless res (+xkcd-db-write (let* ((url (format "https://xkcd.com/%d/info.0.json" num)) (json-assoc (if (gethash num +xkcd-stored-info) (gethash num +xkcd-stored-info) (json-read-from-string (xkcd-get-json url num))))) json-assoc)) (setq res (+xkcd-db-read num))) res)) ;; since we've done this, we may as well go one little step further (defun +xkcd-find-and-copy () "Prompt for an xkcd using `+xkcd-select' and copy url to clipboard" (interactive) (+xkcd-copy (+xkcd-select))) (defun +xkcd-copy (&optional num) "Copy a url to xkcd NUM to the clipboard" (interactive "i") (let ((num (or num xkcd-cur))) (gui-select-text (format "https://xkcd.com/%d" num)) (message "xkcd.com/%d copied to clipboard" num))) (defun +xkcd-find-and-view () "Prompt for an xkcd using `+xkcd-select' and view it" (interactive) (xkcd-get (+xkcd-select)) (switch-to-buffer "*xkcd*")) (defvar +xkcd-latest-max-age (* 60 60) ; 1 hour "Time after which xkcd-latest should be refreshed, in seconds") ;; initialise `xkcd-latest' and `+xkcd-stored-info' with latest xkcd (add-transient-hook! '+xkcd-select (require 'xkcd) (+xkcd-fetch-info xkcd-latest) (setq +xkcd-stored-info (+xkcd-db-read-all))) (add-transient-hook! '+xkcd-fetch-info (xkcd-update-latest)) (defun +xkcd-check-latest () "Use value in `xkcd-cache-latest' as long as it isn't older thabn `+xkcd-latest-max-age'" (unless (and (file-exists-p xkcd-cache-latest) (< (- (time-to-seconds (current-time)) (time-to-seconds (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes xkcd-cache-latest)))) +xkcd-latest-max-age)) (let* ((out (xkcd-get-json "http://xkcd.com/info.0.json" 0)) (json-assoc (json-read-from-string out)) (latest (cdr (assoc 'num json-assoc)))) (when (/= xkcd-latest latest) (+xkcd-db-write json-assoc) (with-current-buffer (find-file xkcd-cache-latest) (setq xkcd-latest latest) (erase-buffer) (insert (number-to-string latest)) (save-buffer) (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))) (shell-command (format "touch %s" xkcd-cache-latest)))) (defvar +xkcd-stored-info (make-hash-table :test 'eql) "Basic info on downloaded xkcds, in the form of a hashtable") (defadvice! xkcd-get-json--and-cache (url &optional num) "Fetch the Json coming from URL. If the file NUM.json exists, use it instead. If NUM is 0, always download from URL. The return value is a string." :override #'xkcd-get-json (let* ((file (format "%s%d.json" xkcd-cache-dir num)) (cached (and (file-exists-p file) (not (eq num 0)))) (out (with-current-buffer (if cached (find-file file) (url-retrieve-synchronously url)) (goto-char (point-min)) (unless cached (re-search-forward "^$")) (prog1 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-max)) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))) (unless (or cached (eq num 0)) (xkcd-cache-json num out)) out)) (defadvice! +xkcd-get (num) "Get the xkcd number NUM." :override 'xkcd-get (interactive "nEnter comic number: ") (xkcd-update-latest) (get-buffer-create "*xkcd*") (switch-to-buffer "*xkcd*") (xkcd-mode) (let (buffer-read-only) (erase-buffer) (setq xkcd-cur num) (let* ((xkcd-data (+xkcd-fetch-info num)) (num (plist-get xkcd-data :num)) (img (plist-get xkcd-data :img)) (safe-title (plist-get xkcd-data :safe-title)) (alt (plist-get xkcd-data :alt)) title file) (message "Getting comic...") (setq file (xkcd-download img num)) (setq title (format "%d: %s" num safe-title)) (insert (propertize title 'face 'outline-1)) (center-line) (insert "\n") (xkcd-insert-image file num) (if (eq xkcd-cur 0) (setq xkcd-cur num)) (setq xkcd-alt alt) (message "%s" title)))) (defconst +xkcd-db--sqlite-available-p (with-demoted-errors "+org-xkcd initialization: %S" (emacsql-sqlite-ensure-binary) t)) (defvar +xkcd-db--connection (make-hash-table :test #'equal) "Database connection to +org-xkcd database.") (defun +xkcd-db--get () "Return the sqlite db file." (expand-file-name "xkcd.db" xkcd-cache-dir)) (defun +xkcd-db--get-connection () "Return the database connection, if any." (gethash (file-truename xkcd-cache-dir) +xkcd-db--connection)) (defconst +xkcd-db--table-schema '((xkcds [(num integer :unique :primary-key) (year :not-null) (month :not-null) (link :not-null) (news :not-null) (safe_title :not-null) (title :not-null) (transcript :not-null) (alt :not-null) (img :not-null)]))) (defun +xkcd-db--init (db) "Initialize database DB with the correct schema and user version." (emacsql-with-transaction db (pcase-dolist (`(,table . ,schema) +xkcd-db--table-schema) (emacsql db [:create-table $i1 $S2] table schema)))) (defun +xkcd-db () "Entrypoint to the +org-xkcd sqlite database. Initializes and stores the database, and the database connection. Performs a database upgrade when required." (unless (and (+xkcd-db--get-connection) (emacsql-live-p (+xkcd-db--get-connection))) (let* ((db-file (+xkcd-db--get)) (init-db (not (file-exists-p db-file)))) (make-directory (file-name-directory db-file) t) (let ((conn (emacsql-sqlite db-file))) (set-process-query-on-exit-flag (emacsql-process conn) nil) (puthash (file-truename xkcd-cache-dir) conn +xkcd-db--connection) (when init-db (+xkcd-db--init conn))))) (+xkcd-db--get-connection)) (defun +xkcd-db-query (sql &rest args) "Run SQL query on +org-xkcd database with ARGS. SQL can be either the emacsql vector representation, or a string." (if (stringp sql) (emacsql (+xkcd-db) (apply #'format sql args)) (apply #'emacsql (+xkcd-db) sql args))) (defun +xkcd-db-read (num) (when-let ((res (car (+xkcd-db-query [:select * :from xkcds :where (= num $s1)] num :limit 1)))) (+xkcd-db-list-to-plist res))) (defun +xkcd-db-read-all () (let ((xkcd-table (make-hash-table :test 'eql :size 4000))) (mapcar (lambda (xkcd-info-list) (puthash (car xkcd-info-list) (+xkcd-db-list-to-plist xkcd-info-list) xkcd-table)) (+xkcd-db-query [:select * :from xkcds])) xkcd-table)) (defun +xkcd-db-list-to-plist (xkcd-datalist) `(:num ,(nth 0 xkcd-datalist) :year ,(nth 1 xkcd-datalist) :month ,(nth 2 xkcd-datalist) :link ,(nth 3 xkcd-datalist) :news ,(nth 4 xkcd-datalist) :safe-title ,(nth 5 xkcd-datalist) :title ,(nth 6 xkcd-datalist) :transcript ,(nth 7 xkcd-datalist) :alt ,(nth 8 xkcd-datalist) :img ,(nth 9 xkcd-datalist))) (defun +xkcd-db-write (data) (+xkcd-db-query [:insert-into xkcds :values $v1] (list (vector (cdr (assoc 'num data)) (cdr (assoc 'year data)) (cdr (assoc 'month data)) (cdr (assoc 'link data)) (cdr (assoc 'news data)) (cdr (assoc 'safe_title data)) (cdr (assoc 'title data)) (cdr (assoc 'transcript data)) (cdr (assoc 'alt data)) (cdr (assoc 'img data)) ))))) (provide 'config-xkcd)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Selectric ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-selectric" config) (use-package! selectic-mode :commands selectic-mode) (provide 'config--pkg-selectric)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Wttrin ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-wttrin" config) (use-package! wttrin :commands wttrin) (provide 'config--pkg-wttrin)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Spray ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `spray-mode-hide-cursor'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-spray" config) (use-package! spray :commands spray-mode :config (setq spray-wpm 600 spray-height 800) (defun spray-mode-hide-cursor () "Hide or unhide the cursor as is appropriate." (if spray-mode (setq-local spray--last-evil-cursor-state evil-normal-state-cursor evil-normal-state-cursor '(nil)) (setq-local evil-normal-state-cursor spray--last-evil-cursor-state))) (add-hook 'spray-mode-hook #'spray-mode-hide-cursor) (map! :map spray-mode-map "<return>" #'spray-start/stop "f" #'spray-faster "s" #'spray-slower "t" #'spray-time "<right>" #'spray-forward-word "h" #'spray-forward-word "<left>" #'spray-backward-word "l" #'spray-backward-word "q" #'spray-quit)) (provide 'config--pkg-spray)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Elcord ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-elcord" config) (use-package! elcord :commands elcord-mode :config (setq elcord-use-major-mode-as-main-icon t)) (provide 'config--pkg-elcord)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Systemd ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-systemd" config) (use-package! systemd :defer t) (provide 'config--pkg-systemd)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Ebooks ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `doom-modeline-nov-title-max-length' and ;; `+nov-mode-setup'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: ebooks" config) (use-package! calibredb :commands calibredb :config (setq calibredb-root-dir "~/.local/share/calibre-library" calibredb-db-dir (expand-file-name "metadata.db" calibredb-root-dir)) (map! :map calibredb-show-mode-map :ne "?" #'calibredb-entry-dispatch :ne "o" #'calibredb-find-file :ne "O" #'calibredb-find-file-other-frame :ne "V" #'calibredb-open-file-with-default-tool :ne "s" #'calibredb-set-metadata-dispatch :ne "e" #'calibredb-export-dispatch :ne "q" #'calibredb-entry-quit :ne "." #'calibredb-open-dired :ne [tab] #'calibredb-toggle-view-at-point :ne "M-t" #'calibredb-set-metadata--tags :ne "M-a" #'calibredb-set-metadata--author_sort :ne "M-A" #'calibredb-set-metadata--authors :ne "M-T" #'calibredb-set-metadata--title :ne "M-c" #'calibredb-set-metadata--comments) (map! :map calibredb-search-mode-map :ne [mouse-3] #'calibredb-search-mouse :ne "RET" #'calibredb-find-file :ne "?" #'calibredb-dispatch :ne "a" #'calibredb-add :ne "A" #'calibredb-add-dir :ne "c" #'calibredb-clone :ne "d" #'calibredb-remove :ne "D" #'calibredb-remove-marked-items :ne "j" #'calibredb-next-entry :ne "k" #'calibredb-previous-entry :ne "l" #'calibredb-virtual-library-list :ne "L" #'calibredb-library-list :ne "n" #'calibredb-virtual-library-next :ne "N" #'calibredb-library-next :ne "p" #'calibredb-virtual-library-previous :ne "P" #'calibredb-library-previous :ne "s" #'calibredb-set-metadata-dispatch :ne "S" #'calibredb-switch-library :ne "o" #'calibredb-find-file :ne "O" #'calibredb-find-file-other-frame :ne "v" #'calibredb-view :ne "V" #'calibredb-open-file-with-default-tool :ne "." #'calibredb-open-dired :ne "b" #'calibredb-catalog-bib-dispatch :ne "e" #'calibredb-export-dispatch :ne "r" #'calibredb-search-refresh-and-clear-filter :ne "R" #'calibredb-search-clear-filter :ne "q" #'calibredb-search-quit :ne "m" #'calibredb-mark-and-forward :ne "f" #'calibredb-toggle-favorite-at-point :ne "x" #'calibredb-toggle-archive-at-point :ne "h" #'calibredb-toggle-highlight-at-point :ne "u" #'calibredb-unmark-and-forward :ne "i" #'calibredb-edit-annotation :ne "DEL" #'calibredb-unmark-and-backward :ne [backtab] #'calibredb-toggle-view :ne [tab] #'calibredb-toggle-view-at-point :ne "M-n" #'calibredb-show-next-entry :ne "M-p" #'calibredb-show-previous-entry :ne "/" #'calibredb-search-live-filter :ne "M-t" #'calibredb-set-metadata--tags :ne "M-a" #'calibredb-set-metadata--author_sort :ne "M-A" #'calibredb-set-metadata--authors :ne "M-T" #'calibredb-set-metadata--title :ne "M-c" #'calibredb-set-metadata--comments)) (use-package! nov :mode ("\\.epub\\'" . nov-mode) :config (map! :map nov-mode-map :n "RET" #'nov-scroll-up) (advice-add 'nov-render-title :override #'ignore) (defun +nov-mode-setup () "Tweak nov-mode to our liking." (face-remap-add-relative 'variable-pitch :family "Merriweather" :height 1.4 :width 'semi-expanded) (face-remap-add-relative 'default :height 1.3) (variable-pitch-mode 1) (setq-local line-spacing 0.2 next-screen-context-lines 4 shr-use-colors nil) (when (require 'visual-fill-column nil t) (setq-local visual-fill-column-center-text t visual-fill-column-width 64 nov-text-width 106) (visual-fill-column-mode 1)) (when (featurep 'hl-line-mode) (hl-line-mode -1)) ;; Re-render with new display settings (nov-render-document) ;; Look up words with the dictionary. (add-to-list '+lookup-definition-functions #'+lookup/dictionary-definition)) (add-hook 'nov-mode-hook #'+nov-mode-setup)) (after! doom-modeline (defvar doom-modeline-nov-title-max-length 40) (doom-modeline-def-segment nov-author (propertize (cdr (assoc 'creator nov-metadata)) 'face (doom-modeline-face 'doom-modeline-project-parent-dir))) (doom-modeline-def-segment nov-title (let ((title (or (cdr (assoc 'title nov-metadata)) ""))) (if (<= (length title) doom-modeline-nov-title-max-length) (concat " " title) (propertize (concat " " (truncate-string-to-width title doom-modeline-nov-title-max-length nil nil t)) 'help-echo title)))) (doom-modeline-def-segment nov-current-page (let ((words (count-words (point-min) (point-max)))) (propertize (format " %d/%d" (1+ nov-documents-index) (length nov-documents)) 'face (doom-modeline-face 'doom-modeline-info) 'help-echo (if (= words 1) "1 word in this chapter" (format "%s words in this chapter" words))))) (doom-modeline-def-segment scroll-percentage-subtle (concat (doom-modeline-spc) (propertize (format-mode-line '("" doom-modeline-percent-position "%%")) 'face (doom-modeline-face 'shadow) 'help-echo "Buffer percentage"))) (doom-modeline-def-modeline 'nov '(workspace-name window-number nov-author nov-title nov-current-page scroll-percentage-subtle) '(media-player misc-info major-mode time)) (add-to-list 'doom-modeline-mode-alist '(nov-mode . nov))) (provide 'config-ebooks)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Calculator ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `calc-embedded-calculator-window' and ;; `calc-embedded-trail-window'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: calculator" config) (use-package! calctex :commands calctex-mode :init (add-hook 'calc-mode-hook #'calctex-mode) :config (setq calctex-additional-latex-packages " \\usepackage[usenames]{xcolor} \\usepackage{soul} \\usepackage{adjustbox} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{siunitx} \\usepackage{cancel} \\usepackage{mathtools} \\usepackage{mathalpha} \\usepackage{xparse} \\usepackage{arevmath}" calctex-additional-latex-macros (concat calctex-additional-latex-macros "\n\\let\\evalto\\Rightarrow")) (defadvice! no-messaging-a (orig-fn &rest args) :around #'calctex-default-dispatching-render-process (let ((inhibit-message t) message-log-max) (apply orig-fn args))) ;; Fix hardcoded dvichop path (whyyyyyyy) (let ((vendor-folder (concat (file-truename doom-local-dir) "straight/" (format "build-%s" emacs-version) "/calctex/vendor/"))) (setq calctex-dvichop-sty (concat vendor-folder "texd/dvichop") calctex-dvichop-bin (concat vendor-folder "texd/dvichop"))) (unless (file-exists-p calctex-dvichop-bin) (message "CalcTeX: Building dvichop binary") (let ((default-directory (file-name-directory calctex-dvichop-bin))) (call-process "make" nil nil nil)))) (setq calc-angle-mode 'rad ; radians are rad calc-symbolic-mode t) ; keeps expressions like \sqrt{2} irrational for as long as possible (map! :map calc-mode-map :after calc :localleader :desc "Embedded calc (toggle)" "e" #'calc-embedded) (map! :map org-mode-map :after org :localleader :desc "Embedded calc (toggle)" "E" #'calc-embedded) (map! :map latex-mode-map :after latex :localleader :desc "Embedded calc (toggle)" "e" #'calc-embedded) (defvar calc-embedded-trail-window nil) (defvar calc-embedded-calculator-window nil) (defadvice! calc-embedded-with-side-pannel (&rest _) :after #'calc-do-embedded (when calc-embedded-trail-window (ignore-errors (delete-window calc-embedded-trail-window)) (setq calc-embedded-trail-window nil)) (when calc-embedded-calculator-window (ignore-errors (delete-window calc-embedded-calculator-window)) (setq calc-embedded-calculator-window nil)) (when (and calc-embedded-info (> (* (window-width) (window-height)) 1200)) (let ((main-window (selected-window)) (vertical-p (> (window-width) 80))) (select-window (setq calc-embedded-trail-window (if vertical-p (split-window-horizontally (- (max 30 (/ (window-width) 3)))) (split-window-vertically (- (max 8 (/ (window-height) 4))))))) (switch-to-buffer "*Calc Trail*") (select-window (setq calc-embedded-calculator-window (if vertical-p (split-window-vertically -6) (split-window-horizontally (- (/ (window-width) 2)))))) (switch-to-buffer "*Calculator*") (select-window main-window)))) (provide 'config-calculator)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Newsfeed ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `elfeed-show-pdf', `elfeed-link-pdfs', ;; `elfeed-pdf-dir', `+rss/elfeed-show-refresh--better-style', ;; `+rss/elfeed-search-print-entry', `elfeed-show-author-face', and ;; `elfeed-show-title-face'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: newsfeed" config) (map! :map elfeed-search-mode-map :after elfeed-search [remap kill-this-buffer] "q" [remap kill-buffer] "q" :n doom-leader-key nil :n "q" #'+rss/quit :n "e" #'elfeed-update :n "r" #'elfeed-search-untag-all-unread :n "u" #'elfeed-search-tag-all-unread :n "s" #'elfeed-search-live-filter :n "RET" #'elfeed-search-show-entry :n "p" #'elfeed-show-pdf :n "+" #'elfeed-search-tag-all :n "-" #'elfeed-search-untag-all :n "S" #'elfeed-search-set-filter :n "b" #'elfeed-search-browse-url :n "y" #'elfeed-search-yank) (map! :map elfeed-show-mode-map :after elfeed-show [remap kill-this-buffer] "q" [remap kill-buffer] "q" :n doom-leader-key nil :nm "q" #'+rss/delete-pane :nm "o" #'ace-link-elfeed :nm "RET" #'org-ref-elfeed-add :nm "n" #'elfeed-show-next :nm "N" #'elfeed-show-prev :nm "p" #'elfeed-show-pdf :nm "+" #'elfeed-show-tag :nm "-" #'elfeed-show-untag :nm "s" #'elfeed-show-new-live-search :nm "y" #'elfeed-show-yank) (after! elfeed-search (set-evil-initial-state! 'elfeed-search-mode 'normal)) (after! elfeed-show-mode (set-evil-initial-state! 'elfeed-show-mode 'normal)) (after! evil-snipe (push 'elfeed-show-mode evil-snipe-disabled-modes) (push 'elfeed-search-mode evil-snipe-disabled-modes)) (after! elfeed (elfeed-org) (use-package! elfeed-link) (setq elfeed-search-filter "@1-week-ago +unread" elfeed-search-print-entry-function '+rss/elfeed-search-print-entry elfeed-search-title-min-width 80 elfeed-show-entry-switch #'pop-to-buffer elfeed-show-entry-delete #'+rss/delete-pane elfeed-show-refresh-function #'+rss/elfeed-show-refresh--better-style shr-max-image-proportion 0.6) (add-hook! 'elfeed-show-mode-hook (hide-mode-line-mode 1)) (add-hook! 'elfeed-search-update-hook #'hide-mode-line-mode) (defface elfeed-show-title-face '((t (:weight ultrabold :slant italic :height 1.5))) "title face in elfeed show buffer" :group 'elfeed) (defface elfeed-show-author-face `((t (:weight light))) "title face in elfeed show buffer" :group 'elfeed) (set-face-attribute 'elfeed-search-title-face nil :foreground 'nil :weight 'light) (defadvice! +rss-elfeed-wrap-h-nicer () "Enhances an elfeed entry's readability by wrapping it to a width of `fill-column' and centering it with `visual-fill-column-mode'." :override #'+rss-elfeed-wrap-h (setq-local truncate-lines nil shr-width 120 visual-fill-column-center-text t default-text-properties '(line-height 1.1)) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (inhibit-modification-hooks t)) (visual-fill-column-mode) ;; (setq-local shr-current-font '(:family "Merriweather" :height 1.2)) (set-buffer-modified-p nil))) (defun +rss/elfeed-search-print-entry (entry) "Print ENTRY to the buffer." (let* ((elfeed-goodies/tag-column-width 40) (elfeed-goodies/feed-source-column-width 30) (title (or (elfeed-meta entry :title) (elfeed-entry-title entry) "")) (title-faces (elfeed-search--faces (elfeed-entry-tags entry))) (feed (elfeed-entry-feed entry)) (feed-title (when feed (or (elfeed-meta feed :title) (elfeed-feed-title feed)))) (tags (mapcar #'symbol-name (elfeed-entry-tags entry))) (tags-str (concat (mapconcat 'identity tags ","))) (title-width (- (window-width) elfeed-goodies/feed-source-column-width elfeed-goodies/tag-column-width 4)) (tag-column (elfeed-format-column tags-str (elfeed-clamp (length tags-str) elfeed-goodies/tag-column-width elfeed-goodies/tag-column-width) :left)) (feed-column (elfeed-format-column feed-title (elfeed-clamp elfeed-goodies/feed-source-column-width elfeed-goodies/feed-source-column-width elfeed-goodies/feed-source-column-width) :left))) (insert (propertize feed-column 'face 'elfeed-search-feed-face) " ") (insert (propertize tag-column 'face 'elfeed-search-tag-face) " ") (insert (propertize title 'face title-faces 'kbd-help title)) (setq-local line-spacing 0.2))) (defun +rss/elfeed-show-refresh--better-style () "Update the buffer to match the selected entry, using a mail-style." (interactive) (let* ((inhibit-read-only t) (title (elfeed-entry-title elfeed-show-entry)) (date (seconds-to-time (elfeed-entry-date elfeed-show-entry))) (author (elfeed-meta elfeed-show-entry :author)) (link (elfeed-entry-link elfeed-show-entry)) (tags (elfeed-entry-tags elfeed-show-entry)) (tagsstr (mapconcat #'symbol-name tags ", ")) (nicedate (format-time-string "%a, %e %b %Y %T %Z" date)) (content (elfeed-deref (elfeed-entry-content elfeed-show-entry))) (type (elfeed-entry-content-type elfeed-show-entry)) (feed (elfeed-entry-feed elfeed-show-entry)) (feed-title (elfeed-feed-title feed)) (base (and feed (elfeed-compute-base (elfeed-feed-url feed))))) (erase-buffer) (insert "\n") (insert (format "%s\n\n" (propertize title 'face 'elfeed-show-title-face))) (insert (format "%s\t" (propertize feed-title 'face 'elfeed-search-feed-face))) (when (and author elfeed-show-entry-author) (insert (format "%s\n" (propertize author 'face 'elfeed-show-author-face)))) (insert (format "%s\n\n" (propertize nicedate 'face 'elfeed-log-date-face))) (when tags (insert (format "%s\n" (propertize tagsstr 'face 'elfeed-search-tag-face)))) ;; (insert (propertize "Link: " 'face 'message-header-name)) ;; (elfeed-insert-link link link) ;; (insert "\n") (cl-loop for enclosure in (elfeed-entry-enclosures elfeed-show-entry) do (insert (propertize "Enclosure: " 'face 'message-header-name)) do (elfeed-insert-link (car enclosure)) do (insert "\n")) (insert "\n") (if content (if (eq type 'html) (elfeed-insert-html content base) (insert content)) (insert (propertize "(empty)\n" 'face 'italic))) (goto-char (point-min)))) ) (after! elfeed-show (require 'url) (defvar elfeed-pdf-dir (expand-file-name "pdfs/" (file-name-directory (directory-file-name elfeed-enclosure-default-dir)))) (defvar elfeed-link-pdfs '(("https://www.jstatsoft.org/index.php/jss/article/view/v0\\([^/]+\\)" . "https://www.jstatsoft.org/index.php/jss/article/view/v0\\1/v\\1.pdf") ("http://arxiv.org/abs/\\([^/]+\\)" . "https://arxiv.org/pdf/\\1.pdf")) "List of alists of the form (REGEX-FOR-LINK . FORM-FOR-PDF)") (defun elfeed-show-pdf (entry) (interactive (list (or elfeed-show-entry (elfeed-search-selected :ignore-region)))) (let ((link (elfeed-entry-link entry)) (feed-name (plist-get (elfeed-feed-meta (elfeed-entry-feed entry)) :title)) (title (elfeed-entry-title entry)) (file-view-function (lambda (f) (when elfeed-show-entry (elfeed-kill-buffer)) (pop-to-buffer (find-file-noselect f)))) pdf) (let ((file (expand-file-name (concat (subst-char-in-string ?/ ?, title) ".pdf") (expand-file-name (subst-char-in-string ?/ ?, feed-name) elfeed-pdf-dir)))) (if (file-exists-p file) (funcall file-view-function file) (dolist (link-pdf elfeed-link-pdfs) (when (and (string-match-p (car link-pdf) link) (not pdf)) (setq pdf (replace-regexp-in-string (car link-pdf) (cdr link-pdf) link)))) (if (not pdf) (message "No associated PDF for entry") (message "Fetching %s" pdf) (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory file)) (make-directory (file-name-directory file) t)) (url-copy-file pdf file) (funcall file-view-function file)))))) ) (provide 'config-newsfeed)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Mail ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+org-msg-goto-body-when-replying', ;; `+org-msg-goto-body', `+mu4e-org-ml-signature', ;; `+mu4e-goto-subject-not-to-once', `+mu4e-compose-org-ml-setup', ;; `+browse-url-orgmode-ml', `+mu4e-ml-message-link', ;; `+org-ml-transient-mu4e-action', `+org-ml-select-patch-thread', ;; `+org-ml-current-patches', `+org-ml-apply-patch', `+org-ml--cache', ;; `+org-ml--cache-timestamp', `+org-ml-max-age', ;; `+org-ml-target-dir', `+mu4e-insert-woof-header', ;; `+mu4e-get-woof-header', `+mu4e-evil-enter-insert-mode', ;; `+mu4e-account-sent-folder', `+mu4e-update-personal-addresses', ;; `mu4e-from-name', `mu4e-compose-from-mailto', ;; `+mu4e-header--folder-colors', `mu4e-reindex-maybe', ;; `mu4e-file-reindex-request', `mu4e-reindex-request--add-watcher', ;; `mu4e-reindex-request--last-time', ;; `mu4e-reindex-request--file-just-deleted', ;; `mu4e-reindex-request--file-watcher', ;; `mu4e-reindex-request-min-seperation', and ;; `mu4e-reindex-request-file'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: mail" set-hooks) ;; Begin pre (setq +org-msg-accent-color "#1a5fb4") ;; End pre (with-eval-after-load 'mu4e (confpkg-with-record '("load: mail" load-hooks) (require 'config-mail) ))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; File Templates ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: file-templates" config) (set-file-template! "\\.tex$" :trigger "__" :mode 'latex-mode) (set-file-template! "\\.org$" :trigger "__" :mode 'org-mode) (set-file-template! "/LICEN[CS]E$" :trigger '+file-templates/insert-license) (provide 'config-file-templates)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Plaintext ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+setup-text-mode-left-margin' and ;; `+text-mode-left-margin-width'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: plaintext" config) (after! text-mode (add-hook! 'text-mode-hook (unless (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) ;; Apply ANSI color codes (with-silent-modifications (ansi-color-apply-on-region (point-min) (point-max) t))))) (defvar +text-mode-left-margin-width 1 "The `left-margin-width' to be used in `text-mode' buffers.") (defun +setup-text-mode-left-margin () (when (and (derived-mode-p 'text-mode) (not (and (bound-and-true-p visual-fill-column-mode) visual-fill-column-center-text)) (eq (current-buffer) ; Check current buffer is active. (window-buffer (frame-selected-window)))) (setq left-margin-width (if display-line-numbers 0 +text-mode-left-margin-width)) (set-window-buffer (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)) (current-buffer)))) (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'+setup-text-mode-left-margin) (add-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode-hook #'+setup-text-mode-left-margin) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'+setup-text-mode-left-margin) (defadvice! +doom/toggle-line-numbers--call-hook-a () :after #'doom/toggle-line-numbers (run-hooks 'display-line-numbers-mode-hook)) (remove-hook 'text-mode-hook #'display-line-numbers-mode) (provide 'config-plaintext)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-modern ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-modern" config) (use-package! org-modern :hook (org-mode . org-modern-mode) :config (setq org-modern-star '("◉" "○" "✸" "✿" "✤" "✜" "◆" "▶") org-modern-table-vertical 1 org-modern-table-horizontal 0.2 org-modern-list '((43 . "➤") (45 . "–") (42 . "•")) org-modern-todo-faces '(("TODO" :inverse-video t :inherit org-todo) ("PROJ" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-project) ("STRT" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-active) ("[-]" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-active) ("HOLD" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-onhold) ("WAIT" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-onhold) ("[?]" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-onhold) ("KILL" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-cancel) ("NO" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-cancel)) org-modern-footnote (cons nil (cadr org-script-display)) org-modern-block-fringe nil org-modern-block-name '((t . t) ("src" "»" "«") ("example" "»–" "–«") ("quote" "❝" "❞") ("export" "⏩" "⏪")) org-modern-progress nil org-modern-priority nil org-modern-horizontal-rule (make-string 36 ?─) org-modern-keyword '((t . t) ("title" . "𝙏") ("subtitle" . "𝙩") ("author" . "𝘼") ("email" . "") ("date" . "𝘿") ("property" . "") ("options" . #("" 0 1 (display (height 0.75)))) ("startup" . "⏻") ("macro" . "𝓜") ("bind" . "") ("bibliography" . "") ("print_bibliography" . "") ("cite_export" . "⮭") ("print_glossary" . "ᴬᶻ") ("glossary_sources" . "") ("include" . "⇤") ("setupfile" . "⇚") ("html_head" . "🅷") ("html" . "🅗") ("latex_class" . "🄻") ("latex_class_options" . "🄻") ("latex_header" . "🅻") ("latex_header_extra" . "🅻⁺") ("latex" . "🅛") ("beamer_theme" . "🄱") ("beamer_color_theme" . "🄱") ("beamer_font_theme" . "🄱𝐀") ("beamer_header" . "🅱") ("beamer" . "🅑") ("attr_latex" . "🄛") ("attr_html" . "🄗") ("attr_org" . "⒪") ("call" . "") ("name" . "⁍") ("header" . "›") ("caption" . "☰") ("results" . "🠶"))) (custom-set-faces! '(org-modern-statistics :inherit org-checkbox-statistics-todo))) (after! spell-fu (cl-pushnew 'org-modern-tag (alist-get 'org-mode +spell-excluded-faces-alist))) (provide 'config--pkg-org-modern)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-appear ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-appear" config) (use-package! org-appear :hook (org-mode . org-appear-mode) :config (setq org-appear-autoemphasis t org-appear-autosubmarkers t org-appear-autolinks nil) ;; for proper first-time setup, `org-appear--set-elements' ;; needs to be run after other hooks have acted. (run-at-time nil nil #'org-appear--set-elements)) (provide 'config--pkg-org-appear)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-ol-tree ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-ol-tree" config) (use-package! org-ol-tree :commands org-ol-tree :config (setq org-ol-tree-ui-icon-set (if (and (display-graphic-p) (fboundp 'all-the-icons-material)) 'all-the-icons 'unicode)) (org-ol-tree-ui--update-icon-set)) (map! :map org-mode-map :after org :localleader :desc "Outline" "O" #'org-ol-tree) (provide 'config--pkg-org-ol-tree)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg ob-julia ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-ob-julia" config) (use-package! ob-julia :commands org-babel-execute:julia :config (setq org-babel-julia-command-arguments `("--sysimage" ,(when-let ((img "~/.local/lib/julia.so") (exists? (file-exists-p img))) (expand-file-name img)) "--threads" ,(number-to-string (- (doom-system-cpus) 2)) "--banner=no"))) (provide 'config--pkg-ob-julia)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg ob-http ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-ob-http" config) (use-package! ob-http :commands org-babel-execute:http) (provide 'config--pkg-ob-http)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-transclusion ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-transclusion" config) (use-package! org-transclusion :commands org-transclusion-mode :init (map! :after org :map org-mode-map "<f12>" #'org-transclusion-mode)) (provide 'config--pkg-org-transclusion)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-graph-view ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-graph-view" config) (provide 'config--pkg-org-graph-view)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-chef ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-chef" config) (use-package! org-chef :commands (org-chef-insert-recipe org-chef-get-recipe-from-url)) (provide 'config--pkg-org-chef)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-pandoc-import ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-pandoc-import" config) (use-package! org-pandoc-import :after org) (provide 'config--pkg-org-pandoc-import)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-glossary ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+org-glossary--latex-cdef'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-glossary" config) (use-package! org-glossary :hook (org-mode . org-glossary-mode) :config (setq org-glossary-collection-root "~/.config/doom/misc/glossaries/") (defun +org-glossary--latex-cdef (backend info term-entry form &optional ref-index plural-p capitalized-p extra-parameters) (org-glossary--export-template (if (plist-get term-entry :uses) "*%d*\\emsp{}%v\\ensp{}@@latex:\\labelcpageref{@@%b@@latex:}@@\n" "*%d*\\emsp{}%v\n") backend info term-entry ref-index plural-p capitalized-p extra-parameters)) (org-glossary-set-export-spec 'latex t :backref "gls-%K-use-%r" :backref-seperator "," :definition-structure #'+org-glossary--latex-cdef)) (provide 'config--pkg-org-glossary)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg orgdiff ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+orgdiff-nicer-change-colours'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-orgdiff" config) (use-package! orgdiff :defer t :config (defun +orgdiff-nicer-change-colours () (goto-char (point-min)) ;; Set red/blue based on whether chameleon is being used (if (search-forward "%% make document follow Emacs theme" nil t) (setq red (substring (doom-blend 'red 'fg 0.8) 1) blue (substring (doom-blend 'blue 'teal 0.6) 1)) (setq red "c82829" blue "00618a")) (when (and (search-forward "%DIF PREAMBLE EXTENSION ADDED BY LATEXDIFF" nil t) (search-forward "\\RequirePackage{color}" nil t)) (when (re-search-forward "definecolor{red}{rgb}{1,0,0}" (cdr (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'line)) t) (replace-match (format "definecolor{red}{HTML}{%s}" red))) (when (re-search-forward "definecolor{blue}{rgb}{0,0,1}" (cdr (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'line)) t) (replace-match (format "definecolor{blue}{HTML}{%s}" blue))))) (add-to-list 'orgdiff-latexdiff-postprocess-hooks #'+orgdiff-nicer-change-colours)) (provide 'config--pkg-orgdiff)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-music ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-music" config) (use-package! org-music :after org :config (setq org-music-mpris-player "Lollypop" org-music-track-search-method 'beets org-music-beets-db "~/Music/library.db")) (provide 'config--pkg-org-music)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Org Behaviour ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+org-export-yt', `+org-xkcd-complete', ;; `+org-xkcd-export', `+org-xkcd-image-fn', `+org-xkcd-open-fn', ;; `org-syntax-convert-keyword-case-to-lower', ;; `+yas/org-most-common-no-property-lang', `+yas/org-last-src-lang', ;; `+yas/org-src-lang', `+yas/org-prompt-header-arg', ;; `+yas/org-src-header-p', `unpackaged/org-return-dwim', ;; `unpackaged/org-element-descendant-of', ;; `org-capture-reinitialise-hook', `set-org-capture-templates', ;; `+org-capture-recipies', `+doct-iconify-capture-templates', ;; `+doct-icon-declaration-to-icon', `org-mks-pretty', ;; `org-capture-select-template-prettier', ;; `org-view-external-file-extensions', ;; `org-view-output-file-extensions', `org-view-output-file', ;; `org-babel-lang-list', `lsp-org-babel-enable', and ;; `+org-insert-file-link'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: org-behaviour" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'org (confpkg-with-record '("load: org-behaviour" load-hooks) (setq org-directory (expand-file-name "org" (xdg-data-home)) ; Let's put files here. org-agenda-files (list org-directory) ; Seems like the obvious place. org-use-property-inheritance t ; It's convenient to have properties inherited. org-log-done 'time ; Having the time a item is done sounds convenient. org-list-allow-alphabetical t ; Have a. A. a) A) list bullets. org-catch-invisible-edits 'smart ; Try not to accidently do weird stuff in invisible regions. org-export-with-sub-superscripts '{} ; Don't treat lone _ / ^ as sub/superscripts, require _{} / ^{}. org-export-allow-bind-keywords t ; Bind keywords can be handy org-image-actual-width '(0.9)) ; Make the in-buffer display closer to the exported result.. (setq org-babel-default-header-args '((:session . "none") (:results . "replace") (:exports . "code") (:cache . "no") (:noweb . "no") (:hlines . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:comments . "link"))) (remove-hook 'text-mode-hook #'visual-line-mode) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'auto-fill-mode) (map! :map evil-org-mode-map :after evil-org :n "g <up>" #'org-backward-heading-same-level :n "g <down>" #'org-forward-heading-same-level :n "g <left>" #'org-up-element :n "g <right>" #'org-down-element) (map! :map org-mode-map :nie "M-SPC M-SPC" (cmd! (insert "\u200B"))) (setq org-list-demote-modify-bullet '(("+" . "-") ("-" . "+") ("*" . "+") ("1." . "a."))) (defun +org-insert-file-link () "Insert a file link. At the prompt, enter the filename." (interactive) (org-insert-link nil (org-link-complete-file))) (map! :after org :map org-mode-map :localleader "l f" #'+org-insert-file-link) (defadvice! +org-edit-latex-env-after-insert-a (&rest _) :after #'org-cdlatex-environment-indent (org-edit-latex-environment)) (cl-defmacro lsp-org-babel-enable (lang) "Support LANG in org source code block." (setq centaur-lsp 'lsp-mode) (cl-check-type lang string) (let* ((edit-pre (intern (format "org-babel-edit-prep:%s" lang))) (intern-pre (intern (format "lsp--%s" (symbol-name edit-pre))))) `(progn (defun ,intern-pre (info) (let ((file-name (->> info caddr (alist-get :file)))) (unless file-name (setq file-name (make-temp-file "babel-lsp-"))) (setq buffer-file-name file-name) (lsp-deferred))) (put ',intern-pre 'function-documentation (format "Enable lsp-mode in the buffer of org source block (%s)." (upcase ,lang))) (if (fboundp ',edit-pre) (advice-add ',edit-pre :after ',intern-pre) (progn (defun ,edit-pre (info) (,intern-pre info)) (put ',edit-pre 'function-documentation (format "Prepare local buffer environment for org source block (%s)." (upcase ,lang)))))))) (defvar org-babel-lang-list '("go" "python" "ipython" "bash" "sh")) (dolist (lang org-babel-lang-list) (eval `(lsp-org-babel-enable ,lang))) (map! :map org-mode-map :localleader :desc "View exported file" "v" #'org-view-output-file) (defun org-view-output-file (&optional org-file-path) "Visit buffer open on the first output file (if any) found, using `org-view-output-file-extensions'" (interactive) (let* ((org-file-path (or org-file-path (buffer-file-name) "")) (dir (file-name-directory org-file-path)) (basename (file-name-base org-file-path)) (output-file nil)) (dolist (ext org-view-output-file-extensions) (unless output-file (when (file-exists-p (concat dir basename "." ext)) (setq output-file (concat dir basename "." ext))))) (if output-file (if (member (file-name-extension output-file) org-view-external-file-extensions) (browse-url-xdg-open output-file) (pop-to-buffer (or (find-buffer-visiting output-file) (find-file-noselect output-file)))) (message "No exported file found")))) (defvar org-view-output-file-extensions '("pdf" "md" "rst" "txt" "tex" "html") "Search for output files with these extensions, in order, viewing the first that matches") (defvar org-view-external-file-extensions '("html") "File formats that should be opened externally.") (use-package! doct :commands doct) (after! org-capture (defun org-capture-select-template-prettier (&optional keys) "Select a capture template, in a prettier way than default Lisp programs can force the template by setting KEYS to a string." (let ((org-capture-templates (or (org-contextualize-keys (org-capture-upgrade-templates org-capture-templates) org-capture-templates-contexts) '(("t" "Task" entry (file+headline "" "Tasks") "* TODO %?\n %u\n %a"))))) (if keys (or (assoc keys org-capture-templates) (error "No capture template referred to by \"%s\" keys" keys)) (org-mks org-capture-templates "Select a capture template\n━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━" "Template key: " `(("q" ,(concat (nerd-icons-octicon "nf-oct-stop" :face 'nerd-icons-red :v-adjust 0.01) "\tAbort"))))))) (advice-add 'org-capture-select-template :override #'org-capture-select-template-prettier) (defun org-mks-pretty (table title &optional prompt specials) "Select a member of an alist with multiple keys. Prettified. TABLE is the alist which should contain entries where the car is a string. There should be two types of entries. 1. prefix descriptions like (\"a\" \"Description\") This indicates that `a' is a prefix key for multi-letter selection, and that there are entries following with keys like \"ab\", \"ax\"… 2. Select-able members must have more than two elements, with the first being the string of keys that lead to selecting it, and the second a short description string of the item. The command will then make a temporary buffer listing all entries that can be selected with a single key, and all the single key prefixes. When you press the key for a single-letter entry, it is selected. When you press a prefix key, the commands (and maybe further prefixes) under this key will be shown and offered for selection. TITLE will be placed over the selection in the temporary buffer, PROMPT will be used when prompting for a key. SPECIALS is an alist with (\"key\" \"description\") entries. When one of these is selected, only the bare key is returned." (save-window-excursion (let ((inhibit-quit t) (buffer (org-switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Org Select*")) (prompt (or prompt "Select: ")) case-fold-search current) (unwind-protect (catch 'exit (while t (setq-local evil-normal-state-cursor (list nil)) (erase-buffer) (insert title "\n\n") (let ((des-keys nil) (allowed-keys '("\C-g")) (tab-alternatives '("\s" "\t" "\r")) (cursor-type nil)) ;; Populate allowed keys and descriptions keys ;; available with CURRENT selector. (let ((re (format "\\`%s\\(.\\)\\'" (if current (regexp-quote current) ""))) (prefix (if current (concat current " ") ""))) (dolist (entry table) (pcase entry ;; Description. (`(,(and key (pred (string-match re))) ,desc) (let ((k (match-string 1 key))) (push k des-keys) ;; Keys ending in tab, space or RET are equivalent. (if (member k tab-alternatives) (push "\t" allowed-keys) (push k allowed-keys)) (insert (propertize prefix 'face 'font-lock-comment-face) (propertize k 'face 'bold) (propertize "›" 'face 'font-lock-comment-face) " " desc "…" "\n"))) ;; Usable entry. (`(,(and key (pred (string-match re))) ,desc . ,_) (let ((k (match-string 1 key))) (insert (propertize prefix 'face 'font-lock-comment-face) (propertize k 'face 'bold) " " desc "\n") (push k allowed-keys))) (_ nil)))) ;; Insert special entries, if any. (when specials (insert "─────────────────────────\n") (pcase-dolist (`(,key ,description) specials) (insert (format "%s %s\n" (propertize key 'face '(bold nerd-icons-red)) description)) (push key allowed-keys))) ;; Display UI and let user select an entry or ;; a sub-level prefix. (goto-char (point-min)) (unless (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max)) (org-fit-window-to-buffer)) (let ((pressed (org--mks-read-key allowed-keys prompt (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (1- (point-max))))))) (setq current (concat current pressed)) (cond ((equal pressed "\C-g") (user-error "Abort")) ;; Selection is a prefix: open a new menu. ((member pressed des-keys)) ;; Selection matches an association: return it. ((let ((entry (assoc current table))) (and entry (throw 'exit entry)))) ;; Selection matches a special entry: return the ;; selection prefix. ((assoc current specials) (throw 'exit current)) (t (error "No entry available"))))))) (when buffer (kill-buffer buffer)))))) (advice-add 'org-mks :override #'org-mks-pretty) (defun +doct-icon-declaration-to-icon (declaration) "Convert :icon declaration to icon" (let ((name (pop declaration)) (set (intern (concat "nerd-icons-" (plist-get declaration :set)))) (face (intern (concat "nerd-icons-" (plist-get declaration :color)))) (v-adjust (or (plist-get declaration :v-adjust) 0.01))) (apply set `(,name :face ,face :v-adjust ,v-adjust)))) (defun +doct-iconify-capture-templates (groups) "Add declaration's :icon to each template group in GROUPS." (let ((templates (doct-flatten-lists-in groups))) (setq doct-templates (mapcar (lambda (template) (when-let* ((props (nthcdr (if (= (length template) 4) 2 5) template)) (spec (plist-get (plist-get props :doct) :icon))) (setf (nth 1 template) (concat (+doct-icon-declaration-to-icon spec) "\t" (nth 1 template)))) template) templates)))) (setq doct-after-conversion-functions '(+doct-iconify-capture-templates)) (defvar +org-capture-recipies "~/Desktop/TEC/Organisation/recipies.org") (defun set-org-capture-templates () (setq org-capture-templates (doct `(("Personal todo" :keys "t" :icon ("nf-oct-checklist" :set "octicon" :color "green") :file +org-capture-todo-file :prepend t :headline "Inbox" :type entry :template ("* TODO %?" "%i %a")) ("Personal note" :keys "n" :icon ("nf-fa-sticky_note_o" :set "faicon" :color "green") :file +org-capture-todo-file :prepend t :headline "Inbox" :type entry :template ("* %?" "%i %a")) ("Email" :keys "e" :icon ("nf-fa-envelope" :set "faicon" :color "blue") :file +org-capture-todo-file :prepend t :headline "Inbox" :type entry :template ("* TODO %^{type|reply to|contact} %\\3 %? :email:" "Send an email %^{urgancy|soon|ASAP|anon|at some point|eventually} to %^{recipiant}" "about %^{topic}" "%U %i %a")) ("Interesting" :keys "i" :icon ("nf-fa-eye" :set "faicon" :color "lcyan") :file +org-capture-todo-file :prepend t :headline "Interesting" :type entry :template ("* [ ] %{desc}%? :%{i-type}:" "%i %a") :children (("Webpage" :keys "w" :icon ("nf-fa-globe" :set "faicon" :color "green") :desc "%(org-cliplink-capture) " :i-type "read:web") ("Article" :keys "a" :icon ("nf-fa-file_text_o" :set "faicon" :color "yellow") :desc "" :i-type "read:reaserch") ("\tRecipie" :keys "r" :icon ("nf-fa-spoon" :set "faicon" :color "dorange") :file +org-capture-recipies :headline "Unsorted" :template "%(org-chef-get-recipe-from-url)") ("Information" :keys "i" :icon ("nf-fa-info_circle" :set "faicon" :color "blue") :desc "" :i-type "read:info") ("Idea" :keys "I" :icon ("nf-md-chart_bubble" :set "mdicon" :color "silver") :desc "" :i-type "idea"))) ("Tasks" :keys "k" :icon ("nf-oct-inbox" :set "octicon" :color "yellow") :file +org-capture-todo-file :prepend t :headline "Tasks" :type entry :template ("* TODO %? %^G%{extra}" "%i %a") :children (("General Task" :keys "k" :icon ("nf-oct-inbox" :set "octicon" :color "yellow") :extra "") ("Task with deadline" :keys "d" :icon ("nf-md-timer" :set "mdicon" :color "orange" :v-adjust -0.1) :extra "\nDEADLINE: %^{Deadline:}t") ("Scheduled Task" :keys "s" :icon ("nf-oct-calendar" :set "octicon" :color "orange") :extra "\nSCHEDULED: %^{Start time:}t"))) ("Project" :keys "p" :icon ("nf-oct-repo" :set "octicon" :color "silver") :prepend t :type entry :headline "Inbox" :template ("* %{time-or-todo} %?" "%i" "%a") :file "" :custom (:time-or-todo "") :children (("Project-local todo" :keys "t" :icon ("nf-oct-checklist" :set "octicon" :color "green") :time-or-todo "TODO" :file +org-capture-project-todo-file) ("Project-local note" :keys "n" :icon ("nf-fa-sticky_note" :set "faicon" :color "yellow") :time-or-todo "%U" :file +org-capture-project-notes-file) ("Project-local changelog" :keys "c" :icon ("nf-fa-list" :set "faicon" :color "blue") :time-or-todo "%U" :heading "Unreleased" :file +org-capture-project-changelog-file))) ("\tCentralised project templates" :keys "o" :type entry :prepend t :template ("* %{time-or-todo} %?" "%i" "%a") :children (("Project todo" :keys "t" :prepend nil :time-or-todo "TODO" :heading "Tasks" :file +org-capture-central-project-todo-file) ("Project note" :keys "n" :time-or-todo "%U" :heading "Notes" :file +org-capture-central-project-notes-file) ("Project changelog" :keys "c" :time-or-todo "%U" :heading "Unreleased" :file +org-capture-central-project-changelog-file))))))) (set-org-capture-templates) (unless (display-graphic-p) (add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook (defun org-capture-reinitialise-hook () (when (display-graphic-p) (set-org-capture-templates) (remove-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook #'org-capture-reinitialise-hook)))))) (setf (alist-get 'height +org-capture-frame-parameters) 15) ;; (alist-get 'name +org-capture-frame-parameters) "❖ Capture") ;; ATM hardcoded in other places, so changing breaks stuff (setq +org-capture-fn (lambda () (interactive) (set-window-parameter nil 'mode-line-format 'none) (org-capture))) (defun unpackaged/org-element-descendant-of (type element) "Return non-nil if ELEMENT is a descendant of TYPE. TYPE should be an element type, like `item' or `paragraph'. ELEMENT should be a list like that returned by `org-element-context'." ;; MAYBE: Use `org-element-lineage'. (when-let* ((parent (org-element-property :parent element))) (or (eq type (car parent)) (unpackaged/org-element-descendant-of type parent)))) ;;;###autoload (defun unpackaged/org-return-dwim (&optional default) "A helpful replacement for `org-return-indent'. With prefix, call `org-return-indent'. On headings, move point to position after entry content. In lists, insert a new item or end the list, with checkbox if appropriate. In tables, insert a new row or end the table." ;; Inspired by John Kitchin: http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2017/04/09/A-better-return-in-org-mode/ (interactive "P") (if default (org-return t) (cond ;; Act depending on context around point. ;; NOTE: I prefer RET to not follow links, but by uncommenting this block, links will be ;; followed. ;; ((eq 'link (car (org-element-context))) ;; ;; Link: Open it. ;; (org-open-at-point-global)) ((org-at-heading-p) ;; Heading: Move to position after entry content. ;; NOTE: This is probably the most interesting feature of this function. (let ((heading-start (org-entry-beginning-position))) (goto-char (org-entry-end-position)) (cond ((and (org-at-heading-p) (= heading-start (org-entry-beginning-position))) ;; Entry ends on its heading; add newline after (end-of-line) (insert "\n\n")) (t ;; Entry ends after its heading; back up (forward-line -1) (end-of-line) (when (org-at-heading-p) ;; At the same heading (forward-line) (insert "\n") (forward-line -1)) (while (not (looking-back "\\(?:[[:blank:]]?\n\\)\\{3\\}" nil)) (insert "\n")) (forward-line -1))))) ((org-at-item-checkbox-p) ;; Checkbox: Insert new item with checkbox. (org-insert-todo-heading nil)) ((org-in-item-p) ;; Plain list. Yes, this gets a little complicated... (let ((context (org-element-context))) (if (or (eq 'plain-list (car context)) ; First item in list (and (eq 'item (car context)) (not (eq (org-element-property :contents-begin context) (org-element-property :contents-end context)))) (unpackaged/org-element-descendant-of 'item context)) ; Element in list item, e.g. a link ;; Non-empty item: Add new item. (org-insert-item) ;; Empty item: Close the list. ;; TODO: Do this with org functions rather than operating on the text. Can't seem to find the right function. (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)) (insert "\n")))) ((when (fboundp 'org-inlinetask-in-task-p) (org-inlinetask-in-task-p)) ;; Inline task: Don't insert a new heading. (org-return t)) ((org-at-table-p) (cond ((save-excursion (beginning-of-line) ;; See `org-table-next-field'. (cl-loop with end = (line-end-position) for cell = (org-element-table-cell-parser) always (equal (org-element-property :contents-begin cell) (org-element-property :contents-end cell)) while (re-search-forward "|" end t))) ;; Empty row: end the table. (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)) (org-return t)) (t ;; Non-empty row: call `org-return-indent'. (org-return t)))) (t ;; All other cases: call `org-return-indent'. (org-return t))))) (map! :after evil-org :map evil-org-mode-map :i [return] #'unpackaged/org-return-dwim) (defun +yas/org-src-header-p () "Determine whether `point' is within a src-block header or header-args." (pcase (org-element-type (org-element-context)) ('src-block (< (point) ; before code part of the src-block (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :begin (org-element-context))) (forward-line 1) (point)))) ('inline-src-block (< (point) ; before code part of the inline-src-block (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :begin (org-element-context))) (search-forward "]{") (point)))) ('keyword (string-match-p "^header-args" (org-element-property :value (org-element-context)))))) (defun +yas/org-prompt-header-arg (arg question values) "Prompt the user to set ARG header property to one of VALUES with QUESTION. The default value is identified and indicated. If either default is selected, or no selection is made: nil is returned." (let* ((src-block-p (not (looking-back "^#\\+property:[ \t]+header-args:.*" (line-beginning-position)))) (default (or (cdr (assoc arg (if src-block-p (nth 2 (org-babel-get-src-block-info t)) (org-babel-merge-params org-babel-default-header-args (let ((lang-headers (intern (concat "org-babel-default-header-args:" (+yas/org-src-lang))))) (when (boundp lang-headers) (eval lang-headers t))))))) "")) default-value) (setq values (mapcar (lambda (value) (if (string-match-p (regexp-quote value) default) (setq default-value (concat value " " (propertize "(default)" 'face 'font-lock-doc-face))) value)) values)) (let ((selection (consult--read values :prompt question :default default-value))) (unless (or (string-match-p "(default)$" selection) (string= "" selection)) selection)))) (defun +yas/org-src-lang () "Try to find the current language of the src/header at `point'. Return nil otherwise." (let ((context (org-element-context))) (pcase (org-element-type context) ('src-block (org-element-property :language context)) ('inline-src-block (org-element-property :language context)) ('keyword (when (string-match "^header-args:\\([^ ]+\\)" (org-element-property :value context)) (match-string 1 (org-element-property :value context))))))) (defun +yas/org-last-src-lang () "Return the language of the last src-block, if it exists." (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (when (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src" nil t) (org-element-property :language (org-element-context))))) (defun +yas/org-most-common-no-property-lang () "Find the lang with the most source blocks that has no global header-args, else nil." (let (src-langs header-langs) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src" nil t) (push (+yas/org-src-lang) src-langs)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#\\+property: +header-args" nil t) (push (+yas/org-src-lang) header-langs))) (setq src-langs (mapcar #'car ;; sort alist by frequency (desc.) (sort ;; generate alist with form (value . frequency) (cl-loop for (n . m) in (seq-group-by #'identity src-langs) collect (cons n (length m))) (lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b)))))) (car (cl-set-difference src-langs header-langs :test #'string=)))) (defun org-syntax-convert-keyword-case-to-lower () "Convert all #+KEYWORDS to #+keywords." (interactive) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((count 0) (case-fold-search nil)) (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#\\+[A-Z_]+" nil t) (unless (s-matches-p "RESULTS" (match-string 0)) (replace-match (downcase (match-string 0)) t) (setq count (1+ count)))) (message "Replaced %d occurances" count)))) (org-link-set-parameters "xkcd" :image-data-fun #'+org-xkcd-image-fn :follow #'+org-xkcd-open-fn :export #'+org-xkcd-export :complete #'+org-xkcd-complete) (defun +org-xkcd-open-fn (link) (+org-xkcd-image-fn nil link nil)) (defun +org-xkcd-image-fn (protocol link description) "Get image data for xkcd num LINK" (let* ((xkcd-info (+xkcd-fetch-info (string-to-number link))) (img (plist-get xkcd-info :img)) (alt (plist-get xkcd-info :alt))) (message alt) (+org-image-file-data-fn protocol (xkcd-download img (string-to-number link)) description))) (defun +org-xkcd-export (num desc backend _com) "Convert xkcd to html/LaTeX form" (let* ((xkcd-info (+xkcd-fetch-info (string-to-number num))) (img (plist-get xkcd-info :img)) (alt (plist-get xkcd-info :alt)) (title (plist-get xkcd-info :title)) (file (xkcd-download img (string-to-number num)))) (cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html) (format "<img class='invertible' src='%s' title=\"%s\" alt='%s'>" img (subst-char-in-string ?\" ?“ alt) title)) ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) (format "\\begin{figure}[!htb] \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{%s}%s \\end{figure}" file (if (equal desc (format "xkcd:%s" num)) "" (format "\n \\caption*{\\label{xkcd:%s} %s}" num (or desc (format "\\textbf{%s} %s" title alt)))))) (t (format "https://xkcd.com/%s" num))))) (defun +org-xkcd-complete (&optional arg) "Complete xkcd using `+xkcd-stored-info'" (format "xkcd:%d" (+xkcd-select))) (org-link-set-parameters "yt" :export #'+org-export-yt) (defun +org-export-yt (path desc backend _com) (cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html) (format "<iframe width='440' \ height='335' \ src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/%s' \ frameborder='0' \ allowfullscreen>%s</iframe>" path (or "" desc))) ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) (format "\\href{https://youtu.be/%s}{%s}" path (or desc "youtube"))) (t (format "https://youtu.be/%s" path)))) (defadvice! shut-up-org-problematic-hooks (orig-fn &rest args) :around #'org-fancy-priorities-mode (ignore-errors (apply orig-fn args))) (provide 'config-org-behaviour)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Org Citation ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-ref-to-org-cite' and ;; `+org-cite-csl-activate/enable'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: org-citation" config) (use-package! oc-csl-activate :after oc :config (setq org-cite-csl-activate-use-document-style t) (defun +org-cite-csl-activate/enable () (interactive) (setq org-cite-activate-processor 'csl-activate) (add-hook! 'org-mode-hook '((lambda () (cursor-sensor-mode 1)) org-cite-csl-activate-render-all)) (defadvice! +org-cite-csl-activate-render-all-silent (orig-fn) :around #'org-cite-csl-activate-render-all (with-silent-modifications (funcall orig-fn))) (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (with-silent-modifications (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (org-cite-activate (point-max))) (org-cite-csl-activate-render-all))) (fmakunbound #'+org-cite-csl-activate/enable))) (after! citar (setq org-cite-global-bibliography (let ((libfile-search-names '("library.json" "Library.json" "library.bib" "Library.bib")) (libfile-dir "~/Zotero") paths) (dolist (libfile libfile-search-names) (when (and (not paths) (file-exists-p (expand-file-name libfile libfile-dir))) (setq paths (list (expand-file-name libfile libfile-dir))))) paths) citar-bibliography org-cite-global-bibliography citar-symbols `((file ,(nerd-icons-faicon "nf-fa-file_o" :face 'nerd-icons-green :v-adjust -0.1) . " ") (note ,(nerd-icons-octicon "nf-oct-note" :face 'nerd-icons-blue :v-adjust -0.3) . " ") (link ,(nerd-icons-octicon "nf-oct-link" :face 'nerd-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01) . " ")))) (after! oc-csl (setq org-cite-csl-styles-dir "~/Zotero/styles")) (after! oc (setq org-cite-export-processors '((t csl)))) (map! :after org :map org-mode-map :localleader :desc "Insert citation" "@" #'org-cite-insert) (after! oc (defun org-ref-to-org-cite () "Attempt to convert org-ref citations to org-cite syntax." (interactive) (let* ((cite-conversions '(("cite" . "//b") ("Cite" . "//bc") ("nocite" . "/n") ("citep" . "") ("citep*" . "//f") ("parencite" . "") ("Parencite" . "//c") ("citeauthor" . "/a/f") ("citeauthor*" . "/a") ("citeyear" . "/na/b") ("Citep" . "//c") ("Citealp" . "//bc") ("Citeauthor" . "/a/cf") ("Citeauthor*" . "/a/c") ("autocite" . "") ("Autocite" . "//c") ("notecite" . "/l/b") ("Notecite" . "/l/bc") ("pnotecite" . "/l") ("Pnotecite" . "/l/bc"))) (cite-regexp (rx (regexp (regexp-opt (mapcar #'car cite-conversions) t)) ":" (group (+ (not (any "\n ,.)]}"))))))) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward cite-regexp nil t) (message (format "[cite%s:@%s]" (cdr (assoc (match-string 1) cite-conversions)) (match-string 2))) (replace-match (format "[cite%s:@%s]" (cdr (assoc (match-string 1) cite-conversions)) (match-string 2)))))))) (provide 'config-org-citation)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Org Super Agenda ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-super-agenda" config) (use-package! org-super-agenda :commands org-super-agenda-mode) (after! org-agenda (let ((inhibit-message t)) (org-super-agenda-mode))) (setq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t org-agenda-include-deadlines t org-agenda-block-separator nil org-agenda-tags-column 100 ;; from testing this seems to be a good value org-agenda-compact-blocks t) (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("o" "Overview" ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'day) (org-super-agenda-groups '((:name "Today" :time-grid t :date today :todo "TODAY" :scheduled today :order 1))))) (alltodo "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "") (org-super-agenda-groups '((:name "Next to do" :todo "NEXT" :order 1) (:name "Important" :tag "Important" :priority "A" :order 6) (:name "Due Today" :deadline today :order 2) (:name "Due Soon" :deadline future :order 8) (:name "Overdue" :deadline past :face error :order 7) (:name "Assignments" :tag "Assignment" :order 10) (:name "Issues" :tag "Issue" :order 12) (:name "Emacs" :tag "Emacs" :order 13) (:name "Projects" :tag "Project" :order 14) (:name "Research" :tag "Research" :order 15) (:name "To read" :tag "Read" :order 30) (:name "Waiting" :todo "WAITING" :order 20) (:name "University" :tag "uni" :order 32) (:name "Trivial" :priority<= "E" :tag ("Trivial" "Unimportant") :todo ("SOMEDAY" ) :order 90) (:discard (:tag ("Chore" "Routine" "Daily"))))))))))) (provide 'config--pkg-org-super-agenda)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-roam ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("hook: pkg-org-roam" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'org-roam (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-roam" load-hooks) (setq org-roam-directory "~/Desktop/TEC/Organisation/Roam/") (defadvice! doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-roam-aware-a (orig-fun) :around #'doom-modeline-buffer-file-name ; takes no args (if (s-contains-p org-roam-directory (or buffer-file-name "")) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(?:^\\|.*/\\)\\([0-9]\\{4\\}\\)\\([0-9]\\{2\\}\\)\\([0-9]\\{2\\}\\)[0-9]*-" "🢔(\\1-\\2-\\3) " (subst-char-in-string ?_ ? buffer-file-name)) (funcall orig-fun))) (provide 'config--pkg-org-roam)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-roam-ui ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-roam-ui-open'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-roam-ui" config) (use-package! websocket :after org-roam) (use-package! org-roam-ui :after org-roam :commands org-roam-ui-open :hook (org-roam . org-roam-ui-mode) :config (require 'org-roam) ; in case autoloaded (defun org-roam-ui-open () "Ensure the server is active, then open the roam graph." (interactive) (unless org-roam-ui-mode (org-roam-ui-mode 1)) (browse-url-xdg-open (format "http://localhost:%d" org-roam-ui-port)))) (provide 'config--pkg-org-roam-ui)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Flycheck org-lint ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `flycheck-org-lint-customisations-form', ;; `flycheck-org-lint-babel-langs-form', and ;; `flycheck-org-lint-variables-form'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: flycheck-org-lint" set-hooks) (after! (:and org flycheck) (confpkg-with-record '("load: flycheck-org-lint" load-hooks) (defconst flycheck-org-lint-form (flycheck-prepare-emacs-lisp-form (require 'org) (require 'org-lint) (require 'org-attach) (let ((source (car command-line-args-left)) (process-default-directory default-directory)) (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents source 'visit) (setq buffer-file-name source) (setq default-directory process-default-directory) (delay-mode-hooks (org-mode)) (setq delayed-mode-hooks nil) (dolist (err (org-lint)) (let ((inf (cl-second err))) (princ (elt inf 0)) (princ ": ") (princ (elt inf 2)) (terpri))))))) (defconst flycheck-org-lint-variables '(org-directory org-id-locations org-id-locations-file org-attach-id-dir org-attach-use-inheritance org-attach-id-to-path-function-list org-link-parameters) "Variables inherited by the org-lint subprocess.") (defconst flycheck-org-lint-babel-langs '(C C++ D LaTeX R TeX antlr ash asm asymptote autoconf awk bash bash-ts bash2 bat beamer c c++ c++-ts c-ts c-ts-base calc cfengine cfengine2 cfengine3 change-log clojure clojurescript cmake-ts common-lisp conf conf-colon conf-desktop conf-javaprop conf-ppd conf-space conf-toml conf-unix conf-windows conf-xdefaults cperl cpp csh csharp csharp-ts css css-base css-ts dash dcl delphi desktop ditaa dns doc-view--text-view dockerfile-ts doctex dot dsssl dtksh elisp elisp-byte-code emacs-lisp emacs-news erts es eshell f90 fish forth fortran gdb-script gnuplot gnus-article-edit gnus-score go-mod-ts go-ts groovy haskell html icon idl idlwave indented-text itcsh java java-ts javascript jcsh js js-base js-json js-jsx js-ts jsh json-ts julia ksh ksh88 latex ld-script less-css lilypond lisp lisp-data lisp-interaction lua m2 m4 mail makefile makefile-automake makefile-bsdmake makefile-gmake makefile-imake makefile-makepp matlab maxima mercury message meta-common metafont metapost mh-show mhtml mixal mksh modula-2 nroff nxml oash objc ocaml octave opascal org outline paragraph-indent-text pascal pdksh perl pike plain-TeX plain-tex plantuml plstore posh posix processing prog prolog ps python python-base python-ts rc rpm rst ruby ruby-base ruby-ts rust-ts sass scheme screen scss sed sgml sh sh-base shell shell-script sieve simula slitex sql sqlite tcl tcsh tex texinfo text toml toml-ts tsx-ts typescript-ts typescript-ts-base vera verilog vhdl wksh wsh xml yaml-ts zone zsh) "Languages that org-babel should know of.") (defun flycheck-org-lint-variables-form () (require 'org-attach) ; Needed to make variables available `(progn ,@(seq-map (lambda (opt) `(setq-default ,opt ',(symbol-value opt))) (seq-filter #'boundp flycheck-org-lint-variables)))) (defun flycheck-org-lint-babel-langs-form () `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (lang) `(defun ,(intern (format "org-babel-execute:%s" lang)) (_body _params) "Stub for org-lint.")) flycheck-org-lint-babel-langs))) (eval ; To preveant eager macro expansion form loading flycheck early. '(flycheck-define-checker org-lint "Org buffer checker using `org-lint'." :command ("emacs" (eval flycheck-emacs-args) "--eval" (eval (concat "(add-to-list 'load-path \"" (file-name-directory (locate-library "org")) "\")")) "--eval" (eval (flycheck-sexp-to-string (flycheck-org-lint-variables-form))) "--eval" (eval (flycheck-sexp-to-string (flycheck-org-lint-customisations-form))) "--eval" (eval (flycheck-sexp-to-string (flycheck-org-lint-babel-langs-form))) "--eval" (eval flycheck-org-lint-form) "--" source) :error-patterns ((error line-start line ": " (message) line-end)) :modes org-mode)) (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'org-lint) (defun flycheck-org-lint-customisations-form () `(progn (require 'ox) (cl-pushnew '(:latex-cover-page nil "coverpage" nil) (org-export-backend-options (org-export-get-backend 'latex))) (cl-pushnew '(:latex-font-set nil "fontset" nil) (org-export-backend-options (org-export-get-backend 'latex))))) (provide 'config-flycheck-org-lint)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Org Visuals ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+org-plot-gnuplot-term-properties', ;; `+org-plot-generate-theme', `+org-plot-term-size', and ;; `locally-defer-font-lock'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: org-visuals" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'org (confpkg-with-record '("load: org-visuals" load-hooks) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'+org-pretty-mode) (custom-set-faces! '(outline-1 :weight extra-bold :height 1.25) '(outline-2 :weight bold :height 1.15) '(outline-3 :weight bold :height 1.12) '(outline-4 :weight semi-bold :height 1.09) '(outline-5 :weight semi-bold :height 1.06) '(outline-6 :weight semi-bold :height 1.03) '(outline-8 :weight semi-bold) '(outline-9 :weight semi-bold)) (custom-set-faces! '(org-document-title :height 1.2)) (setq org-agenda-deadline-faces '((1.001 . error) (1.0 . org-warning) (0.5 . org-upcoming-deadline) (0.0 . org-upcoming-distant-deadline))) (setq org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t) (defun locally-defer-font-lock () "Set jit-lock defer and stealth, when buffer is over a certain size." (when (> (buffer-size) 50000) (setq-local jit-lock-defer-time 0.05 jit-lock-stealth-time 1))) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'locally-defer-font-lock) (defadvice! +org-indent--reduced-text-prefixes () :after #'org-indent--compute-prefixes (setq org-indent--text-line-prefixes (make-vector org-indent--deepest-level nil)) (when (> org-indent-indentation-per-level 0) (dotimes (n org-indent--deepest-level) (aset org-indent--text-line-prefixes n (org-add-props (concat (make-string (* n (1- org-indent-indentation-per-level)) ?\s) (if (> n 0) (char-to-string org-indent-boundary-char) "\u200b")) nil 'face 'org-indent))))) (setq org-inline-src-prettify-results '("⟨" . "⟩")) (setq doom-themes-org-fontify-special-tags nil) (setq org-ellipsis " ▾ " org-hide-leading-stars t org-priority-highest ?A org-priority-lowest ?E org-priority-faces '((?A . 'nerd-icons-red) (?B . 'nerd-icons-orange) (?C . 'nerd-icons-yellow) (?D . 'nerd-icons-green) (?E . 'nerd-icons-blue))) (appendq! +ligatures-extra-symbols (list :list_property "∷" :em_dash "—" :ellipses "…" :arrow_right "→" :arrow_left "←" :arrow_lr "↔" :properties "⚙" :end "∎" :priority_a #("⚑" 0 1 (face nerd-icons-red)) :priority_b #("⬆" 0 1 (face nerd-icons-orange)) :priority_c #("■" 0 1 (face nerd-icons-yellow)) :priority_d #("⬇" 0 1 (face nerd-icons-green)) :priority_e #("❓" 0 1 (face nerd-icons-blue)))) (defadvice! +org-init-appearance-h--no-ligatures-a () :after #'+org-init-appearance-h (set-ligatures! 'org-mode nil) (set-ligatures! 'org-mode :list_property "::" :em_dash "---" :ellipsis "..." :arrow_right "->" :arrow_left "<-" :arrow_lr "<->" :properties ":PROPERTIES:" :end ":END:" :priority_a "[#A]" :priority_b "[#B]" :priority_c "[#C]" :priority_d "[#D]" :priority_e "[#E]")) ;; (package! org-pretty-tags :pin "5c7521651b35ae9a7d3add4a66ae8cc176ae1c76") ;; (use-package org-pretty-tags ;; :config ;; (setq org-pretty-tags-surrogate-strings ;; `(("uni" . ,(all-the-icons-faicon "graduation-cap" :face 'all-the-icons-purple :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("ucc" . ,(all-the-icons-material "computer" :face 'all-the-icons-silver :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("assignment" . ,(all-the-icons-material "library_books" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("test" . ,(all-the-icons-material "timer" :face 'all-the-icons-red :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("lecture" . ,(all-the-icons-fileicon "keynote" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("email" . ,(all-the-icons-faicon "envelope" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("read" . ,(all-the-icons-octicon "book" :face 'all-the-icons-lblue :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("article" . ,(all-the-icons-octicon "file-text" :face 'all-the-icons-yellow :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("web" . ,(all-the-icons-faicon "globe" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("info" . ,(all-the-icons-faicon "info-circle" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("issue" . ,(all-the-icons-faicon "bug" :face 'all-the-icons-red :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("someday" . ,(all-the-icons-faicon "calendar-o" :face 'all-the-icons-cyan :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("idea" . ,(all-the-icons-octicon "light-bulb" :face 'all-the-icons-yellow :v-adjust 0.01)) ;; ("emacs" . ,(all-the-icons-fileicon "emacs" :face 'all-the-icons-lpurple :v-adjust 0.01)))) ;; (org-pretty-tags-global-mode)) (setq org-highlight-latex-and-related '(native script entities)) (require 'org-src) (add-to-list 'org-src-block-faces '("latex" (:inherit default :extend t))) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-latex-preview-auto-mode) (setq org-latex-preview-preamble (concat "\\documentclass{article} [DEFAULT-PACKAGES] [PACKAGES] \\usepackage{xcolor}" "\n% Custom font\n\\usepackage{arev}\n\n" "%% Maths-related packages % More maths environments, commands, and symbols. \\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} % Slanted fractions with \\sfrac{a}{b}, in text and maths. \\usepackage{xfrac} % Visually cancel expressions with \\cancel{value} and \\cancelto{expression}{value} \\usepackage[makeroom]{cancel} % Improvements on amsmath and utilities for mathematical typesetting \\usepackage{mathtools} % Deliminators \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\abs}{\\lvert}{\\rvert} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\norm}{\\lVert}{\\rVert} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\ceil}{\\lceil}{\\rceil} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\floor}{\\lfloor}{\\rfloor} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\round}{\\lfloor}{\\rceil} \\newcommand{\\RR}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{R}}{\\mathbb{R}^{#1}}}} % Real numbers \\newcommand{\\NN}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{N}}{\\mathbb{N}^{#1}}}} % Natural numbers \\newcommand{\\ZZ}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{Z}}{\\mathbb{Z}^{#1}}}} % Integer numbers \\newcommand{\\QQ}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{Q}}{\\mathbb{Q}^{#1}}}} % Rational numbers \\newcommand{\\CC}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{C}}{\\mathbb{C}^{#1}}}} % Complex numbers % Easy derivatives \\ProvideDocumentCommand\\dv{o m g}{% \\IfNoValueTF{#3}{% \\dv[#1]{}{#2}}{% \\IfNoValueTF{#1}{% \\frac{\\dd #2}{\\dd #3}% }{\\frac{\\dd[#1] #2}{\\dd {#3}^{#1}}}}} % Easy partial derivatives \\ExplSyntaxOn \\ProvideDocumentCommand\\pdv{o m g}{% \\IfNoValueTF{#3}{\\pdv[#1]{}{#2}}% {\\ifnum\\clist_count:n{#3}<2 \\IfValueTF{#1}{\\frac{\\partial^{#1} #2}{\\partial {#3}^{#1}}}% {\\frac{\\partial #2}{\\partial #3}} \\else \\frac{\\IfValueTF{#1}{\\partial^{#1}}{\\partial^{\\clist_count:n{#3}}}#2}% {\\clist_map_inline:nn{#3}{\\partial ##1 \\,}\\!} \\fi}} \\ExplSyntaxOff % Laplacian \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Lap}{\\mathcal{L}} % Statistics \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Var}{Var} % varience \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Cov}{Cov} % covarience \\newcommand{\\EE}{\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{E}}} % expected value \\DeclareMathOperator{\\E}{E} % expected value % I prefer the slanted \\leq/\\geq \\let\\barleq\\leq % Save them in case they're every wanted \\let\\bargeq\\geq \\renewcommand{\\leq}{\\leqslant} \\renewcommand{\\geq}{\\geqslant} % Redefine the matrix environment to allow for alignment % via an optional argument, and use r as the default. \\makeatletter \\renewcommand*\\env@matrix[1][r]{\\hskip -\\arraycolsep% \\let\\@ifnextchar\\new@ifnextchar \\array{*\\c@MaxMatrixCols #1}} \\makeatother % Slanted roman \"d\" for derivatives \\ifcsname pdfoutput\\endcsname \\ifnum\\pdfoutput>0 % PDF \\newsavebox\\diffdbox{} \\newcommand{\\slantedromand}{{\\mathpalette\\makesl{d}}} \\newcommand{\\makesl}[2]{% \\begingroup \\sbox{\\diffdbox}{$\\mathsurround=0pt#1\\mathrm{#2}$}% \\pdfsave% \\pdfsetmatrix{1 0 0.2 1}% \\rlap{\\usebox{\\diffdbox}}% \\pdfrestore% \\hskip\\wd\\diffdbox% \\endgroup} \\else % DVI \\newcommand{\\slantedromand}{d} % fallback \\fi \\else % Also DVI \\newcommand{\\slantedromand}{d} % fallback \\fi % Derivative d^n, nicely spaced \\makeatletter \\newcommand{\\dd}[1][]{\\mathop{}\\!% \\expandafter\\ifx\\expandafter&\\detokenize{#1}&% \\ifstrempty from etoolbox \\slantedromand\\@ifnextchar^{\\hspace{0.2ex}}{\\hspace{0.1ex}} \\else \\slantedromand\\hspace{0.2ex}^{#1} \\fi} \\makeatother \\NewCommandCopy{\\daccent}{\\d} \\renewcommand{\\d}{\\ifmmode\\dd\\else\\daccent\\fi}")) ;; Calibrated based on the TeX font and org-buffer font. (plist-put org-format-latex-options :zoom 0.93) (defvar +org-plot-term-size '(1050 . 650) "The size of the GNUPlot terminal, in the form (WIDTH . HEIGHT).") (after! org-plot (defun +org-plot-generate-theme (_type) "Use the current Doom theme colours to generate a GnuPlot preamble." (format " fgt = \"textcolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground text fgat = \"textcolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground alt text fgl = \"linecolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground line fgal = \"linecolor rgb '%s'\" # foreground alt line # foreground colors set border lc rgb '%s' # change text colors of tics set xtics @fgt set ytics @fgt # change text colors of labels set title @fgt set xlabel @fgt set ylabel @fgt # change a text color of key set key @fgt # line styles set linetype 1 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # red set linetype 2 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # blue set linetype 3 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # green set linetype 4 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # magenta set linetype 5 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # orange set linetype 6 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # yellow set linetype 7 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # teal set linetype 8 lw 2 lc rgb '%s' # violet # border styles set tics out nomirror set border 3 # palette set palette maxcolors 8 set palette defined ( 0 '%s',\ 1 '%s',\ 2 '%s',\ 3 '%s',\ 4 '%s',\ 5 '%s',\ 6 '%s',\ 7 '%s' ) " (doom-color 'fg) (doom-color 'fg-alt) (doom-color 'fg) (doom-color 'fg-alt) (doom-color 'fg) ;; colours (doom-color 'red) (doom-color 'blue) (doom-color 'green) (doom-color 'magenta) (doom-color 'orange) (doom-color 'yellow) (doom-color 'teal) (doom-color 'violet) ;; duplicated (doom-color 'red) (doom-color 'blue) (doom-color 'green) (doom-color 'magenta) (doom-color 'orange) (doom-color 'yellow) (doom-color 'teal) (doom-color 'violet))) (defun +org-plot-gnuplot-term-properties (_type) (format "background rgb '%s' size %s,%s" (doom-color 'bg) (car +org-plot-term-size) (cdr +org-plot-term-size))) (setq org-plot/gnuplot-script-preamble #'+org-plot-generate-theme) (setq org-plot/gnuplot-term-extra #'+org-plot-gnuplot-term-properties)) (provide 'config-org-visuals)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Org exports ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+org-export-babel-mask-org-config', ;; `+org-mode--fontlock-only-mode', ;; `+org-export-remove-zero-width-space', ;; `unpackaged/org-export-new-named-reference', ;; `unpackaged/org-export-get-reference', `org-reference-contraction', ;; `org-reference-contraction-truncate-words', ;; `org-reference-contraction-joining-char', ;; `org-reference-contraction-stripped-words', ;; `org-reference-contraction-max-length', ;; `org-reference-contraction-max-words', ;; `org-latex-format-headline-acronymised', ;; `org-html-format-headline-acronymised', and ;; `org-export-filter-text-acronym'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: org-exports" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'ox (confpkg-with-record '("load: org-exports" load-hooks) (setq org-export-headline-levels 5) ; I like nesting (require 'ox-extra) (ox-extras-activate '(ignore-headlines)) (setq org-export-creator-string (format "Emacs %s (Org mode %s–%s)" emacs-version (org-release) (org-git-version))) (defun org-export-filter-text-acronym (text backend _info) "Wrap suspected acronyms in acronyms-specific formatting. Treat sequences of 2+ capital letters (optionally succeeded by \"s\") as an acronym. Ignore if preceeded by \";\" (for manual prevention) or \"\\\" (for LaTeX commands). TODO abstract backend implementations." (let ((base-backend (cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) 'latex) ;; Markdown is derived from HTML, but we don't want to format it ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'md) nil) ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html) 'html))) (case-fold-search nil)) (when base-backend (replace-regexp-in-string "[;\\\\]?\\b[A-Z][A-Z]+s?\\(?:[^A-Za-z]\\|\\b\\)" (lambda (all-caps-str) (cond ((equal (aref all-caps-str 0) ?\\) all-caps-str) ; don't format LaTeX commands ((equal (aref all-caps-str 0) ?\;) (substring all-caps-str 1)) ; just remove not-acronym indicator char ";" (t (let* ((final-char (if (string-match-p "[^A-Za-z]" (substring all-caps-str -1 (length all-caps-str))) (substring all-caps-str -1 (length all-caps-str)) nil)) ; needed to re-insert the [^A-Za-z] at the end (trailing-s (equal (aref all-caps-str (- (length all-caps-str) (if final-char 2 1))) ?s)) (acr (if final-char (substring all-caps-str 0 (if trailing-s -2 -1)) (substring all-caps-str 0 (+ (if trailing-s -1 (length all-caps-str))))))) (pcase base-backend ('latex (concat "\\acr{" (s-downcase acr) "}" (when trailing-s "\\acrs{}") final-char)) ('html (concat "<span class='acr'>" acr "</span>" (when trailing-s "<small>s</small>") final-char))))))) text t t)))) (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-plain-text-functions #'org-export-filter-text-acronym) ;; We won't use `org-export-filter-headline-functions' because it ;; passes (and formats) the entire section contents. That's no good. (defun org-html-format-headline-acronymised (todo todo-type priority text tags info) "Like `org-html-format-headline-default-function', but with acronym formatting." (org-html-format-headline-default-function todo todo-type priority (org-export-filter-text-acronym text 'html info) tags info)) (setq org-html-format-headline-function #'org-html-format-headline-acronymised) (defun org-latex-format-headline-acronymised (todo todo-type priority text tags info) "Like `org-latex-format-headline-default-function', but with acronym formatting." (org-latex-format-headline-default-function todo todo-type priority (org-export-filter-text-acronym text 'latex info) tags info)) (setq org-latex-format-headline-function #'org-latex-format-headline-acronymised) (defvar org-reference-contraction-max-words 3 "Maximum number of words in a reference reference.") (defvar org-reference-contraction-max-length 35 "Maximum length of resulting reference reference, including joining characters.") (defvar org-reference-contraction-stripped-words '("the" "on" "in" "off" "a" "for" "by" "of" "and" "is" "to" "as") "Superfluous words to be removed from a reference.") (defvar org-reference-contraction-joining-char "-" "Character used to join words in the reference reference.") (defun org-reference-contraction-truncate-words (words) "Using `org-reference-contraction-max-length' as the total character 'budget' for the WORDS and truncate individual words to conform to this budget. To arrive at a budget that accounts for words undershooting their requisite average length, the number of characters in the budget freed by short words is distributed among the words exceeding the average length. This adjusts the per-word budget to be the maximum feasable for this particular situation, rather than the universal maximum average. This budget-adjusted per-word maximum length is given by the mathematical expression below: max length = \\floor{ \\frac{total length - chars for seperators - \\sum_{word \\leq average length} length(word) }{num(words) > average length} }" ;; trucate each word to a max word length determined by ;; (let* ((total-length-budget (- org-reference-contraction-max-length ; how many non-separator chars we can use (1- (length words)))) (word-length-budget (/ total-length-budget ; max length of each word to keep within budget org-reference-contraction-max-words)) (num-overlong (-count (lambda (word) ; how many words exceed that budget (> (length word) word-length-budget)) words)) (total-short-length (-sum (mapcar (lambda (word) ; total length of words under that budget (if (<= (length word) word-length-budget) (length word) 0)) words))) (max-length (/ (- total-length-budget total-short-length) ; max(max-length) that we can have to fit within the budget num-overlong))) (mapcar (lambda (word) (if (<= (length word) max-length) word (substring word 0 max-length))) words))) (defun org-reference-contraction (reference-string) "Give a contracted form of REFERENCE-STRING that is only contains alphanumeric characters. Strips 'joining' words present in `org-reference-contraction-stripped-words', and then limits the result to the first `org-reference-contraction-max-words' words. If the total length is > `org-reference-contraction-max-length' then individual words are truncated to fit within the limit using `org-reference-contraction-truncate-words'." (let ((reference-words (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (word) (not (member word org-reference-contraction-stripped-words))) (let ((str reference-string)) (setq str (downcase str)) (setq str (replace-regexp-in-string "\\[\\[[^]]+\\]\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]\\]" "\\1" str)) ; get description from org-link (setq str (replace-regexp-in-string "[-/ ]+" " " str)) ; replace seperator-type chars with space (setq str (puny-encode-string str)) (setq str (replace-regexp-in-string "^xn--\\(.*?\\) ?-?\\([a-z0-9]+\\)$" "\\2 \\1" str)) ; rearrange punycode (setq str (replace-regexp-in-string "[^A-Za-z0-9 ]" "" str)) ; strip chars which need %-encoding in a uri (split-string str " +"))))) (when (> (length reference-words) org-reference-contraction-max-words) (setq reference-words (cl-subseq reference-words 0 org-reference-contraction-max-words))) (when (> (apply #'+ (1- (length reference-words)) (mapcar #'length reference-words)) org-reference-contraction-max-length) (setq reference-words (org-reference-contraction-truncate-words reference-words))) (string-join reference-words org-reference-contraction-joining-char))) (define-minor-mode unpackaged/org-export-html-with-useful-ids-mode "Attempt to export Org as HTML with useful link IDs. Instead of random IDs like \"#orga1b2c3\", use heading titles, made unique when necessary." :global t (if unpackaged/org-export-html-with-useful-ids-mode (advice-add #'org-export-get-reference :override #'unpackaged/org-export-get-reference) (advice-remove #'org-export-get-reference #'unpackaged/org-export-get-reference))) (unpackaged/org-export-html-with-useful-ids-mode 1) ; ensure enabled, and advice run (defun unpackaged/org-export-get-reference (datum info) "Like `org-export-get-reference', except uses heading titles instead of random numbers." (let ((cache (plist-get info :internal-references))) (or (car (rassq datum cache)) (let* ((crossrefs (plist-get info :crossrefs)) (cells (org-export-search-cells datum)) ;; Preserve any pre-existing association between ;; a search cell and a reference, i.e., when some ;; previously published document referenced a location ;; within current file (see ;; `org-publish-resolve-external-link'). ;; ;; However, there is no guarantee that search cells are ;; unique, e.g., there might be duplicate custom ID or ;; two headings with the same title in the file. ;; ;; As a consequence, before re-using any reference to ;; an element or object, we check that it doesn't refer ;; to a previous element or object. (new (or (cl-some (lambda (cell) (let ((stored (cdr (assoc cell crossrefs)))) (when stored (let ((old (org-export-format-reference stored))) (and (not (assoc old cache)) stored))))) cells) (when (org-element-property :raw-value datum) ;; Heading with a title (unpackaged/org-export-new-named-reference datum cache)) (when (member (car datum) '(src-block table example fixed-width property-drawer)) ;; Nameable elements (unpackaged/org-export-new-named-reference datum cache)) ;; NOTE: This probably breaks some Org Export ;; feature, but if it does what I need, fine. (org-export-format-reference (org-export-new-reference cache)))) (reference-string new)) ;; Cache contains both data already associated to ;; a reference and in-use internal references, so as to make ;; unique references. (dolist (cell cells) (push (cons cell new) cache)) ;; Retain a direct association between reference string and ;; DATUM since (1) not every object or element can be given ;; a search cell (2) it permits quick lookup. (push (cons reference-string datum) cache) (plist-put info :internal-references cache) reference-string)))) (defun unpackaged/org-export-new-named-reference (datum cache) "Return new reference for DATUM that is unique in CACHE." (cl-macrolet ((inc-suffixf (place) `(progn (string-match (rx bos (minimal-match (group (1+ anything))) (optional "--" (group (1+ digit))) eos) ,place) ;; HACK: `s1' instead of a gensym. (let* ((s1 (match-string 1 ,place)) (suffix-1 (match-string 2 ,place)) (suffix (if suffix-1 (string-to-number suffix-1) 0))) (setf ,place (format "%s--%s" s1 (1+ suffix))))))) (let* ((headline-p (eq (car datum) 'headline)) (title (if headline-p (org-element-property :raw-value datum) (or (org-element-property :name datum) (concat (org-element-property :raw-value (org-element-property :parent (org-element-property :parent datum))))))) ;; get ascii-only form of title without needing percent-encoding (ref (concat (org-reference-contraction (substring-no-properties title)) (unless (or headline-p (org-element-property :name datum)) (concat "," (pcase (car datum) ('src-block "code") ('example "example") ('fixed-width "mono") ('property-drawer "properties") (_ (symbol-name (car datum)))) "--1")))) (parent (when headline-p (org-element-property :parent datum)))) (while (member ref (mapcar #'car cache)) ;; Title not unique: make it so. (if parent ;; Append ancestor title. (setf title (concat (org-element-property :raw-value parent) "--" title) ;; get ascii-only form of title without needing percent-encoding ref (org-reference-contraction (substring-no-properties title)) parent (when headline-p (org-element-property :parent parent))) ;; No more ancestors: add and increment a number. (inc-suffixf ref))) ref))) (add-hook 'org-load-hook #'unpackaged/org-export-html-with-useful-ids-mode) (defadvice! org-export-format-reference-a (reference) "Format REFERENCE into a string. REFERENCE is a either a number or a string representing a reference, as returned by `org-export-new-reference'." :override #'org-export-format-reference (if (stringp reference) reference (format "org%07x" reference))) (defun +org-export-remove-zero-width-space (text _backend _info) "Remove zero width spaces from TEXT." (unless (org-export-derived-backend-p 'org) (replace-regexp-in-string "\u200B" "" text))) (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-final-output-functions #'+org-export-remove-zero-width-space t) (defun +org-mode--fontlock-only-mode () "Just apply org-mode's font-lock once." (let (org-mode-hook org-hide-leading-stars org-hide-emphasis-markers) (org-set-font-lock-defaults) (font-lock-ensure)) (setq-local major-mode #'fundamental-mode)) (defun +org-export-babel-mask-org-config (_backend) "Use `+org-mode--fontlock-only-mode' instead of `org-mode'." (setq-local org-src-lang-modes (append org-src-lang-modes (list (cons "org" #'+org-mode--fontlock-only))))) (add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook #'+org-export-babel-mask-org-config) (provide 'config-org-exports)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; ox-html ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-url-unfurl-metadata', ;; `org-url-fancy-export', `org-export-html-headline-anchor', ;; `org-html-block-collapsable', `mode-name-to-lang-name', ;; `org-html-export-collapsed', `org-html-reload-fancy-style', ;; `org-html-meta-tags-fancy', and ;; `org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: ox-html" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'ox-html (confpkg-with-record '("load: ox-html" load-hooks) (define-minor-mode org-fancy-html-export-mode "Toggle my fabulous org export tweaks. While this mode itself does a little bit, the vast majority of the change in behaviour comes from switch statements in: - `org-html-template-fancier' - `org-html--build-meta-info-extended' - `org-html-src-block-collapsable' - `org-html-block-collapsable' - `org-html-table-wrapped' - `org-html--format-toc-headline-colapseable' - `org-html--toc-text-stripped-leaves' - `org-export-html-headline-anchor'" :global t :init-value t (if org-fancy-html-export-mode (setq org-html-style-default org-html-style-fancy org-html-meta-tags #'org-html-meta-tags-fancy org-html-checkbox-type 'html-span) (setq org-html-style-default org-html-style-plain org-html-meta-tags #'org-html-meta-tags-default org-html-checkbox-type 'html))) (defadvice! org-html-template-fancier (orig-fn contents info) "Return complete document string after HTML conversion. CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist holding export options. Adds a few extra things to the body compared to the default implementation." :around #'org-html-template (if (or (not org-fancy-html-export-mode) (bound-and-true-p org-msg-export-in-progress)) (funcall orig-fn contents info) (concat (when (and (not (org-html-html5-p info)) (org-html-xhtml-p info)) (let* ((xml-declaration (plist-get info :html-xml-declaration)) (decl (or (and (stringp xml-declaration) xml-declaration) (cdr (assoc (plist-get info :html-extension) xml-declaration)) (cdr (assoc "html" xml-declaration)) ""))) (when (not (or (not decl) (string= "" decl))) (format "%s\n" (format decl (or (and org-html-coding-system (fboundp 'coding-system-get) (coding-system-get org-html-coding-system 'mime-charset)) "iso-8859-1")))))) (org-html-doctype info) "\n" (concat "<html" (cond ((org-html-xhtml-p info) (format " xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" lang=\"%s\" xml:lang=\"%s\"" (plist-get info :language) (plist-get info :language))) ((org-html-html5-p info) (format " lang=\"%s\"" (plist-get info :language)))) ">\n") "<head>\n" (org-html--build-meta-info info) (org-html--build-head info) (org-html--build-mathjax-config info) "</head>\n" "<body>\n<input type='checkbox' id='theme-switch'><div id='page'><label id='switch-label' for='theme-switch'></label>" (let ((link-up (org-trim (plist-get info :html-link-up))) (link-home (org-trim (plist-get info :html-link-home)))) (unless (and (string= link-up "") (string= link-home "")) (format (plist-get info :html-home/up-format) (or link-up link-home) (or link-home link-up)))) ;; Preamble. (org-html--build-pre/postamble 'preamble info) ;; Document contents. (let ((div (assq 'content (plist-get info :html-divs)))) (format "<%s id=\"%s\">\n" (nth 1 div) (nth 2 div))) ;; Document title. (when (plist-get info :with-title) (let ((title (and (plist-get info :with-title) (plist-get info :title))) (subtitle (plist-get info :subtitle)) (html5-fancy (org-html--html5-fancy-p info))) (when title (format (if html5-fancy "<header class=\"page-header\">%s\n<h1 class=\"title\">%s</h1>\n%s</header>" "<h1 class=\"title\">%s%s</h1>\n") (if (or (plist-get info :with-date) (plist-get info :with-author)) (concat "<div class=\"page-meta\">" (when (plist-get info :with-date) (org-export-data (plist-get info :date) info)) (when (and (plist-get info :with-date) (plist-get info :with-author)) ", ") (when (plist-get info :with-author) (org-export-data (plist-get info :author) info)) "</div>\n") "") (org-export-data title info) (if subtitle (format (if html5-fancy "<p class=\"subtitle\" role=\"doc-subtitle\">%s</p>\n" (concat "\n" (org-html-close-tag "br" nil info) "\n" "<span class=\"subtitle\">%s</span>\n")) (org-export-data subtitle info)) ""))))) contents (format "</%s>\n" (nth 1 (assq 'content (plist-get info :html-divs)))) ;; Postamble. (org-html--build-pre/postamble 'postamble info) ;; Possibly use the Klipse library live code blocks. (when (plist-get info :html-klipsify-src) (concat "<script>" (plist-get info :html-klipse-selection-script) "</script><script src=\"" org-html-klipse-js "\"></script><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" org-html-klipse-css "\"/>")) ;; Closing document. "</div>\n</body>\n</html>"))) (defadvice! org-html-toc-linked (depth info &optional scope) "Build a table of contents. Just like `org-html-toc', except the header is a link to \"#\". DEPTH is an integer specifying the depth of the table. INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. Optional argument SCOPE is an element defining the scope of the table. Return the table of contents as a string, or nil if it is empty." :override #'org-html-toc (let ((toc-entries (mapcar (lambda (headline) (cons (org-html--format-toc-headline headline info) (org-export-get-relative-level headline info))) (org-export-collect-headlines info depth scope)))) (when toc-entries (let ((toc (concat "<div id=\"text-table-of-contents\">" (org-html--toc-text toc-entries) "</div>\n"))) (if scope toc (let ((outer-tag (if (org-html--html5-fancy-p info) "nav" "div"))) (concat (format "<%s id=\"table-of-contents\">\n" outer-tag) (let ((top-level (plist-get info :html-toplevel-hlevel))) (format "<h%d><a href=\"#\" style=\"color:inherit; text-decoration: none;\">%s</a></h%d>\n" top-level (org-html--translate "Table of Contents" info) top-level)) toc (format "</%s>\n" outer-tag)))))))) (defvar org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image '(:image "https://tecosaur.com/resources/org/nib.png" :type "image/png" :width "200" :height "200" :alt "Green fountain pen nib") "Plist of og:image:PROP properties and their value, for use in `org-html-meta-tags-fancy'.") (defun org-html-meta-tags-fancy (info) "Use the INFO plist to construct the meta tags, as described in `org-html-meta-tags'." (let ((title (org-html-plain-text (org-element-interpret-data (plist-get info :title)) info)) (author (and (plist-get info :with-author) (let ((auth (plist-get info :author))) ;; Return raw Org syntax. (and auth (org-html-plain-text (org-element-interpret-data auth) info)))))) (append (list (when (org-string-nw-p author) (list "name" "author" author)) (when (org-string-nw-p (plist-get info :description)) (list "name" "description" (plist-get info :description))) '("name" "generator" "org mode") '("name" "theme-color" "#77aa99") '("property" "og:type" "article") (list "property" "og:title" title) (let ((subtitle (org-export-data (plist-get info :subtitle) info))) (when (org-string-nw-p subtitle) (list "property" "og:description" subtitle)))) (when org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image (list (list "property" "og:image" (plist-get org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image :image)) (list "property" "og:image:type" (plist-get org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image :type)) (list "property" "og:image:width" (plist-get org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image :width)) (list "property" "og:image:height" (plist-get org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image :height)) (list "property" "og:image:alt" (plist-get org-html-meta-tags-opengraph-image :alt)))) (list (when (org-string-nw-p author) (list "property" "og:article:author:first_name" (car (s-split-up-to " " author 2)))) (when (and (org-string-nw-p author) (s-contains-p " " author)) (list "property" "og:article:author:last_name" (cadr (s-split-up-to " " author 2)))) (list "property" "og:article:published_time" (format-time-string "%FT%T%z" (or (when-let ((date-str (cadar (org-collect-keywords '("DATE"))))) (unless (string= date-str (format-time-string "%F")) (ignore-errors (encode-time (org-parse-time-string date-str))))) (if buffer-file-name (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes buffer-file-name)) (current-time))))) (when buffer-file-name (list "property" "og:article:modified_time" (format-time-string "%FT%T%z" (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes buffer-file-name))))))))) (unless (functionp #'org-html-meta-tags-default) (defalias 'org-html-meta-tags-default #'ignore)) (setq org-html-meta-tags #'org-html-meta-tags-fancy) (setq org-html-style-plain org-html-style-default org-html-htmlize-output-type 'css org-html-doctype "html5" org-html-html5-fancy t) (defun org-html-reload-fancy-style () (interactive) (setq org-html-style-fancy (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name "misc/org-export-header.html" doom-user-dir)) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "<script>\n") (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name "misc/org-css/main.js" doom-user-dir)) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "</script>\n<style>\n") (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name "misc/org-css/main.min.css" doom-user-dir)) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "</style>") (buffer-string))) (when org-fancy-html-export-mode (setq org-html-style-default org-html-style-fancy))) (org-html-reload-fancy-style) (defvar org-html-export-collapsed nil) (eval '(cl-pushnew '(:collapsed "COLLAPSED" "collapsed" org-html-export-collapsed t) (org-export-backend-options (org-export-get-backend 'html)))) (add-to-list 'org-default-properties "EXPORT_COLLAPSED") (defadvice! org-html-src-block-collapsable (orig-fn src-block contents info) "Wrap the usual <pre> block in a <details>" :around #'org-html-src-block (if (or (not org-fancy-html-export-mode) (bound-and-true-p org-msg-export-in-progress)) (funcall orig-fn src-block contents info) (let* ((properties (cadr src-block)) (lang (mode-name-to-lang-name (plist-get properties :language))) (name (plist-get properties :name)) (ref (org-export-get-reference src-block info)) (collapsed-p (member (or (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html src-block :collapsed) (plist-get info :collapsed)) '("y" "yes" "t" t "true" "all")))) (format "<details id='%s' class='code'%s><summary%s>%s</summary> <div class='gutter'> <a href='#%s'>#</a> <button title='Copy to clipboard' onclick='copyPreToClipbord(this)'>⎘</button>\ </div> %s </details>" ref (if collapsed-p "" " open") (if name " class='named'" "") (concat (when name (concat "<span class=\"name\">" name "</span>")) "<span class=\"lang\">" lang "</span>") ref (if name (replace-regexp-in-string (format "<pre\\( class=\"[^\"]+\"\\)? id=\"%s\">" ref) "<pre\\1>" (funcall orig-fn src-block contents info)) (funcall orig-fn src-block contents info)))))) (defun mode-name-to-lang-name (mode) (or (cadr (assoc mode '(("asymptote" "Asymptote") ("awk" "Awk") ("C" "C") ("clojure" "Clojure") ("css" "CSS") ("D" "D") ("ditaa" "ditaa") ("dot" "Graphviz") ("calc" "Emacs Calc") ("emacs-lisp" "Emacs Lisp") ("fortran" "Fortran") ("gnuplot" "gnuplot") ("haskell" "Haskell") ("hledger" "hledger") ("java" "Java") ("js" "Javascript") ("latex" "LaTeX") ("ledger" "Ledger") ("lisp" "Lisp") ("lilypond" "Lilypond") ("lua" "Lua") ("matlab" "MATLAB") ("mscgen" "Mscgen") ("ocaml" "Objective Caml") ("octave" "Octave") ("org" "Org mode") ("oz" "OZ") ("plantuml" "Plantuml") ("processing" "Processing.js") ("python" "Python") ("R" "R") ("ruby" "Ruby") ("sass" "Sass") ("scheme" "Scheme") ("screen" "Gnu Screen") ("sed" "Sed") ("sh" "shell") ("sql" "SQL") ("sqlite" "SQLite") ("forth" "Forth") ("io" "IO") ("J" "J") ("makefile" "Makefile") ("maxima" "Maxima") ("perl" "Perl") ("picolisp" "Pico Lisp") ("scala" "Scala") ("shell" "Shell Script") ("ebnf2ps" "ebfn2ps") ("cpp" "C++") ("abc" "ABC") ("coq" "Coq") ("groovy" "Groovy") ("bash" "bash") ("csh" "csh") ("ash" "ash") ("dash" "dash") ("ksh" "ksh") ("mksh" "mksh") ("posh" "posh") ("ada" "Ada") ("asm" "Assembler") ("caml" "Caml") ("delphi" "Delphi") ("html" "HTML") ("idl" "IDL") ("mercury" "Mercury") ("metapost" "MetaPost") ("modula-2" "Modula-2") ("pascal" "Pascal") ("ps" "PostScript") ("prolog" "Prolog") ("simula" "Simula") ("tcl" "tcl") ("tex" "LaTeX") ("plain-tex" "TeX") ("verilog" "Verilog") ("vhdl" "VHDL") ("xml" "XML") ("nxml" "XML") ("conf" "Configuration File")))) mode)) (defun org-html-block-collapsable (orig-fn block contents info) "Wrap the usual block in a <details>" (if (or (not org-fancy-html-export-mode) (bound-and-true-p org-msg-export-in-progress)) (funcall orig-fn block contents info) (let ((ref (org-export-get-reference block info)) (type (pcase (car block) ('property-drawer "Properties"))) (collapsed-default (pcase (car block) ('property-drawer t) (_ nil))) (collapsed-value (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html block :collapsed)) (collapsed-p (or (member (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html block :collapsed) '("y" "yes" "t" t "true")) (member (plist-get info :collapsed) '("all"))))) (format "<details id='%s' class='code'%s> <summary%s>%s</summary> <div class='gutter'>\ <a href='#%s'>#</a> <button title='Copy to clipboard' onclick='copyPreToClipbord(this)'>⎘</button>\ </div> %s\n </details>" ref (if (or collapsed-p collapsed-default) "" " open") (if type " class='named'" "") (if type (format "<span class='type'>%s</span>" type) "") ref (funcall orig-fn block contents info))))) (advice-add 'org-html-example-block :around #'org-html-block-collapsable) (advice-add 'org-html-fixed-width :around #'org-html-block-collapsable) (advice-add 'org-html-property-drawer :around #'org-html-block-collapsable) (autoload #'highlight-numbers--turn-on "highlight-numbers") (add-hook 'htmlize-before-hook #'highlight-numbers--turn-on) (defadvice! org-html-table-wrapped (orig-fn table contents info) "Wrap the usual <table> in a <div>" :around #'org-html-table (if (or (not org-fancy-html-export-mode) (bound-and-true-p org-msg-export-in-progress)) (funcall orig-fn table contents info) (let* ((name (plist-get (cadr table) :name)) (ref (org-export-get-reference table info))) (format "<div id='%s' class='table'> <div class='gutter'><a href='#%s'>#</a></div> <div class='tabular'> %s </div>\ </div>" ref ref (if name (replace-regexp-in-string (format "<table id=\"%s\"" ref) "<table" (funcall orig-fn table contents info)) (funcall orig-fn table contents info)))))) (defadvice! org-html--format-toc-headline-colapseable (orig-fn headline info) "Add a label and checkbox to `org-html--format-toc-headline's usual output, to allow the TOC to be a collapseable tree." :around #'org-html--format-toc-headline (if (or (not org-fancy-html-export-mode) (bound-and-true-p org-msg-export-in-progress)) (funcall orig-fn headline info) (let ((id (or (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID headline) (org-export-get-reference headline info)))) (format "<input type='checkbox' id='toc--%s'/><label for='toc--%s'>%s</label>" id id (funcall orig-fn headline info))))) (defadvice! org-html--toc-text-stripped-leaves (orig-fn toc-entries) "Remove label" :around #'org-html--toc-text (if (or (not org-fancy-html-export-mode) (bound-and-true-p org-msg-export-in-progress)) (funcall orig-fn toc-entries) (replace-regexp-in-string "<input [^>]+><label [^>]+>\\(.+?\\)</label></li>" "\\1</li>" (funcall orig-fn toc-entries)))) (setq org-html-text-markup-alist '((bold . "<b>%s</b>") (code . "<code>%s</code>") (italic . "<i>%s</i>") (strike-through . "<del>%s</del>") (underline . "<span class=\"underline\">%s</span>") (verbatim . "<kbd>%s</kbd>"))) (appendq! org-html-checkbox-types '((html-span (on . "<span class='checkbox'></span>") (off . "<span class='checkbox'></span>") (trans . "<span class='checkbox'></span>")))) (setq org-html-checkbox-type 'html-span) (pushnew! org-html-special-string-regexps '("->" . "→") '("<-" . "←")) (defun org-export-html-headline-anchor (text backend info) (when (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html) (not (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 're-reveal)) org-fancy-html-export-mode) (unless (bound-and-true-p org-msg-export-in-progress) (replace-regexp-in-string "<h\\([0-9]\\) id=\"\\([a-z0-9-]+\\)\">\\(.*[^ ]\\)<\\/h[0-9]>" ; this is quite restrictive, but due to `org-reference-contraction' I can do this "<h\\1 id=\"\\2\">\\3<a aria-hidden=\"true\" href=\"#\\2\">#</a> </h\\1>" text)))) (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-headline-functions 'org-export-html-headline-anchor) (org-link-set-parameters "Https" :follow (lambda (url arg) (browse-url (concat "https:" url) arg)) :export #'org-url-fancy-export) (defun org-url-fancy-export (url _desc backend) (let ((metadata (org-url-unfurl-metadata (concat "https:" url)))) (cond ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html) (concat "<div class=\"link-preview\">" (format "<a href=\"%s\">" (concat "https:" url)) (when (plist-get metadata :image) (format "<img src=\"%s\"/>" (plist-get metadata :image))) "<small>" (replace-regexp-in-string "//\\(?:www\\.\\)?\\([^/]+\\)/?.*" "\\1" url) "</small><p>" (when (plist-get metadata :title) (concat "<b>" (org-html-encode-plain-text (plist-get metadata :title)) "</b></br>")) (when (plist-get metadata :description) (org-html-encode-plain-text (plist-get metadata :description))) "</p></a></div>")) (t url)))) (setq org-url-unfurl-metadata--cache nil) (defun org-url-unfurl-metadata (url) (cdr (or (assoc url org-url-unfurl-metadata--cache) (car (push (cons url (let* ((head-data (cl-remove-if-not #'listp (cdaddr (with-current-buffer (progn (message "Fetching metadata from %s" url) (if (executable-find "curl") (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *curl*") (call-process "curl" nil t nil "--max-time" "5" "-sSL" url) (current-buffer)) (url-retrieve-synchronously url t t 5))) (goto-char (point-min)) (delete-region (point-min) (- (search-forward "<head") 6)) (delete-region (search-forward "</head>") (point-max)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "<script[^\u2800]+?</script>" nil t) (replace-match "")) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "<style[^\u2800]+?</style>" nil t) (replace-match "")) (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max)))))) (meta (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (tag) (when (eq 'meta (car tag)) (cons (or (cdr (assoc 'name (cadr tag))) (cdr (assoc 'property (cadr tag)))) (cdr (assoc 'content (cadr tag)))))) head-data)))) (let ((title (or (cdr (assoc "og:title" meta)) (cdr (assoc "twitter:title" meta)) (nth 2 (assq 'title head-data)))) (description (or (cdr (assoc "og:description" meta)) (cdr (assoc "twitter:description" meta)) (cdr (assoc "description" meta)))) (image (or (cdr (assoc "og:image" meta)) (cdr (assoc "twitter:image" meta))))) (when image (setq image (replace-regexp-in-string "^/" (concat "https://" (replace-regexp-in-string "//\\([^/]+\\)/?.*" "\\1" url) "/") (replace-regexp-in-string "^//" "https://" image)))) (list :title title :description description :image image)))) org-url-unfurl-metadata--cache))))) ;; (setq-default org-html-with-latex `dvisvgm) (setcdr (assoc 'path org-html-mathjax-options) (list "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-svg.js")) (setq org-html-mathjax-template "<script> window.MathJax = { loader: { load: ['[tex]/mathtools'], }, tex: { ams: { multlineWidth: '%MULTLINEWIDTH' }, tags: '%TAGS', tagSide: '%TAGSIDE', tagIndent: '%TAGINDENT', packages: {'[+]': ['mathtools']}, macros: { RR: ['\\\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\\\mathbb{R}}{\\\\mathbb{R}^{#1}}', 1, ''], NN: ['\\\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\\\mathbb{N}}{\\\\mathbb{N}^{#1}}', 1, ''], ZZ: ['\\\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\\\mathbb{Z}}{\\\\mathbb{Z}^{#1}}', 1, ''], QQ: ['\\\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\\\mathbb{Q}}{\\\\mathbb{Q}^{#1}}', 1, ''], CC: ['\\\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\\\mathbb{C}}{\\\\mathbb{C}^{#1}}', 1, ''], EE: '\\\\mathbb{E}', Lap: '\\\\operatorname{\\\\mathcal{L}}', Var: '\\\\operatorname{Var}', Cor: '\\\\operatorname{Cor}', E: '\\\\operatorname{E}', }, mathtools: { pairedDelimiters: { abs: ['\\\\lvert', '\\\\rvert'], norm: ['\\\\lVert', '\\\\rVert'], ceil: ['\\\\lceil', '\\\\rceil'], floor: ['\\\\lfloor', '\\\\rfloor'], round: ['\\\\lfloor', '\\\\rceil'], } } }, chtml: { scale: %SCALE, displayAlign: '%ALIGN', displayIndent: '%INDENT' }, svg: { scale: %SCALE, displayAlign: '%ALIGN', displayIndent: '%INDENT' }, output: { font: '%FONT', displayOverflow: '%OVERFLOW' } }; </script> <script id=\"MathJax-script\" async src=\"%PATH\"> </script>") (provide 'config-ox-html)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; ox-latex ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `+org-warn-about-missing-latex-packages', ;; `check-for-latex-packages', ;; `org-latex-convert-extra-special-strings', ;; `org-latex-extra-special-string-regexps', ;; `+org-latex-correct-latin-abbreviation-spaces', ;; `+org-latex-abbreviations', ;; `+org-latex-non-ascii-char-substitutions', ;; `+org-latex-replace-non-ascii-chars', ;; `+org-pdflatex-inputenc-encoded-chars', ;; `org-latex-julia-mono-fontspec', `org-latex-condensed-lists', ;; `org-latex-condense-lists', `org-latex-cover-page-p', ;; `org-latex-cover-page-maketitle', ;; `org-latex-subtitle-coverpage-format', ;; `org-latex-cover-page-wordcount-threshold', `org-latex-cover-page', ;; `org-latex-fontsets', `org-latex-fontset', ;; `org-latex-fontset-entry', `org-latex-default-fontset', ;; `org-latex-par-sep', `org-latex-italic-quotes', ;; `org-latex-use-microtype', `org-latex-embed-files', ;; `org-latex-embed-extra-files', `org-latex-box-preamble', ;; `org-latex-checkbox-preamble', `org-latex-caption-preamble', ;; `org-latex-embed-files-preamble', `org-latex-maths-preamble', and ;; `+org-export-latex-fancy-item-checkboxes'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: ox-latex" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'ox-latex (confpkg-with-record '("load: ox-latex" load-hooks) ;; org-latex-compilers = ("pdflatex" "xelatex" "lualatex"), which are the possible values for %latex (setq org-latex-pdf-process '("LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory=%o %f")) (defun +org-export-latex-fancy-item-checkboxes (text backend info) (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\item\\[{$\\\\\\(\\w+\\)$}\\]" (lambda (fullmatch) (concat "\\\\item[" (pcase (substring fullmatch 9 -3) ; content of capture group ("square" "\\\\checkboxUnchecked") ("boxminus" "\\\\checkboxTransitive") ("boxtimes" "\\\\checkboxChecked") (_ (substring fullmatch 9 -3))) "]")) text))) (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-item-functions '+org-export-latex-fancy-item-checkboxes) (after! ox-latex (let* ((article-sections '(("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}") ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}") ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}") ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}") ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))) (book-sections (append '(("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")) article-sections)) (hanging-secnum-preamble "\\renewcommand\\sectionformat{\\llap{\\thesection\\autodot\\enskip}} \\renewcommand\\subsectionformat{\\llap{\\thesubsection\\autodot\\enskip}} \\renewcommand\\subsubsectionformat{\\llap{\\thesubsubsection\\autodot\\enskip}}") (big-chap-preamble "\\RedeclareSectionCommand[afterindent=false, beforeskip=0pt, afterskip=0pt, innerskip=0pt]{chapter} \\setkomafont{chapter}{\\normalfont\\Huge} \\renewcommand*{\\chapterheadstartvskip}{\\vspace*{0\\baselineskip}} \\renewcommand*{\\chapterheadendvskip}{\\vspace*{0\\baselineskip}} \\renewcommand*{\\chapterformat}{% \\fontsize{60}{30}\\selectfont\\rlap{\\hspace{6pt}\\thechapter}} \\renewcommand*\\chapterlinesformat[3]{% \\parbox[b]{\\dimexpr\\textwidth-0.5em\\relax}{% \\raggedleft{{\\large\\scshape\\bfseries\\chapapp}\\vspace{-0.5ex}\\par\\Huge#3}}% \\hfill\\makebox[0pt][l]{#2}}")) (setcdr (assoc "article" org-latex-classes) `(,(concat "\\documentclass{scrartcl}" hanging-secnum-preamble) ,@article-sections)) (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes `("report" ,(concat "\\documentclass{scrartcl}" hanging-secnum-preamble) ,@article-sections)) (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes `("book" ,(concat "\\documentclass[twoside=false]{scrbook}" big-chap-preamble hanging-secnum-preamble) ,@book-sections)) (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes `("blank" "[NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES]\n[NO-PACKAGES]\n[EXTRA]" ,@article-sections)) (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes `("bmc-article" "\\documentclass[article,code,maths]{bmc}\n[NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES]\n[NO-PACKAGES]\n[EXTRA]" ,@article-sections)) (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes `("bmc" "\\documentclass[code,maths]{bmc}\n[NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES]\n[NO-PACKAGES]\n[EXTRA]" ,@book-sections)))) (setq org-latex-tables-booktabs t org-latex-hyperref-template "\\providecolor{url}{HTML}{0077bb} \\providecolor{link}{HTML}{882255} \\providecolor{cite}{HTML}{999933} \\hypersetup{ pdfauthor={%a}, pdftitle={%t}, pdfkeywords={%k}, pdfsubject={%d}, pdfcreator={%c}, pdflang={%L}, breaklinks=true, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=link, urlcolor=url, citecolor=cite } \\urlstyle{same}" org-latex-reference-command "\\cref{%s}") (defvar org-latex-maths-preamble "%% Maths-related packages % More maths environments, commands, and symbols. \\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} % Slanted fractions with \\sfrac{a}{b}, in text and maths. \\usepackage{xfrac} % Visually cancel expressions with \\cancel{value} and \\cancelto{expression}{value} \\usepackage[makeroom]{cancel} % Improvements on amsmath and utilities for mathematical typesetting \\usepackage{mathtools} % Deliminators \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\abs}{\\lvert}{\\rvert} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\norm}{\\lVert}{\\rVert} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\ceil}{\\lceil}{\\rceil} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\floor}{\\lfloor}{\\rfloor} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\round}{\\lfloor}{\\rceil} \\newcommand{\\RR}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{R}}{\\mathbb{R}^{#1}}}} % Real numbers \\newcommand{\\NN}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{N}}{\\mathbb{N}^{#1}}}} % Natural numbers \\newcommand{\\ZZ}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{Z}}{\\mathbb{Z}^{#1}}}} % Integer numbers \\newcommand{\\QQ}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{Q}}{\\mathbb{Q}^{#1}}}} % Rational numbers \\newcommand{\\CC}[1][]{\\ensuremath{\\ifstrempty{#1}{\\mathbb{C}}{\\mathbb{C}^{#1}}}} % Complex numbers % Easy derivatives \\ProvideDocumentCommand\\dv{o m g}{% \\IfNoValueTF{#3}{% \\dv[#1]{}{#2}}{% \\IfNoValueTF{#1}{% \\frac{\\dd #2}{\\dd #3}% }{\\frac{\\dd[#1] #2}{\\dd {#3}^{#1}}}}} % Easy partial derivatives \\ExplSyntaxOn \\ProvideDocumentCommand\\pdv{o m g}{% \\IfNoValueTF{#3}{\\pdv[#1]{}{#2}}% {\\ifnum\\clist_count:n{#3}<2 \\IfValueTF{#1}{\\frac{\\partial^{#1} #2}{\\partial {#3}^{#1}}}% {\\frac{\\partial #2}{\\partial #3}} \\else \\frac{\\IfValueTF{#1}{\\partial^{#1}}{\\partial^{\\clist_count:n{#3}}}#2}% {\\clist_map_inline:nn{#3}{\\partial ##1 \\,}\\!} \\fi}} \\ExplSyntaxOff % Laplacian \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Lap}{\\mathcal{L}} % Statistics \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Var}{Var} % varience \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Cov}{Cov} % covarience \\newcommand{\\EE}{\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{E}}} % expected value \\DeclareMathOperator{\\E}{E} % expected value % I prefer the slanted \\leq/\\geq \\let\\barleq\\leq % Save them in case they're every wanted \\let\\bargeq\\geq \\renewcommand{\\leq}{\\leqslant} \\renewcommand{\\geq}{\\geqslant} % Redefine the matrix environment to allow for alignment % via an optional argument, and use r as the default. \\makeatletter \\renewcommand*\\env@matrix[1][r]{\\hskip -\\arraycolsep% \\let\\@ifnextchar\\new@ifnextchar \\array{*\\c@MaxMatrixCols #1}} \\makeatother % Slanted roman \"d\" for derivatives \\ifcsname pdfoutput\\endcsname \\ifnum\\pdfoutput>0 % PDF \\newsavebox\\diffdbox{} \\newcommand{\\slantedromand}{{\\mathpalette\\makesl{d}}} \\newcommand{\\makesl}[2]{% \\begingroup \\sbox{\\diffdbox}{$\\mathsurround=0pt#1\\mathrm{#2}$}% \\pdfsave% \\pdfsetmatrix{1 0 0.2 1}% \\rlap{\\usebox{\\diffdbox}}% \\pdfrestore% \\hskip\\wd\\diffdbox% \\endgroup} \\else % DVI \\newcommand{\\slantedromand}{d} % fallback \\fi \\else % Also DVI \\newcommand{\\slantedromand}{d} % fallback \\fi % Derivative d^n, nicely spaced \\makeatletter \\newcommand{\\dd}[1][]{\\mathop{}\\!% \\expandafter\\ifx\\expandafter&\\detokenize{#1}&% \\ifstrempty from etoolbox \\slantedromand\\@ifnextchar^{\\hspace{0.2ex}}{\\hspace{0.1ex}} \\else \\slantedromand\\hspace{0.2ex}^{#1} \\fi} \\makeatother \\NewCommandCopy{\\daccent}{\\d} \\renewcommand{\\d}{\\ifmmode\\dd\\else\\daccent\\fi}" "Preamble that sets up a bunch of mathematical conveniences.") (defvar org-latex-embed-files-preamble nil "Preamble that embeds files within the pdf.") (defvar org-latex-caption-preamble "\\usepackage{subcaption} \\usepackage[hypcap=true]{caption} \\setkomafont{caption}{\\sffamily\\small} \\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\\upshape\\bfseries} \\captionsetup{justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=true} \\usepackage{capt-of} % required by Org" "Preamble that improves captions.") (defvar org-latex-checkbox-preamble "\\newcommand{\\checkboxUnchecked}{$\\square$} \\newcommand{\\checkboxTransitive}{\\rlap{\\raisebox{-0.1ex}{\\hspace{0.35ex}\\Large\\textbf -}}$\\square$} \\newcommand{\\checkboxChecked}{\\rlap{\\raisebox{0.2ex}{\\hspace{0.35ex}\\scriptsize \\ding{52}}}$\\square$}" "Preamble that improves checkboxes.") (defvar org-latex-box-preamble "\\ExplSyntaxOn \\NewCoffin\\Content \\NewCoffin\\SideRule \\NewDocumentCommand{\\defsimplebox}{O{\\ding{117}} O{0.36em} m m m}{% % #1 ding, #2 ding offset, #3 name, #4 colour, #5 default label \\definecolor{#3}{HTML}{#4} \\NewDocumentEnvironment{#3}{ O{#5} } {\\vcoffin_set:Nnw \\Content { \\linewidth } \\noindent \\ignorespaces \\par\\vspace{-0.7\\baselineskip}% \\textcolor{#3}{#1}~\\textcolor{#3}{\\textbf{##1}}% \\vspace{-0.8\\baselineskip} \\begin{addmargin}[1em]{1em} }{% \\end{addmargin} \\vspace{-0.5\\baselineskip} \\vcoffin_set_end: \\SetHorizontalCoffin\\SideRule{\\color{#3}\\rule{1pt}{\\CoffinTotalHeight\\Content}} \\JoinCoffins*\\Content[l,t]\\SideRule[l,t](#2,-0.7em) \\noindent\\TypesetCoffin\\Content \\vspace*{\\CoffinTotalHeight\\Content}\\bigskip \\vspace{-2\\baselineskip}}} \\ExplSyntaxOff" "Preamble that provides a macro for custom boxes.") (defun org-latex-embed-extra-files () "Return a string that uses embedfile to embed all tangled files." (mapconcat (lambda (file-desc) (format "\\IfFileExists{%1$s}{\\embedfile[desc=%2$s]{%1$s}}{}" (thread-last (car file-desc) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\") (replace-regexp-in-string "~" "\\\\string~")) (cdr file-desc))) (append (let (tangle-fspecs) ; All files being tangled to. (org-element-cache-map (lambda (src) (when (and (not (org-in-commented-heading-p nil src)) (not (org-in-archived-heading-p nil src))) (when-let ((lang (org-element-property :language src)) (params (apply #'org-babel-merge-params (append (org-with-point-at (org-element-property :begin src) (org-babel-params-from-properties lang t)) (mapcar (lambda (h) (org-babel-parse-header-arguments h t)) (cons (org-element-property :parameters src) (org-element-property :header src)))))) (tangle-value (pcase (alist-get :tangle params) ((and (pred stringp) (pred (string-match-p "^(.*)$")) expr) (eval (read expr))) (val val))) (tangle-file (pcase tangle-value ((or "no" (guard (member (alist-get :export-embed params) '("no" "nil")))) nil) ("yes" (file-name-with-extension (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) (or (alist-get lang org-babel-tangle-lang-exts nil nil #'equal) lang))) (val val)))) (unless (assoc tangle-file tangle-fspecs) (push (cons tangle-file (format "Tangled %s file" lang)) tangle-fspecs))))) :granularity 'element :restrict-elements '(src-block)) (nreverse tangle-fspecs)) (let (extra-files) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#\\+embed:" nil t) (let* ((file-desc (split-string (org-element-property :value (org-element-at-point)) " :desc\\(?:ription\\)? "))) (push (cons (car file-desc) (or (cdr file-desc) "Extra file")) extra-files)))) (nreverse extra-files))) "\n")) (defvar org-latex-embed-files t "Embed the source .org, .tex, and any tangled files.") (defvar org-latex-use-microtype t "Use the microtype pakage.") (defvar org-latex-italic-quotes t "Make \"quote\" environments italic.") (defvar org-latex-par-sep t "Vertically seperate paragraphs, and remove indentation.") (org-export-update-features 'latex ((image caption) :condition "\\[\\[xkcd:")) (org-export-update-features 'latex (maths :snippet org-latex-maths-preamble :order 0.2) (cleveref :condition "cref:\\|\\cref{\\|\\[\\[[^\\]+\n?[^\\]\\]\\]" :snippet "\\usepackage[capitalize]{cleveref}" :order 1) (caption :snippet org-latex-caption-preamble :order 2.1) (microtype :condition org-latex-use-microtype :snippet "\\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,kerning=true,spacing=true,factor=2000]{microtype}" :order 0.1) (embed-files :condition org-latex-embed-files :snippet "\\usepackage[include]{embedall}" :order 70) (embed-source :condition t :when embed-files :snippet "\\IfFileExists{./\\jobname.org}{\\embedfile[desc=Primary source file]{\\jobname.org}}{} \\IfFileExists{./\\jobname.tex}{\\embedfile[desc=The (generated) LaTeX source file]{\\jobname.tex}}{}" :no-precompile t :after embed-files :order 80) (embed-tangled :condition (and org-latex-embed-files "^[ \t]*#\\+embed\\|^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src\\|^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_SRC") :requires embed-files :snippet (org-latex-embed-extra-files) :no-precompile t :after (embed-source embed-files) :order 80) (acronym :condition "[;\\\\]?\\b[A-Z][A-Z]+s?[^A-Za-z]" :snippet "\\newcommand{\\acr}[1]{\\protect\\textls*[110]{\\scshape #1}}\n\\newcommand{\\acrs}{\\protect\\scalebox{.91}[.84]{\\hspace{0.15ex}s}}" :order 0.4) (box-drawing :condition "[\u2500-\u259F]" :snippet "\\usepackage{pmboxdraw}" :order 0.05) (italic-quotes :condition (and org-latex-italic-quotes "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_quote\\|\\\\begin{quote}") :snippet "\\renewcommand{\\quote}{\\list{}{\\rightmargin\\leftmargin}\\item\\relax\\em}\n" :order 0.5) (par-sep :condition org-latex-par-sep :snippet "\\setlength{\\parskip}{\\baselineskip}\n\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}" :order 0.5) (.pifont :snippet "\\usepackage{pifont}") (.xcoffins :snippet "\\usepackage{xcoffins}") (checkbox :condition "^[ \t]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\|[A-Za-z]+[.)]\\) \\[[ -X]\\]" :requires .pifont :snippet (concat (unless (memq 'maths features) "\\usepackage{amssymb} % provides \\square") org-latex-checkbox-preamble) :after .pifont) (.fancy-box :requires (.pifont .xcoffins) :snippet org-latex-box-preamble :after (.pifont .xcoffins)) (box-warning :condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_warning\\|\\\\begin{warning}" :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{warning}{e66100}{Warning}" :after .fancy-box) (box-info :condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_info\\|\\\\begin{info}" :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{info}{3584e4}{Information}" :after .fancy-box) (box-notes :condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_notes\\|\\\\begin{notes}" :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{notes}{26a269}{Notes}" :after .fancy-box) (box-success :condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_success\\|\\\\begin{success}" :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{success}{26a269}{\\vspace{-\\baselineskip}}" :after .fancy-box) (box-error :condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_error\\|\\\\begin{error}" :requires .fancy-box :snippet "\\defsimplebox{error}{c01c28}{Important}" :after .fancy-box) (hanging-section-numbers :condition (let ((latex-class (assoc (plist-get info :latex-class) (plist-get info :latex-classes)))) (and (cadr latex-class) (string-match-p "\\`\\\\documentclass\\(?:\\[.*\\]\\)?{scr" (cadr latex-class)) (not (string-match-p "[[,]twocolumn[],]" (or (plist-get info :latex-class-options) ""))))) :snippet "\\renewcommand\\sectionformat{\\llap{\\thesection\\autodot\\enskip}} \\renewcommand\\subsectionformat{\\llap{\\thesubsection\\autodot\\enskip}} \\renewcommand\\subsubsectionformat{\\llap{\\thesubsubsection\\autodot\\enskip}}") (toc-hidelinks :condition (or (plist-get info :with-toc) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "\\tableofcontents" nil t))) :snippet "%% hide links styles in toc \\NewCommandCopy{\\oldtoc}{\\tableofcontents} \\renewcommand{\\tableofcontents}{\\begingroup\\hypersetup{hidelinks}\\oldtoc\\endgroup}")) (setq org-latex-packages-alist '(("" "xcolor" t))) (defvar org-latex-default-fontset 'alegreya "Fontset from `org-latex-fontsets' to use by default. As cm (computer modern) is TeX's default, that causes nothing to be added to the document. If \"nil\" no custom fonts will ever be used.") (eval '(cl-pushnew '(:latex-font-set nil "fontset" org-latex-default-fontset) (org-export-backend-options (org-export-get-backend 'latex)))) (defun org-latex-fontset-entry () "Get the fontset spec of the current file. Has format \"name\" or \"name-style\" where 'name' is one of the cars in `org-latex-fontsets'." (let ((fontset-spec (symbol-name (or (car (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (opt-line) (plist-get (org-export--parse-option-keyword opt-line 'latex) :latex-font-set)) (cdar (org-collect-keywords '("OPTIONS")))))) org-latex-default-fontset)))) (cons (intern (car (split-string fontset-spec "-"))) (when (cadr (split-string fontset-spec "-")) (intern (concat ":" (cadr (split-string fontset-spec "-")))))))) (defun org-latex-fontset (&rest desired-styles) "Generate a LaTeX preamble snippet which applies the current fontset for DESIRED-STYLES." (let* ((fontset-spec (org-latex-fontset-entry)) (fontset (alist-get (car fontset-spec) org-latex-fontsets))) (if fontset (string-trim (concat (mapconcat (lambda (style) (when (plist-get fontset style) (concat (plist-get fontset style) "\n"))) desired-styles "") (when (memq (cdr fontset-spec) desired-styles) (pcase (cdr fontset-spec) (:serif "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\rmdefault}\n") (:sans "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\sfdefault}\n") (:mono "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\ttdefault}\n"))))) (error "Font-set %s is not provided in org-latex-fontsets" (car fontset-spec))))) (org-export-update-features 'latex (custom-font :condition org-latex-default-fontset :snippet (org-latex-fontset :serif :sans :mono) :order 0) (custom-maths-font :condition t :when (custom-font maths) :snippet (org-latex-fontset :maths) :after (custom-font maths) :order 0)) (defvar org-latex-fontsets '((cm nil) ; computer modern (## nil) ; no font set (alegreya :serif "\\usepackage[osf]{Alegreya}" :sans "\\usepackage{AlegreyaSans}" :mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.88]{sourcecodepro}" :maths "\\let\\Bbbk\\relax\n\\usepackage[varbb]{newpxmath}") (biolinum :serif "\\usepackage[osf]{libertineRoman}" :sans "\\usepackage[sfdefault,osf]{biolinum}" :mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.88]{sourcecodepro}" :maths "\\usepackage[libertine,varvw]{newtxmath}") (fira :sans "\\usepackage[sfdefault,scale=0.85]{FiraSans}" :mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.80]{FiraMono}" :maths "\\usepackage{newtxsf} % change to firamath in future?") (kp :serif "\\usepackage{kpfonts}") (newpx :serif "\\usepackage{newpxtext}" :sans "\\usepackage{gillius}" :mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.9]{sourcecodepro}" :maths "\\let\\Bbbk\\relax\n\\usepackage[varbb]{newpxmath}") (noto :serif "\\usepackage[osf]{noto-serif}" :sans "\\usepackage[osf]{noto-sans}" :mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.96]{noto-mono}" :maths "\\usepackage{notomath}") (plex :serif "\\usepackage{plex-serif}" :sans "\\usepackage{plex-sans}" :mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.95]{plex-mono}" :maths "\\usepackage{newtxmath}") ; may be plex-based in future (source :serif "\\usepackage[osf,semibold]{sourceserifpro}" :sans "\\usepackage[osf,semibold]{sourcesanspro}" :mono "\\usepackage[scale=0.92]{sourcecodepro}" :maths "\\usepackage{newtxmath}") ; may be sourceserifpro-based in future (times :serif "\\usepackage{newtxtext}" :maths "\\usepackage{newtxmath}")) "Alist of fontset specifications. Each car is the name of the fontset (which cannot include \"-\"). Each cdr is a plist with (optional) keys :serif, :sans, :mono, and :maths. A key's value is a LaTeX snippet which loads such a font.") (org-export-update-features 'latex (alegreya-typeface :condition (string= (car (org-latex-fontset-entry)) "alegreya") :snippet nil) (alegreya-tabular-figures :condition t :when (alegreya-typeface table) :snippet "\ \\makeatletter % tabular lining figures in tables \\renewcommand{\\tabular}{\\AlegreyaTLF\\let\\@halignto\\@empty\\@tabular} \\makeatother" :after custom-font :order 0.5)) (org-export-update-features 'latex (alegreya-latex-symbol :condition "LaTeX" :when alegreya-typeface :snippet "\ \\makeatletter % Kerning around the A needs adjusting \\DeclareRobustCommand{\\LaTeX}{L\\kern-.24em% {\\sbox\\z@ T% \\vbox to\\ht\\z@{\\hbox{\\check@mathfonts \\fontsize\\sf@size\\z@ \\math@fontsfalse\\selectfont A}% \\vss}% }% \\kern-.10em% \\TeX} \\makeatother" :after alegreya-typeface :order 0.5)) (defvar org-latex-cover-page 'auto "When t, use a cover page by default. When auto, use a cover page when the document's wordcount exceeds `org-latex-cover-page-wordcount-threshold'. Set with #+option: coverpage:{yes,auto,no} in org buffers.") (defvar org-latex-cover-page-wordcount-threshold 5000 "Document word count at which a cover page will be used automatically. This condition is applied when cover page option is set to auto.") (defvar org-latex-subtitle-coverpage-format "\\\\\\bigskip\n\\LARGE\\mdseries\\itshape\\color{black!80} %s\\par" "Variant of `org-latex-subtitle-format' to use with the cover page.") (defvar org-latex-cover-page-maketitle "\\usepackage{tikz} \\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric} \\usetikzlibrary{calc} \\newsavebox\\orgicon \\begin{lrbox}{\\orgicon} \\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] \\path[fill=black!6] (16.15,24.00) .. controls (15.58,24.00) and (13.99,20.69) .. (12.77,18.06)arc(215.55:180.20:2.19) .. controls (12.33,19.91) and (11.27,19.09) .. (11.43,18.05) .. controls (11.36,18.09) and (10.17,17.83) .. (10.17,17.82) .. controls (9.94,18.75) and (9.37,19.44) .. (9.02,18.39) .. controls (8.32,16.72) and (8.14,15.40) .. (9.13,13.80) .. controls (8.22,9.74) and (2.18,7.75) .. (2.81,4.47) .. controls (2.99,4.47) and (4.45,0.99) .. (9.15,2.41) .. controls (14.71,3.99) and (17.77,0.30) .. (18.13,0.04) .. controls (18.65,-0.49) and (16.78,4.61) .. (12.83,6.90) .. controls (10.49,8.18) and (11.96,10.38) .. (12.12,11.15) .. controls (12.12,11.15) and (14.00,9.84) .. (15.36,11.85) .. controls (16.58,11.53) and (17.40,12.07) .. (18.46,11.69) .. controls (19.10,11.41) and (21.79,11.58) .. (20.79,13.08) .. controls (20.79,13.08) and (21.71,13.90) .. (21.80,13.99) .. controls (21.97,14.75) and (21.59,14.91) .. (21.47,15.12) .. controls (21.44,15.60) and (21.04,15.79) .. (20.55,15.44) .. controls (19.45,15.64) and (18.36,15.55) .. (17.83,15.59) .. controls (16.65,15.76) and (15.67,16.38) .. (15.67,16.38) .. controls (15.40,17.19) and (14.82,17.01) .. (14.09,17.32) .. controls (14.70,18.69) and (14.76,19.32) .. (15.50,21.32) .. controls (15.76,22.37) and (16.54,24.00) .. (16.15,24.00) -- cycle(7.83,16.74) .. controls (6.83,15.71) and (5.72,15.70) .. (4.05,15.42) .. controls (2.75,15.19) and (0.39,12.97) .. (0.02,10.68) .. controls (-0.02,10.07) and (-0.06,8.50) .. (0.45,7.18) .. controls (0.94,6.05) and (1.27,5.45) .. (2.29,4.85) .. controls (1.41,8.02) and (7.59,10.18) .. (8.55,13.80) -- (8.55,13.80) .. controls (7.73,15.00) and (7.80,15.64) .. (7.83,16.74) -- cycle; \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{lrbox} \\makeatletter \\g@addto@macro\\tableofcontents{\\clearpage} \\renewcommand\\maketitle{ \\thispagestyle{empty} \\hyphenpenalty=10000 % hyphens look bad in titles \\renewcommand{\\baselinestretch}{1.1} \\NewCommandCopy{\\oldtoday}{\\today} \\renewcommand{\\today}{\\LARGE\\number\\year\\\\\\large% \\ifcase \\month \\or Jan\\or Feb\\or Mar\\or Apr\\or May \\or Jun\\or Jul\\or Aug\\or Sep\\or Oct\\or Nov\\or Dec\\fi ~\\number\\day} \\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] %% Background Polygons %% \\foreach \\i in {2.5,...,22} % bottom left {\\node[rounded corners,black!3.5,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=\\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.west)+(2.5,-4.2)$) {} ;} \\foreach \\i in {0.5,...,22} % top left {\\node[rounded corners,black!5,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=\\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.north west)+(2.5,2)$) {} ;} \\node[rounded corners,fill=black!4,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=5.5 cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.north west)+(2.5,2)$) {}; \\foreach \\i in {0.5,...,24} % top right {\\node[rounded corners,black!2,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=\\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.north east)+(0,-8.5)$) {} ;} \\node[fill=black!3,rounded corners,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=2.5 cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.north east)+(0,-8.5)$) {}; \\foreach \\i in {21,...,3} % bottom right {\\node[black!3,rounded corners,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=\\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.south east)+(-1.5,0.75)$) {} ;} \\node[fill=black!3,rounded corners,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=2 cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.south east)+(-1.5,0.75)$) {}; \\node[align=center, scale=1.4] at ($(current page.south east)+(-1.5,0.75)$) {\\usebox\\orgicon}; %% Text %% \\node[left, align=right, black, text width=0.8\\paperwidth, minimum height=3cm, rounded corners,font=\\Huge\\bfseries] at ($(current page.north east)+(-2,-8.5)$) {\\@title}; \\node[left, align=right, black, text width=0.8\\paperwidth, minimum height=2cm, rounded corners, font=\\Large] at ($(current page.north east)+(-2,-11.8)$) {\\scshape \\@author}; \\renewcommand{\\baselinestretch}{0.75} \\node[align=center,rounded corners,fill=black!3,text=black,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6, minimum size=2.5 cm,inner sep=0, font=\\Large\\bfseries ] at ($(current page.west)+(2.5,-4.2)$) {\\@date}; \\end{tikzpicture} \\let\\today\\oldtoday \\clearpage} \\makeatother" "LaTeX preamble snippet that sets \\maketitle to produce a cover page.") (eval '(cl-pushnew '(:latex-cover-page nil "coverpage" org-latex-cover-page) (org-export-backend-options (org-export-get-backend 'latex)))) (defun org-latex-cover-page-p () "Whether a cover page should be used when exporting this Org file." (pcase (or (car (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (opt-line) (plist-get (org-export--parse-option-keyword opt-line 'latex) :latex-cover-page)) (cdar (org-collect-keywords '("OPTIONS")))))) org-latex-cover-page) ((or 't 'yes) t) ('auto (when (> (count-words (point-min) (point-max)) org-latex-cover-page-wordcount-threshold) t)) (_ nil))) (defadvice! org-latex-set-coverpage-subtitle-format-a (contents info) "Set the subtitle format when a cover page is being used." :before #'org-latex-template (when (org-latex-cover-page-p) (setf info (plist-put info :latex-subtitle-format org-latex-subtitle-coverpage-format)))) (org-export-update-features 'latex (cover-page :condition (org-latex-cover-page-p) :snippet org-latex-cover-page-maketitle :order 9)) (defvar org-latex-condense-lists t "Reduce the space between list items.") (defvar org-latex-condensed-lists "\\newcommand{\\setuplistspacing}{\\setlength{\\itemsep}{-0.5ex}\\setlength{\\parskip}{1.5ex}\\setlength{\\parsep}{0pt}} \\let\\olditem\\itemize\\renewcommand{\\itemize}{\\olditem\\setuplistspacing} \\let\\oldenum\\enumerate\\renewcommand{\\enumerate}{\\oldenum\\setuplistspacing} \\let\\olddesc\\description\\renewcommand{\\description}{\\olddesc\\setuplistspacing}" "LaTeX preamble snippet that reduces the space between list items.") (org-export-update-features 'latex (condensed-lists :condition (and org-latex-condense-lists "^[ \t]*[-+]\\|^[ \t]*[1Aa][.)] ") :snippet org-latex-condensed-lists :order 0.7)) (use-package! engrave-faces-latex :after ox-latex) (setq org-latex-listings 'engraved org-latex-engraved-theme 'doom-one-light) (org-export-update-features 'latex (no-protrusion-in-code :condition t :when (microtype engraved-code) :snippet "\\ifcsname Code\\endcsname\n \\let\\oldcode\\Code\\renewcommand{\\Code}{\\microtypesetup{protrusion=false}\\oldcode}\n\\fi" :after (engraved-code microtype))) (defadvice! org-latex-example-block-engraved (orig-fn example-block contents info) "Like `org-latex-example-block', but supporting an engraved backend" :around #'org-latex-example-block (let ((output-block (funcall orig-fn example-block contents info))) (if (eq 'engraved (plist-get info :latex-listings)) (format "\\begin{Code}[alt]\n%s\n\\end{Code}" output-block) output-block))) (defadvice! org-latex-pick-compiler (_contents info) :before #'org-latex-template :before #'org-beamer-template (when (and (memq 'code (plist-get info :features)) (memq 'julia-code (plist-get info :features)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "[^\x00-\x7F\u200b]" nil t))) (setf info (plist-put (if (member #'+org-latex-replace-non-ascii-chars (plist-get info :filter-final-output)) (plist-put info :filter-final-output (delq #'+org-latex-replace-non-ascii-chars (plist-get info :filter-final-output))) info) :latex-compiler "lualatex")))) (defvar org-latex-julia-mono-fontspec "\\ifcsname directlua\\endcsname \\usepackage{fontspec} \\newfontfamily\\JuliaMono{JuliaMono-Regular.ttf}[Path=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/, Extension=.ttf] \\newfontface\\JuliaMonoRegular{JuliaMono-Regular} \\setmonofont{JuliaMonoRegular}[Contextuals=Alternate, Scale=MatchLowercase] \\fi" "LaTeX preamble snippet that sets LuaLaTeX's fontspec to use Julia Mono.") (org-export-update-features 'latex (julia-code :condition "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src julia\\|^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_SRC julia\\|src_julia" :when code :snippet org-latex-julia-mono-fontspec :after custom-font :order 0) (microtype-lualatex :condition t :when (microtype julia-code) :prevents microtype :snippet "\\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,factor=2000]{microtype}\n" :order 0.1) (custom-font-no-mono :condition t :when julia-code :prevents custom-font :snippet (org-latex-fontset :serif :sans) :order 0)) (defvar +org-pdflatex-inputenc-encoded-chars "[[:ascii:]\u00A0-\u01F0\u0218-\u021BȲȳȷˆˇ˜˘˙˛˝\u0400-\u04FFḂḃẞ\u200B\u200C\u2010-\u201E†‡•…‰‱‹›※‽⁄⁎⁒₡₤₦₩₫€₱℃№℗℞℠™Ω℧℮←↑→↓〈〉␢␣◦◯♪⟨⟩Ḡḡ\uFB00-\uFB06\u2500-\u259F]") (defun +org-latex-replace-non-ascii-chars (text backend info) "Replace non-ascii chars with \\char\"XYZ forms." (when (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) (string= (plist-get info :latex-compiler) "pdflatex")) (let (case-replace) (replace-regexp-in-string "[^[:ascii:]]" (lambda (nonascii) (if (or (string-match-p +org-pdflatex-inputenc-encoded-chars nonascii) (string-match-p org-latex-emoji--rx nonascii)) nonascii (or (cdr (assoc nonascii +org-latex-non-ascii-char-substitutions)) "¿"))) text)))) (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-plain-text-functions #'+org-latex-replace-non-ascii-chars t) (defvar +org-latex-non-ascii-char-substitutions '(("ɑ" . "\\\\(\\\\alpha\\\\)") ("β" . "\\\\(\\\\beta\\\\)") ("γ" . "\\\\(\\\\gamma\\\\)") ("δ" . "\\\\(\\\\delta\\\\)") ("ε" . "\\\\(\\\\epsilon\\\\)") ("ϵ" . "\\\\(\\\\varepsilon\\\\)") ("ζ" . "\\\\(\\\\zeta\\\\)") ("η" . "\\\\(\\\\eta\\\\)") ("θ" . "\\\\(\\\\theta\\\\)") ("ϑ" . "\\\\(\\\\vartheta\\\\)") ("ι" . "\\\\(\\\\iota\\\\)") ("κ" . "\\\\(\\\\kappa\\\\)") ("λ" . "\\\\(\\\\lambda\\\\)") ("μ" . "\\\\(\\\\mu\\\\)") ("ν" . "\\\\(\\\\nu\\\\)") ("ξ" . "\\\\(\\\\xi\\\\)") ("π" . "\\\\(\\\\pi\\\\)") ("ϖ" . "\\\\(\\\\varpi\\\\)") ("ρ" . "\\\\(\\\\rho\\\\)") ("ϱ" . "\\\\(\\\\varrho\\\\)") ("σ" . "\\\\(\\\\sigma\\\\)") ("ς" . "\\\\(\\\\varsigma\\\\)") ("τ" . "\\\\(\\\\tau\\\\)") ("υ" . "\\\\(\\\\upsilon\\\\)") ("ϕ" . "\\\\(\\\\phi\\\\)") ("φ" . "\\\\(\\\\varphi\\\\)") ("ψ" . "\\\\(\\\\psi\\\\)") ("ω" . "\\\\(\\\\omega\\\\)") ("Γ" . "\\\\(\\\\Gamma\\\\)") ("Δ" . "\\\\(\\\\Delta\\\\)") ("Θ" . "\\\\(\\\\Theta\\\\)") ("Λ" . "\\\\(\\\\Lambda\\\\)") ("Ξ" . "\\\\(\\\\Xi\\\\)") ("Π" . "\\\\(\\\\Pi\\\\)") ("Σ" . "\\\\(\\\\Sigma\\\\)") ("Υ" . "\\\\(\\\\Upsilon\\\\)") ("Φ" . "\\\\(\\\\Phi\\\\)") ("Ψ" . "\\\\(\\\\Psi\\\\)") ("Ω" . "\\\\(\\\\Omega\\\\)") ("א" . "\\\\(\\\\aleph\\\\)") ("ב" . "\\\\(\\\\beth\\\\)") ("ד" . "\\\\(\\\\daleth\\\\)") ("ג" . "\\\\(\\\\gimel\\\\)"))) (defvar +org-latex-abbreviations '(;; Latin "cf." "e.g." "etc." "et al." "i.e." "v." "vs." "viz." "n.b." ;; Corperate "inc." "govt." "ltd." "pty." "dept." ;; Temporal "est." "c." ;; Honorifics "Prof." "Dr." "Mr." "Mrs." "Ms." "Miss." "Sr." "Jr." ;; Components of a work "ed." "vol." "sec." "chap." "pt." "pp." "op." "no." ;; Common usage "approx." "misc." "min." "max.") "A list of abbreviations that should be spaced correctly when exporting to LaTeX.") (defun +org-latex-correct-latin-abbreviation-spaces (text backend _info) "Normalise spaces after Latin abbreviations." (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) (replace-regexp-in-string (rx (group (or line-start space) (regexp (regexp-opt-group +org-latex-abbreviations))) (or line-end space)) "\\1\\\\ " text))) (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-paragraph-functions #'+org-latex-correct-latin-abbreviation-spaces t) (defvar org-latex-extra-special-string-regexps '(("<->" . "\\\\(\\\\leftrightarrow{}\\\\)") ("->" . "\\\\textrightarrow{}") ("<-" . "\\\\textleftarrow{}"))) (defun org-latex-convert-extra-special-strings (string) "Convert special characters in STRING to LaTeX." (dolist (a org-latex-extra-special-string-regexps string) (let ((re (car a)) (rpl (cdr a))) (setq string (replace-regexp-in-string re rpl string t))))) (defadvice! org-latex-plain-text-extra-special-a (orig-fn text info) "Make `org-latex-plain-text' handle some extra special strings." :around #'org-latex-plain-text (let ((output (funcall orig-fn text info))) (when (plist-get info :with-special-strings) (setq output (org-latex-convert-extra-special-strings output))) output)) (setq org-latex-text-markup-alist '((bold . "\\textbf{%s}") (code . protectedtexttt) (italic . "\\emph{%s}") (strike-through . "\\sout{%s}") (underline . "\\uline{%s}") (verbatim . verb))) (setq org-required-latex-packages '("adjustbox" "amsmath" "booktabs" "cancel" "capt-of" "caption" "cleveref" "embedall" "float" "fontenc" "fvextra" "graphicx" "hanging" "hyperref" "inputenc" "longtable" "mathalpha" "mathtools" "microtype" "pdfx" "pifont" "preview" "scrbase" "siunitx" "soul" "subcaption" "svg" "tikz" "tcolorbox" "textcomp" "xcolor" "xparse" "xcoffins" "Alegreya" "arev" "biolinum" "FiraMono" "FiraSans" "fourier" "gillius" "kpfonts" "libertine" "newpxmath" "newpxtext" "newtxmath" "newtxtext" "newtxsf" "noto" "plex-mono" "plex-sans" "plex-serif" "sourcecodepro" "sourcesanspro" "sourceserifpro")) (defun check-for-latex-packages (packages) (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (package) (unless (= 0 (call-process "kpsewhich" nil nil nil (concat package ".sty"))) package)) packages))) (defun +org-warn-about-missing-latex-packages (&rest _) (message "Checking for missing LaTeX packages...") (sleep-for 0.4) (if-let (missing-pkgs (check-for-latex-packages org-required-latex-packages)) (message "%s You are missing the following LaTeX packages: %s." (propertize "Warning!" 'face '(bold warning)) (mapconcat (lambda (pkg) (propertize pkg 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)) missing-pkgs ", ")) (message "%s You have all the required LaTeX packages. Run %s to make this message go away." (propertize "Success!" 'face '(bold success)) (propertize "doom sync" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face)) (advice-remove 'org-latex-export-to-pdf #'+org-warn-about-missing-latex-packages)) (sleep-for 1)) (advice-add 'org-latex-export-to-pdf :before #'+org-warn-about-missing-latex-packages) (provide 'config-ox-latex)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; ox-latex-emoji ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-latex-emoji-install--convert', ;; `org-latex-emoji-install--install', ;; `org-latex-emoji-install--download', `org-latex-emoji-install', ;; `org-latex-emoji-setup', `org-latex-emoji-fill-preamble', ;; `org-latex-emoji-declaration', `org-latex-emoji-utf16', ;; `org-latex-emoji-preamble', `org-latex-emoji-sets', and ;; `org-latex-emoji--rx'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: ox-latex-emoji" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'ox-latex (confpkg-with-record '("load: ox-latex-emoji" load-hooks) (defvar org-latex-emoji--rx (let (emojis) (map-char-table (lambda (char set) (when (eq set 'emoji) (push (copy-tree char) emojis))) char-script-table) (rx-to-string `(any ,@emojis))) "A regexp to find all emoji-script characters.") (defconst org-latex-emoji-base-dir (expand-file-name "emojis/" doom-cache-dir) "Directory where emojis should be saved and look for.") (defvar org-latex-emoji-sets '(("twemoji" :url "https://github.com/twitter/twemoji/archive/refs/tags/v14.0.2.zip" :folder "twemoji-14.0.2/assets/svg" :height "1.8ex" :offset "-0.3ex") ("twemoji-bw" :url "https://github.com/youdly/twemoji-color-font/archive/refs/heads/v11-release.zip" :folder "twemoji-color-font-11-release/assets/builds/svg-bw" :height "1.8ex" :offset "-0.3ex") ("openmoji" :url "https://github.com/hfg-gmuend/openmoji/releases/latest/download/openmoji-svg-color.zip" :height "2.2ex" :offset "-0.45ex") ("openmoji-bw" :url "https://github.com/hfg-gmuend/openmoji/releases/latest/download/openmoji-svg-black.zip" :height "2.2ex" :offset "-0.45ex") ("emojione" :url "https://github.com/joypixels/emojione/archive/refs/tags/v2.2.7.zip" :folder "emojione-2.2.7/assets/svg") ; Warning, poor coverage ("noto" :url "https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji/archive/refs/tags/v2.038.zip" :folder "noto-emoji-2.038/svg" :file-regexp "^emoji_u\\([0-9a-f_]+\\)" :height "2.0ex" :offset "-0.3ex")) "An alist of plistst of emoji sets. Specified with the minimal form: (\"SET-NAME\" :url \"URL\") The following optional parameters are supported: :folder (defaults to \"\") The folder within the archive where the emojis exist. :file-regexp (defaults to nil) Pattern with the emoji code point as the first capture group. :height (defaults to \"1.8ex\") Height of the emojis to be used. :offset (defaults to \"-0.3ex\") Baseline offset of the emojis.") (defconst org-latex-emoji-keyword "LATEX_EMOJI_SET" "Keyword used to set the emoji set from `org-latex-emoji-sets'.") (defvar org-latex-emoji-preamble "\\usepackage{accsupp} % The transparent package is also needed, but will be loaded later. \\newsavebox\\emojibox \\NewDocumentCommand\\DeclareEmoji{m m}{% UTF-8 codepoint, UTF-16 codepoint \\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{#1}{% \\sbox\\emojibox{\\raisebox{OFFSET}{% \\includegraphics[height=HEIGHT]{EMOJI-FOLDER/#1}}}% \\usebox\\emojibox \\llap{% \\resizebox{\\wd\\emojibox}{\\height}{% \\BeginAccSupp{method=hex,unicode,ActualText=#2}% \\texttransparent{0}{X}% \\EndAccSupp{}}}}}" "LaTeX preamble snippet that will allow for emojis to be declared. Contains the string \"EMOJI-FOLDER\" which should be replaced with the path to the emoji folder.") (defun org-latex-emoji-utf16 (char) "Return the pair of UTF-16 surrogates that represent CHAR." (list (+ #xD7C0 (ash char -10)) (+ #xDC00 (logand char #x03FF)))) (defun org-latex-emoji-declaration (char) "Construct the LaTeX command declaring CHAR as an emoji." (format "\\DeclareEmoji{%X}{%s} %% %s" char (if (< char #xFFFF) (format "%X" char) (apply #'format "%X%X" (org-latex-emoji-utf16 char))) (capitalize (get-char-code-property char 'name)))) (defun org-latex-emoji-fill-preamble (emoji-folder &optional height offset svg-p) "Fill in `org-latex-emoji-preamble' with EMOJI-FOLDER, HEIGHT, and OFFSET. If SVG-P is set \"includegraphics\" will be replaced with \"includesvg\"." (let* (case-fold-search (filled-preamble (replace-regexp-in-string "HEIGHT" (or height "1.8ex") (replace-regexp-in-string "OFFSET" (or offset "-0.3ex") (replace-regexp-in-string "EMOJI-FOLDER" (directory-file-name (if (getenv "HOME") (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote (getenv "HOME")) "\\string~" emoji-folder t t) emoji-folder)) org-latex-emoji-preamble t t) t t) t t))) (if svg-p (replace-regexp-in-string "includegraphics" "includesvg" filled-preamble t t) filled-preamble))) (defun org-latex-emoji-setup (&optional info) "Construct a preamble snippet to set up emojis based on INFO." (let* ((emoji-set (or (org-element-map (plist-get info :parse-tree) 'keyword (lambda (keyword) (and (string= (org-element-property :key keyword) org-latex-emoji-keyword) (org-element-property :value keyword))) info t) (caar org-latex-emoji-sets))) (emoji-spec (cdr (assoc emoji-set org-latex-emoji-sets))) (emoji-folder (expand-file-name emoji-set org-latex-emoji-base-dir)) (emoji-svg-only (and (file-exists-p emoji-folder) (not (cl-some (lambda (path) (not (string= (file-name-extension path) "svg"))) (directory-files emoji-folder nil "\\....$")))))) (cond ((not emoji-spec) (error "Emoji set `%s' is unknown. Try one of: %s" emoji-set (string-join (mapcar #'car org-latex-emoji-sets) ", "))) ((not (file-exists-p emoji-folder)) (if (and (not noninteractive) (yes-or-no-p (format "Emoji set `%s' is not installed, would you like to install it?" emoji-set))) (org-latex-emoji-install emoji-set (or (executable-find "cairosvg") (executable-find "inkscape"))) (error "Emoji set `%s' is not installed" emoji-set)))) (org-latex-emoji-fill-preamble emoji-folder (plist-get emoji-spec :height) (plist-get emoji-spec :offset) emoji-svg-only))) (org-export-update-features 'latex (emoji-setup ; The precompilable bit :condition (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward org-latex-emoji--rx nil t)) :requires (image pkg-transparent) :snippet org-latex-emoji-setup :order 3) (pkg-transparent ; Part of emoji setup, but non-precompilable. :snippet "\\usepackage{transparent}" :order 84) (emoji-declarations :condition t :when emoji-setup :snippet (mapconcat #'org-latex-emoji-declaration (let (unicode-cars) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward org-latex-emoji--rx nil t) (push (aref (match-string 0) 0) unicode-cars))) (cl-delete-duplicates unicode-cars)) "\n") :order 85)) (org-export-update-features 'latex (emoji-lualatex-hack :condition t :when (emoji julia-code) ; LuaLaTeX is used with julia-code. :snippet "\\usepackage{newunicodechar} \\newcommand{\\DeclareUnicodeCharacter}[2]{% \\begingroup\\lccode`|=\\string\"#1\\relax \\lowercase{\\endgroup\\newunicodechar{|}}{#2}}" :before emoji)) (defun org-latex-emoji-install (set &optional convert) "Dowload, convert, and install emojis for use with LaTeX." (interactive (list (completing-read "Emoji set to install: " (mapcar (lambda (set-spec) (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name (car set-spec) org-latex-emoji-base-dir)) (propertize (car set-spec) 'face 'font-lock-doc-face) (car set-spec))) org-latex-emoji-sets) nil t) (if (or (executable-find "cairosvg") (executable-find "inkscape")) (yes-or-no-p "Would you like to create .pdf forms of the Emojis (strongly recommended)?") (message "Install `cairosvg' (recommended) or `inkscape' to convert to PDF forms") nil))) (let ((emoji-folder (expand-file-name set org-latex-emoji-base-dir))) (when (or (not (file-exists-p emoji-folder)) (and (not noninteractive) (yes-or-no-p "Emoji folder already present, would you like to re-download?") (progn (delete-directory emoji-folder) t))) (let* ((spec (cdr (assoc set org-latex-emoji-sets))) (dir (org-latex-emoji-install--download set (plist-get spec :url))) (svg-dir (expand-file-name (or (plist-get spec :folder) "") dir))) (org-latex-emoji-install--install set svg-dir (plist-get spec :file-regexp)))) (when convert (org-latex-emoji-install--convert (file-name-as-directory emoji-folder)))) (message "Emojis set `%s' installed." set)) (defun org-latex-emoji-install--download (name url) "Download the emoji archive URL for the set NAME." (let* ((dest-folder (make-temp-file (format "%s-" name) t))) (message "Downloading %s..." name) (let ((default-directory dest-folder)) (call-process "curl" nil nil nil "-sL" url "--output" "emojis.zip") (message "Unzipping") (call-process "unzip" nil nil nil "emojis.zip") dest-folder))) (defun org-latex-emoji-install--install (name dir &optional filename-regexp) "Install the emoji files in DIR to the NAME set folder. If a FILENAME-REGEXP, only files matching this regexp will be moved, and they will be renamed to the first capture group of the regexp." (message "Installing %s emojis into emoji directory" name) (let ((images (append (directory-files dir t ".*.svg") (directory-files dir t ".*.pdf"))) (emoji-dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name name org-latex-emoji-base-dir)))) (unless (file-exists-p emoji-dir) (make-directory emoji-dir t)) (mapc (lambda (image) (if filename-regexp (when (string-match filename-regexp (file-name-nondirectory image)) (rename-file image (expand-file-name (file-name-with-extension (upcase (match-string 1 (file-name-nondirectory image))) (file-name-extension image)) emoji-dir) t)) (rename-file image (expand-file-name (file-name-with-extension (upcase (file-name-nondirectory image)) (file-name-extension image)) emoji-dir) t))) images) (message "%d emojis installed" (length images)))) (defun org-latex-emoji-install--convert (dir) "Convert all .svg files in DIR to .pdf forms. Uses cairosvg if possible, falling back to inkscape." (let ((default-directory dir)) (if (executable-find "cairosvg") ; cairo's PDFs are ~10% smaller (let* ((images (directory-files dir nil ".*.svg")) (num-images (length images)) (index 0) (max-threads (1- (string-to-number (shell-command-to-string "nproc")))) (threads 0)) (while (< index num-images) (setf threads (1+ threads)) (let (message-log-max) (message "Converting emoji %d/%d (%s)" (1+ index) num-images (nth index images))) (make-process :name "cairosvg" :command (list "cairosvg" (nth index images) "-o" (concat (file-name-sans-extension (nth index images)) ".pdf")) :sentinel (lambda (proc msg) (when (memq (process-status proc) '(exit signal)) (setf threads (1- threads))))) (setq index (1+ index)) (while (> threads max-threads) (sleep-for 0.01))) (while (> threads 0) (sleep-for 0.01))) (message "Cairosvg not found. Proceeding with inkscape as a fallback.") (shell-command "inkscape --batch-process --export-type='pdf' *.svg")) (message "Finished conversion!"))) (provide 'ox-latex-emoji)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg ox-chameleon ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-ox-chameleon" config) (use-package! ox-chameleon :after ox) (provide 'config--pkg-ox-chameleon)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; ox-beamer ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-beamer-metropolis-tweaks' and ;; `org-beamer-p'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: ox-beamer" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'ox-beamer (confpkg-with-record '("load: ox-beamer" load-hooks) (setq org-beamer-theme "[progressbar=foot]metropolis") (defun org-beamer-p (info) (eq 'beamer (and (plist-get info :back-end) (org-export-backend-name (plist-get info :back-end))))) (org-export-update-features 'beamer (beamer-setup :condition t :requires .missing-koma :prevents (italic-quotes condensed-lists cover-page))) (org-export-update-features 'latex (.missing-koma :snippet "\\usepackage{scrextend}" :order 2)) (defvar org-beamer-metropolis-tweaks "\\NewCommandCopy{\\moldusetheme}{\\usetheme} \\renewcommand*{\\usetheme}[2][]{\\moldusetheme[#1]{#2} \\setbeamertemplate{items}{$\\bullet$} \\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\\normalsize, series=\\bfseries\\parbox{0pt}{\\rule{0pt}{4ex}}}} \\makeatletter \\newcommand{\\setmetropolislinewidth}{ \\setlength{\\metropolis@progressinheadfoot@linewidth}{1.2px}} \\makeatother \\usepackage{etoolbox} \\AtEndPreamble{\\setmetropolislinewidth}" "LaTeX preamble snippet that tweaks the Beamer metropolis theme styling.") (org-export-update-features 'beamer (beamer-metropolis :condition (string-match-p "metropolis$" (plist-get info :beamer-theme)) :snippet org-beamer-metropolis-tweaks :order 3)) (setq org-beamer-frame-level 2) (provide 'config-ox-beamer)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg org-re-reveal ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("hook: pkg-org-re-reveal" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'org-re-reveal (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-org-re-reveal" load-hooks) (setq org-re-reveal-theme "white" org-re-reveal-transition "slide" org-re-reveal-plugins '(markdown notes math search zoom)) (provide 'config--pkg-org-re-reveal)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; ox-ascii ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-ascii-convert-latex'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: ox-ascii" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'ox-ascii (confpkg-with-record '("load: ox-ascii" load-hooks) (setq org-ascii-charset 'utf-8) (when (executable-find "latex2text") (after! ox-ascii (defvar org-ascii-convert-latex t "Use latex2text to convert LaTeX elements to unicode.") (defadvice! org-ascii-latex-environment-unicode-a (latex-environment _contents info) "Transcode a LATEX-ENVIRONMENT element from Org to ASCII, converting to unicode. CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information." :override #'org-ascii-latex-environment (when (plist-get info :with-latex) (org-ascii--justify-element (org-remove-indentation (let* ((latex (org-element-property :value latex-environment)) (unicode (and (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) org-ascii-convert-latex (doom-call-process "latex2text" "-q" "--code" latex)))) (if (= (car unicode) 0) ; utf-8 set, and sucessfully ran latex2text (cdr unicode) latex))) latex-environment info))) (defadvice! org-ascii-latex-fragment-unicode-a (latex-fragment _contents info) "Transcode a LATEX-FRAGMENT object from Org to ASCII, converting to unicode. CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information." :override #'org-ascii-latex-fragment (when (plist-get info :with-latex) (let* ((latex (org-element-property :value latex-fragment)) (unicode (and (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) org-ascii-convert-latex (doom-call-process "latex2text" "-q" "--code" latex)))) (if (and unicode (= (car unicode) 0)) ; utf-8 set, and sucessfully ran latex2text (cdr unicode) latex)))))) (provide 'config-ox-ascii)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; ox-md ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-utf8-entity', `org-md-latex-environment', ;; and `org-md-latex-fragment'. (confpkg-with-record '("hook: ox-md" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'ox-md (confpkg-with-record '("load: ox-md" load-hooks) (defadvice! org-md-plain-text-unicode-a (orig-fn text info) "Locally rebind `org-html-special-string-regexps'" :around #'org-md-plain-text (let ((org-html-special-string-regexps '(("\\\\-" . "-") ("---\\([^-]\\|$\\)" . "—\\1") ("--\\([^-]\\|$\\)" . "–\\1") ("\\.\\.\\." . "…") ("<->" . "⟷") ("->" . "→") ("<-" . "←")))) (funcall orig-fn text (plist-put info :with-smart-quotes nil)))) (after! ox-md (defun org-md-latex-fragment (latex-fragment _contents info) "Transcode a LATEX-FRAGMENT object from Org to Markdown." (let ((frag (org-element-property :value latex-fragment))) (cond ((string-match-p "^\\\\(" frag) (concat "$" (substring frag 2 -2) "$")) ((string-match-p "^\\\\\\[" frag) (concat "$$" (substring frag 2 -2) "$$")) (t (message "unrecognised fragment: %s" frag) frag)))) (defun org-md-latex-environment (latex-environment contents info) "Transcode a LATEX-ENVIRONMENT object from Org to Markdown." (concat "$$\n" (org-html-latex-environment latex-environment contents info) "$$\n")) (defun org-utf8-entity (entity _contents _info) "Transcode an ENTITY object from Org to utf-8. CONTENTS are the definition itself. INFO is a plist holding contextual information." (org-element-property :utf-8 entity)) ;; We can't let this be immediately parsed and evaluated, ;; because eager macro-expansion tries to call as-of-yet ;; undefined functions. ;; NOTE in the near future this shouldn't be required (eval '(dolist (extra-transcoder '((latex-fragment . org-md-latex-fragment) (latex-environment . org-md-latex-environment) (entity . org-utf8-entity))) (unless (member extra-transcoder (org-export-backend-transcoders (org-export-get-backend 'md))) (push extra-transcoder (org-export-backend-transcoders (org-export-get-backend 'md))))))) (provide 'config-ox-md)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg ox-gfm ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-ox-gfm" config) (use-package! ox-gfm :after ox) (provide 'config--pkg-ox-gfm)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Org Babel ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `org-babel-auto-async-languages'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: org-babel" config) (add-transient-hook! #'org-babel-execute-src-block (require 'ob-async)) (defvar org-babel-auto-async-languages '() "Babel languages which should be executed asyncronously by default.") (defadvice! org-babel-get-src-block-info-eager-async-a (orig-fn &optional light datum) "Eagarly add an :async parameter to the src information, unless it seems problematic. This only acts o languages in `org-babel-auto-async-languages'. Not added when either: + session is not \"none\" + :sync is set" :around #'org-babel-get-src-block-info (let ((result (funcall orig-fn light datum))) (when (and (string= "none" (cdr (assoc :session (caddr result)))) (member (car result) org-babel-auto-async-languages) (not (assoc :async (caddr result))) ; don't duplicate (not (assoc :sync (caddr result)))) (push '(:async) (caddr result))) result)) (provide 'config-org-babel)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Org ESS ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: org-ess" config) (setq ess-eval-visibly 'nowait) (setq ess-R-font-lock-keywords '((ess-R-fl-keyword:keywords . t) (ess-R-fl-keyword:constants . t) (ess-R-fl-keyword:modifiers . t) (ess-R-fl-keyword:fun-defs . t) (ess-R-fl-keyword:assign-ops . t) (ess-R-fl-keyword:%op% . t) (ess-fl-keyword:fun-calls . t) (ess-fl-keyword:numbers . t) (ess-fl-keyword:operators . t) (ess-fl-keyword:delimiters . t) (ess-fl-keyword:= . t) (ess-R-fl-keyword:F&T . t))) (after! org (add-to-list '+org-babel-mode-alist '(jags . ess-jags))) (provide 'config-org-ess)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; LaTeX ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `unimportant-latex-face', ;; `TeX-string-single-token-p', `TeX-fold-parenthesize-as-necessary', ;; `string-offset-apply-roman-char-exceptions', ;; `string-offset-roman-char-exceptions', `string-offset-roman-chars', ;; `tec/tex-delim-yas-expand', `tec/tex-next-char-smart-close-delim', ;; `tec/tex-close-delim-from-char', `tec/tex-open-delim-from-char', ;; `tec/get-open-delim-char', `tec/tex-delim-dot-second', ;; `tec/tex-last-delim-char', `tec/yas-latex-preamble-if', and ;; `tec/yas-latex-get-class-choice'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: latex" config) (setq TeX-save-query nil TeX-show-compilation t TeX-command-extra-options "-shell-escape") (after! latex (add-to-list 'TeX-command-list '("XeLaTeX" "%`xelatex%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil t))) (setq +latex-viewers '(pdf-tools evince zathura okular skim sumatrapdf)) (setq tec/yas-latex-template-preamble " \\usepackage[pdfa,unicode=true,hidelinks]{hyperref} \\usepackage[dvipsnames,svgnames,table,hyperref]{xcolor} \\renewcommand{\\UrlFont}{\\ttfamily\\small} \\usepackage[a-2b]{pdfx} % why not be archival \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage[osf]{newpxtext} % Palatino \\usepackage{gillius} \\usepackage[scale=0.9]{sourcecodepro} \\usepackage{mathtools} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\let\\Bbbk\\relax \\usepackage[varbb]{newpxmath} \\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,kerning=true,spacing=true,factor=2000]{microtype} % microtype makes text look nicer \\usepackage{graphicx} % include graphics \\usepackage{booktabs} % nice table rules ") (defun tec/yas-latex-get-class-choice () "Prompt user for LaTeX class choice" (setq tec/yas-latex-class-choice (completing-read "Select document class: " '("article" "scrartcl" "bmc")))) (defun tec/yas-latex-preamble-if () "Based on class choice prompt for insertion of default preamble" (if (equal tec/yas-latex-class-choice "bmc") 'nil (eq (read-char-choice "Include default preamble? [Type y/n]" '(?y ?n)) ?y))) (after! tex (defvar tec/tex-last-delim-char nil "Last open delim expanded in a tex document") (defvar tec/tex-delim-dot-second t "When the `tec/tex-last-delim-char' is . a second character (this) is prompted for") (defun tec/get-open-delim-char () "Exclusivly read next char to tec/tex-last-delim-char" (setq tec/tex-delim-dot-second nil) (setq tec/tex-last-delim-char (read-char-exclusive "Opening deliminator, recognises: 9 ( [ { < | .")) (when (eql ?. tec/tex-last-delim-char) (setq tec/tex-delim-dot-second (read-char-exclusive "Other deliminator, recognises: 0 9 ( ) [ ] { } < > |")))) (defun tec/tex-open-delim-from-char (&optional open-char) "Find the associated opening delim as string" (unless open-char (setq open-char (if (eql ?. tec/tex-last-delim-char) tec/tex-delim-dot-second tec/tex-last-delim-char))) (pcase open-char (?\( "(") (?9 "(") (?\[ "[") (?\{ "\\{") (?< "<") (?| (if tec/tex-delim-dot-second "." "|")) (_ "."))) (defun tec/tex-close-delim-from-char (&optional open-char) "Find the associated closing delim as string" (if tec/tex-delim-dot-second (pcase tec/tex-delim-dot-second (?\) ")") (?0 ")") (?\] "]") (?\} "\\}") (?\> ">") (?| "|") (_ ".")) (pcase (or open-char tec/tex-last-delim-char) (?\( ")") (?9 ")") (?\[ "]") (?\{ "\\}") (?< ">") (?\) ")") (?0 ")") (?\] "]") (?\} "\\}") (?\> ">") (?| "|") (_ ".")))) (defun tec/tex-next-char-smart-close-delim (&optional open-char) (and (bound-and-true-p smartparens-mode) (eql (char-after) (pcase (or open-char tec/tex-last-delim-char) (?\( ?\)) (?\[ ?\]) (?{ ?}) (?< ?>))))) (defun tec/tex-delim-yas-expand (&optional open-char) (yas-expand-snippet (yas-lookup-snippet "_deliminators" 'latex-mode) (point) (+ (point) (if (tec/tex-next-char-smart-close-delim open-char) 2 1))))) (after! latex (setcar (assoc "⋆" LaTeX-fold-math-spec-list) "★")) ;; make \star bigger (setq TeX-fold-math-spec-list `(;; missing/better symbols ("≤" ("le")) ("≥" ("ge")) ("≠" ("ne")) ;; convenience shorts -- these don't work nicely ATM ;; ("‹" ("left")) ;; ("›" ("right")) ;; private macros ("ℝ" ("RR")) ("ℕ" ("NN")) ("ℤ" ("ZZ")) ("ℚ" ("QQ")) ("ℂ" ("CC")) ("ℙ" ("PP")) ("ℍ" ("HH")) ("𝔼" ("EE")) ("𝑑" ("dd")) ;; known commands ("" ("phantom")) (,(lambda (num den) (if (and (TeX-string-single-token-p num) (TeX-string-single-token-p den)) (concat num "/" den) (concat "❪" num "/" den "❫"))) ("frac")) (,(lambda (arg) (concat "√" (TeX-fold-parenthesize-as-necessary arg))) ("sqrt")) (,(lambda (arg) (concat "⭡" (TeX-fold-parenthesize-as-necessary arg))) ("vec")) ("‘{1}’" ("text")) ;; private commands ("|{1}|" ("abs")) ("‖{1}‖" ("norm")) ("⌊{1}⌋" ("floor")) ("⌈{1}⌉" ("ceil")) ("⌊{1}⌉" ("round")) ("𝑑{1}/𝑑{2}" ("dv")) ("∂{1}/∂{2}" ("pdv")) ;; fancification ("{1}" ("mathrm")) (,(lambda (word) (string-offset-roman-chars 119743 word)) ("mathbf")) (,(lambda (word) (string-offset-roman-chars 119951 word)) ("mathcal")) (,(lambda (word) (string-offset-roman-chars 120003 word)) ("mathfrak")) (,(lambda (word) (string-offset-roman-chars 120055 word)) ("mathbb")) (,(lambda (word) (string-offset-roman-chars 120159 word)) ("mathsf")) (,(lambda (word) (string-offset-roman-chars 120367 word)) ("mathtt")) ) TeX-fold-macro-spec-list '( ;; as the defaults ("[f]" ("footnote" "marginpar")) ("[c]" ("cite")) ("[l]" ("label")) ("[r]" ("ref" "pageref" "eqref")) ("[i]" ("index" "glossary")) ("..." ("dots")) ("{1}" ("emph" "textit" "textsl" "textmd" "textrm" "textsf" "texttt" "textbf" "textsc" "textup")) ;; tweaked defaults ("©" ("copyright")) ("®" ("textregistered")) ("™" ("texttrademark")) ("[1]:||►" ("item")) ("❡❡ {1}" ("part" "part*")) ("❡ {1}" ("chapter" "chapter*")) ("§ {1}" ("section" "section*")) ("§§ {1}" ("subsection" "subsection*")) ("§§§ {1}" ("subsubsection" "subsubsection*")) ("¶ {1}" ("paragraph" "paragraph*")) ("¶¶ {1}" ("subparagraph" "subparagraph*")) ;; extra ("⬖ {1}" ("begin")) ("⬗ {1}" ("end")) )) (defun string-offset-roman-chars (offset word) "Shift the codepoint of each character in WORD by OFFSET with an extra -6 shift if the letter is lowercase" (apply 'string (mapcar (lambda (c) (string-offset-apply-roman-char-exceptions (+ (if (>= c 97) (- c 6) c) offset))) word))) (defvar string-offset-roman-char-exceptions '(;; lowercase serif (119892 . 8462) ; ℎ ;; lowercase caligraphic (119994 . 8495) ; ℯ (119996 . 8458) ; ℊ (120004 . 8500) ; ℴ ;; caligraphic (119965 . 8492) ; ℬ (119968 . 8496) ; ℰ (119969 . 8497) ; ℱ (119971 . 8459) ; ℋ (119972 . 8464) ; ℐ (119975 . 8466) ; ℒ (119976 . 8499) ; ℳ (119981 . 8475) ; ℛ ;; fraktur (120070 . 8493) ; ℭ (120075 . 8460) ; ℌ (120076 . 8465) ; ℑ (120085 . 8476) ; ℜ (120092 . 8488) ; ℨ ;; blackboard (120122 . 8450) ; ℂ (120127 . 8461) ; ℍ (120133 . 8469) ; ℕ (120135 . 8473) ; ℙ (120136 . 8474) ; ℚ (120137 . 8477) ; ℝ (120145 . 8484) ; ℤ ) "An alist of deceptive codepoints, and then where the glyph actually resides.") (defun string-offset-apply-roman-char-exceptions (char) "Sometimes the codepoint doesn't contain the char you expect. Such special cases should be remapped to another value, as given in `string-offset-roman-char-exceptions'." (if (assoc char string-offset-roman-char-exceptions) (cdr (assoc char string-offset-roman-char-exceptions)) char)) (defun TeX-fold-parenthesize-as-necessary (tokens &optional suppress-left suppress-right) "Add ❪ ❫ parenthesis as if multiple LaTeX tokens appear to be present" (if (TeX-string-single-token-p tokens) tokens (concat (if suppress-left "" "❪") tokens (if suppress-right "" "❫")))) (defun TeX-string-single-token-p (teststring) "Return t if TESTSTRING appears to be a single token, nil otherwise" (if (string-match-p "^\\\\?\\w+$" teststring) t nil)) (after! tex (map! :map LaTeX-mode-map :ei [C-return] #'LaTeX-insert-item) (setq TeX-electric-math '("\\(" . ""))) ;; Making \( \) less visible (defface unimportant-latex-face '((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face :weight extra-light)) "Face used to make \\(\\), \\[\\] less visible." :group 'LaTeX-math) (font-lock-add-keywords 'latex-mode `(("\\\\[]()[]" 0 'unimportant-latex-face prepend)) 'end) ;; (font-lock-add-keywords ;; 'latex-mode ;; '(("\\\\[[:word:]]+" 0 'font-lock-keyword-face prepend)) ;; 'end) (setq preview-LaTeX-command '("%`%l \"\\nonstopmode\\nofiles\ \\PassOptionsToPackage{" ("," . preview-required-option-list) "}{preview}\ \\AtBeginDocument{\\ifx\\ifPreview\\undefined" preview-default-preamble "\\fi}\"%' \"\\detokenize{\" %t \"}\"")) (after! cdlatex (setq cdlatex-env-alist '(("bmatrix" "\\begin{bmatrix}\n?\n\\end{bmatrix}" nil) ("equation*" "\\begin{equation*}\n?\n\\end{equation*}" nil))) (setq ;; cdlatex-math-symbol-prefix ?\; ;; doesn't work at the moment :( cdlatex-math-symbol-alist '( ;; adding missing functions to 3rd level symbols (?_ ("\\downarrow" "" "\\inf")) (?2 ("^2" "\\sqrt{?}" "" )) (?3 ("^3" "\\sqrt[3]{?}" "" )) (?^ ("\\uparrow" "" "\\sup")) (?k ("\\kappa" "" "\\ker")) (?m ("\\mu" "" "\\lim")) (?c ("" "\\circ" "\\cos")) (?d ("\\delta" "\\partial" "\\dim")) (?D ("\\Delta" "\\nabla" "\\deg")) ;; no idea why \Phi isnt on 'F' in first place, \phi is on 'f'. (?F ("\\Phi")) ;; now just convenience (?. ("\\cdot" "\\dots")) (?: ("\\vdots" "\\ddots")) (?* ("\\times" "\\star" "\\ast"))) cdlatex-math-modify-alist '( ;; my own stuff (?B "\\mathbb" nil t nil nil) (?a "\\abs" nil t nil nil)))) (after! tex (add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-list '("Evince" "evince %o")) (add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-selection '(output-pdf "Evince"))) (when (>= emacs-major-version 28) (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook #'TeX-latex-mode)) (provide 'config-latex)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg LAAS ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `laas-tex-fold-maybe'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-laas" config) (use-package! laas :hook (LaTeX-mode . laas-mode) :config (defun laas-tex-fold-maybe () (unless (equal "/" aas-transient-snippet-key) (+latex-fold-last-macro-a))) (add-hook 'aas-post-snippet-expand-hook #'laas-tex-fold-maybe)) (provide 'config--pkg-laas)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg pdftotext ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-pdftotext" config) (use-package! pdftotext :init (unless (display-graphic-p) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[pP][dD][fF]\\'" . pdftotext-mode)) (add-to-list 'magic-mode-alist '("%PDF" . pdftotext-mode))) :config (unless (display-graphic-p) (after! pdf-tools (pdftotext-install))) ;; For prettyness (add-hook 'pdftotext-mode-hook #'spell-fu-mode-disable) (add-hook 'pdftotext-mode-hook (lambda () (page-break-lines-mode 1))) ;; I have no idea why this is needed (map! :map pdftotext-mode-map "<mouse-4>" (cmd! (scroll-down mouse-wheel-scroll-amount-horizontal)) "<mouse-5>" (cmd! (scroll-up mouse-wheel-scroll-amount-horizontal)))) (provide 'config--pkg-pdftotext)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; R lang ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: r-lang" config) (after! ess-r-mode (appendq! +ligatures-extra-symbols '(:assign "⟵" :multiply "×")) (set-ligatures! 'ess-r-mode ;; Functional :def "function" ;; Types :null "NULL" :true "TRUE" :false "FALSE" :int "int" :floar "float" :bool "bool" ;; Flow :not "!" :and "&&" :or "||" :for "for" :in "%in%" :return "return" ;; Other :assign "<-" :multiply "%*%")) (provide 'config-r-lang)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Julia ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("hook: julia" set-hooks) (with-eval-after-load 'julia-mode (confpkg-with-record '("load: julia" load-hooks) (add-to-list 'julia-font-lock-keywords '("^julia>" 0 '(font-lock-string-face bold) prepend)) (add-hook 'julia-mode-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode-enable) (add-hook! 'julia-mode-hook (setq-local lsp-enable-folding t lsp-folding-range-limit 100)) (provide 'config-julia)))) ;;:------------------------ ;;; conf-data-toml ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: conf-data-toml" config) (use-package! conf-data-toml :magic ("\\`data_config_version = [0-9]" . conf-data-toml-mode)) (provide 'config-conf-data-toml)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg graphviz-dot-mode ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-graphviz-dot-mode" config) (use-package! graphviz-dot-mode :commands graphviz-dot-mode :mode ("\\.dot\\'" . graphviz-dot-mode) :init (after! org (setcdr (assoc "dot" org-src-lang-modes) 'graphviz-dot))) (use-package! company-graphviz-dot :after graphviz-dot-mode) (provide 'config--pkg-graphviz-dot-mode)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; Markdown ;;:------------------------ (confpkg-with-record '("load: markdown" config) (add-hook! (gfm-mode markdown-mode) #'visual-line-mode #'turn-off-auto-fill) (custom-set-faces! '(markdown-header-face-1 :height 1.25 :weight extra-bold :inherit markdown-header-face) '(markdown-header-face-2 :height 1.15 :weight bold :inherit markdown-header-face) '(markdown-header-face-3 :height 1.08 :weight bold :inherit markdown-header-face) '(markdown-header-face-4 :height 1.00 :weight bold :inherit markdown-header-face) '(markdown-header-face-5 :height 0.90 :weight bold :inherit markdown-header-face) '(markdown-header-face-6 :height 0.75 :weight extra-bold :inherit markdown-header-face)) (provide 'config-markdown)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; !Pkg Beancount ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `beancount-bal'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: pkg-beancount" config) (use-package! beancount :mode ("\\.beancount\\'" . beancount-mode) :init (after! nerd-icons (add-to-list 'nerd-icons-extension-icon-alist '("beancount" nerd-icons-faicon "nf-fa-dollar" :face nerd-icons-lblue)) (add-to-list 'nerd-icons-mode-icon-alist '(beancount-mode nerd-icons-faicon "nf-fa-dollar" :face nerd-icons-lblue))) :config (setq beancount-electric-currency t) (defun beancount-bal () "Run bean-report bal." (interactive) (let ((compilation-read-command nil)) (beancount--run "bean-report" (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) "bal"))) (map! :map beancount-mode-map :n "TAB" #'beancount-align-to-previous-number :i "RET" (cmd! (newline-and-indent) (beancount-align-to-previous-number)))) (provide 'config--pkg-beancount)) ;;:------------------------ ;;; gimp-palette ;;:------------------------ ;; This block defines `gimp-palette-update-line' and ;; `gimp-palette-update-region'. (confpkg-with-record '("load: gimp-palette" config) (define-derived-mode gimp-palette-mode fundamental-mode "GIMP Palette" "A major mode for GIMP Palette (.gpl) files that keeps RGB and Hex colors in sync." (when (require 'rainbow-mode) (rainbow-mode 1)) (when (bound-and-true-p hl-line-mode) (hl-line-mode -1)) (add-hook 'after-change-functions #'gimp-palette-update-region nil t)) (defun gimp-palette-update-region (beg end &optional _) "Update each line between BEG and END with `gimp-palette-update-line'. If run interactively without a region set, the whole buffer is affected." (interactive (if (region-active-p) (list (region-beginning) (region-end)) (list (point-min) (point-max)))) (let ((marker (prepare-change-group))) (unwind-protect (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (while (< (point) end) (gimp-palette-update-line) (forward-line 1))) (undo-amalgamate-change-group marker)))) (defun gimp-palette-update-line () "Update the RGB and Hex colour codes on the current line. Whichever `point' is currently on is taken as the source of truth." (interactive) (let ((column (current-column)) (ipoint (point))) (beginning-of-line) (when (and (re-search-forward "\\=\\([0-9 ]*\\)\\(#[0-9A-Fa-f]\\{6\\}\\)" nil t) (<= column (length (match-string 0)))) (cond ((>= column (length (match-string 1))) ; Point in #HEX (cl-destructuring-bind (r g b) (color-name-to-rgb (match-string 2)) (replace-match (format "%3d %3d %3d " (round (* 255 r)) (round (* 255 g)) (round (* 255 b))) nil t nil 1))) ((string-match-p "\\`[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+\\'" (match-string 1)) ; Valid R G B (cl-destructuring-bind (r g b) (mapcar #'string-to-number (save-match-data (split-string (match-string 1) " +" t))) (replace-match (format "%3d %3d %3d " r g b) nil t nil 1) (replace-match (color-rgb-to-hex (/ r 255.0) (/ g 255.0) (/ b 255.0) 2) nil t nil 2))))) (goto-char ipoint))) (add-to-list 'magic-mode-alist (cons "\\`GIMP Palette\n" #'gimp-palette-mode)) (provide 'config-gimp-palette)) (confpkg-finish-record 'config) ;;; config.el ends here