;;; config--pkg-org-modern.el --- Generated package (no.61) from my config -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2024 TEC ;; ;; Author: TEC <https://code.tecosaur.net/tec> ;; Maintainer: TEC <contact@tecosaur.net> ;; Created: June 26, 2024 ;; Modified: June 26, 2024 ;; Version: 2024.06.26 ;; Homepage: https://code.tecosaur.net/tec/emacs-config ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.1")) ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Generated package (no.61) from my config. ;; ;; During generation, dependency on other aspects of my configuration and ;; packages is inferred via (regexp-based) static analysis. While this seems ;; to do a good job, this method is imperfect. This code likely depends on ;; utilities provided by Doom, and if you try to run it in isolation you may ;; discover the code makes more assumptions. ;; ;; That said, I've found pretty good results so far. ;; ;; Package statement: ;; (package! org-modern :pin "98532cd61795f3f41fffe7d4f0fa4021d8c73ffa") ;; ;;; Code: (use-package! org-modern :hook (org-mode . org-modern-mode) :config (setq org-modern-star '("◉" "○" "✸" "✿" "✤" "✜" "◆" "▶") org-modern-table-vertical 1 org-modern-table-horizontal 0.2 org-modern-list '((43 . "➤") (45 . "–") (42 . "•")) org-modern-todo-faces '(("TODO" :inverse-video t :inherit org-todo) ("PROJ" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-project) ("STRT" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-active) ("[-]" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-active) ("HOLD" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-onhold) ("WAIT" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-onhold) ("[?]" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-onhold) ("KILL" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-cancel) ("NO" :inverse-video t :inherit +org-todo-cancel)) org-modern-footnote (cons nil (cadr org-script-display)) org-modern-block-fringe nil org-modern-block-name '((t . t) ("src" "»" "«") ("example" "»–" "–«") ("quote" "❝" "❞") ("export" "⏩" "⏪")) org-modern-progress nil org-modern-priority nil org-modern-horizontal-rule (make-string 36 ?─) org-modern-keyword '((t . t) ("title" . "𝙏") ("subtitle" . "𝙩") ("author" . "𝘼") ("email" . "") ("date" . "𝘿") ("property" . "") ("options" . #("" 0 1 (display (height 0.75)))) ("startup" . "⏻") ("macro" . "𝓜") ("bind" . "") ("bibliography" . "") ("print_bibliography" . "") ("cite_export" . "⮭") ("print_glossary" . "ᴬᶻ") ("glossary_sources" . "") ("include" . "⇤") ("setupfile" . "⇚") ("html_head" . "🅷") ("html" . "🅗") ("latex_class" . "🄻") ("latex_class_options" . "🄻") ("latex_header" . "🅻") ("latex_header_extra" . "🅻⁺") ("latex" . "🅛") ("beamer_theme" . "🄱") ("beamer_color_theme" . "🄱") ("beamer_font_theme" . "🄱𝐀") ("beamer_header" . "🅱") ("beamer" . "🅑") ("attr_latex" . "🄛") ("attr_html" . "🄗") ("attr_org" . "⒪") ("call" . "") ("name" . "⁍") ("header" . "›") ("caption" . "☰") ("results" . "🠶"))) (custom-set-faces! '(org-modern-statistics :inherit org-checkbox-statistics-todo))) (after! spell-fu (cl-pushnew 'org-modern-tag (alist-get 'org-mode +spell-excluded-faces-alist))) (provide 'config--pkg-org-modern) ;;; config--pkg-org-modern.el ends here