;;; config-ebooks.el --- Generated package (no.55) from my config -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2024 TEC
;; Author: TEC <https://code.tecosaur.net/tec>
;; Maintainer: TEC <contact@tecosaur.net>
;; Created: June 26, 2024
;; Modified: June 26, 2024
;; Version: 2024.06.26
;; Homepage: https://code.tecosaur.net/tec/emacs-config
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.1"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;;  Generated package (no.55) from my config.
;;  During generation, dependency on other aspects of my configuration and
;;  packages is inferred via (regexp-based) static analysis.  While this seems
;;  to do a good job, this method is imperfect.  This code likely depends on
;;  utilities provided by Doom, and if you try to run it in isolation you may
;;  discover the code makes more assumptions.
;;  That said, I've found pretty good results so far.
;;  Package statement:
;;   (package! calibredb :pin "124c916f203511c64d03fac28d303dfb102a6ead")
;;  Package statement:
;;   (package! nov :pin "cc31ce0356226c3a2128119b08de6107e38fdd17")
;;; Code:

(use-package! calibredb
  :commands calibredb
  (setq calibredb-root-dir "~/.local/share/calibre-library"
        calibredb-db-dir (expand-file-name "metadata.db" calibredb-root-dir))
  (map! :map calibredb-show-mode-map
        :ne "?" #'calibredb-entry-dispatch
        :ne "o" #'calibredb-find-file
        :ne "O" #'calibredb-find-file-other-frame
        :ne "V" #'calibredb-open-file-with-default-tool
        :ne "s" #'calibredb-set-metadata-dispatch
        :ne "e" #'calibredb-export-dispatch
        :ne "q" #'calibredb-entry-quit
        :ne "." #'calibredb-open-dired
        :ne [tab] #'calibredb-toggle-view-at-point
        :ne "M-t" #'calibredb-set-metadata--tags
        :ne "M-a" #'calibredb-set-metadata--author_sort
        :ne "M-A" #'calibredb-set-metadata--authors
        :ne "M-T" #'calibredb-set-metadata--title
        :ne "M-c" #'calibredb-set-metadata--comments)
  (map! :map calibredb-search-mode-map
        :ne [mouse-3] #'calibredb-search-mouse
        :ne "RET" #'calibredb-find-file
        :ne "?" #'calibredb-dispatch
        :ne "a" #'calibredb-add
        :ne "A" #'calibredb-add-dir
        :ne "c" #'calibredb-clone
        :ne "d" #'calibredb-remove
        :ne "D" #'calibredb-remove-marked-items
        :ne "j" #'calibredb-next-entry
        :ne "k" #'calibredb-previous-entry
        :ne "l" #'calibredb-virtual-library-list
        :ne "L" #'calibredb-library-list
        :ne "n" #'calibredb-virtual-library-next
        :ne "N" #'calibredb-library-next
        :ne "p" #'calibredb-virtual-library-previous
        :ne "P" #'calibredb-library-previous
        :ne "s" #'calibredb-set-metadata-dispatch
        :ne "S" #'calibredb-switch-library
        :ne "o" #'calibredb-find-file
        :ne "O" #'calibredb-find-file-other-frame
        :ne "v" #'calibredb-view
        :ne "V" #'calibredb-open-file-with-default-tool
        :ne "." #'calibredb-open-dired
        :ne "b" #'calibredb-catalog-bib-dispatch
        :ne "e" #'calibredb-export-dispatch
        :ne "r" #'calibredb-search-refresh-and-clear-filter
        :ne "R" #'calibredb-search-clear-filter
        :ne "q" #'calibredb-search-quit
        :ne "m" #'calibredb-mark-and-forward
        :ne "f" #'calibredb-toggle-favorite-at-point
        :ne "x" #'calibredb-toggle-archive-at-point
        :ne "h" #'calibredb-toggle-highlight-at-point
        :ne "u" #'calibredb-unmark-and-forward
        :ne "i" #'calibredb-edit-annotation
        :ne "DEL" #'calibredb-unmark-and-backward
        :ne [backtab] #'calibredb-toggle-view
        :ne [tab] #'calibredb-toggle-view-at-point
        :ne "M-n" #'calibredb-show-next-entry
        :ne "M-p" #'calibredb-show-previous-entry
        :ne "/" #'calibredb-search-live-filter
        :ne "M-t" #'calibredb-set-metadata--tags
        :ne "M-a" #'calibredb-set-metadata--author_sort
        :ne "M-A" #'calibredb-set-metadata--authors
        :ne "M-T" #'calibredb-set-metadata--title
        :ne "M-c" #'calibredb-set-metadata--comments))

(use-package! nov
  :mode ("\\.epub\\'" . nov-mode)
  (map! :map nov-mode-map
        :n "RET" #'nov-scroll-up)

  (advice-add 'nov-render-title :override #'ignore)

  (defun +nov-mode-setup ()
    "Tweak nov-mode to our liking."
    (face-remap-add-relative 'variable-pitch
                             :family "Merriweather"
                             :height 1.4
                             :width 'semi-expanded)
    (face-remap-add-relative 'default :height 1.3)
    (variable-pitch-mode 1)
    (setq-local line-spacing 0.2
                next-screen-context-lines 4
                shr-use-colors nil)
    (when (require 'visual-fill-column nil t)
      (setq-local visual-fill-column-center-text t
                  visual-fill-column-width 64
                  nov-text-width 106)
      (visual-fill-column-mode 1))
    (when (featurep 'hl-line-mode)
      (hl-line-mode -1))
    ;; Re-render with new display settings
    ;; Look up words with the dictionary.
    (add-to-list '+lookup-definition-functions #'+lookup/dictionary-definition))

  (add-hook 'nov-mode-hook #'+nov-mode-setup))

(after! doom-modeline
  (defvar doom-modeline-nov-title-max-length 40)
  (doom-modeline-def-segment nov-author
     (cdr (assoc 'creator nov-metadata))
     'face (doom-modeline-face 'doom-modeline-project-parent-dir)))
  (doom-modeline-def-segment nov-title
    (let ((title (or (cdr (assoc 'title nov-metadata)) "")))
      (if (<= (length title) doom-modeline-nov-title-max-length)
          (concat " " title)
         (concat " " (truncate-string-to-width title doom-modeline-nov-title-max-length nil nil t))
         'help-echo title))))
  (doom-modeline-def-segment nov-current-page
    (let ((words (count-words (point-min) (point-max))))
       (format " %d/%d"
               (1+ nov-documents-index)
               (length nov-documents))
       'face (doom-modeline-face 'doom-modeline-info)
       'help-echo (if (= words 1) "1 word in this chapter"
                    (format "%s words in this chapter" words)))))
  (doom-modeline-def-segment scroll-percentage-subtle
     (propertize (format-mode-line '("" doom-modeline-percent-position "%%"))
                 'face (doom-modeline-face 'shadow)
                 'help-echo "Buffer percentage")))

  (doom-modeline-def-modeline 'nov
    '(workspace-name window-number nov-author nov-title nov-current-page scroll-percentage-subtle)
    '(media-player misc-info major-mode time))

  (add-to-list 'doom-modeline-mode-alist '(nov-mode . nov)))

(provide 'config-ebooks)
;;; config-ebooks.el ends here